Larisa Cadochov - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Larisa Cadochov, like her classmate Tatyana Besseva, the main roles played in his youth. Fate actresses are similar to the fact that, in the head of his head, many men, ladies who preserve the creative longevity, did not acquire children.

Childhood and youth

Larisa was born in 1937 in the family of an actress and a multiplier director. A year before the birth of the girl, her mother Nina Alisova played a brilliance played by the heroine of Alexander Ostrovsky Larisa Ogudalov in the film by Jacob Protazanov and called the daughter in honor of the character. It is curious that thanks to the younger brother, the Soviet spectator met with another version of the "idiot" - the operator took a young Larisu Guzeyev for the camera in the film Eldar Ryazanov "Cruel Romance".

As a child, Larisa dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but did not pass on health - when the girl was rotated, the head was spinning. She easily entered the forge of cinematographers. Cadochnaya's classmates, besides Besareva, were Leonid Kuravlev and Sophico Chiahoolel, after 25 years old who met the TV film "Look for a woman."

Personal life

In his youth, the actress survived a passionate novel with Ilya Glazunov and made 2 abortion from painter. No matter how paradoxically, with the beloved, Kadochikov met, thanks to the wife of an artist Nina Vinogradova Benoit, who gave Mother Larisa invitation tickets to the exhibition of her husband.

Seeing the girl of a little growth with huge black eyes, glazing offered beauty to become his model. For 3 years, Ilya has turned for Larisa in a deity. To heal the girl from a detrimental passion, the mother tied the actress to the bed and did not let go on dates.

In order to forget Ilya, Kadoychov married Yuri Ilyenko and left to live in Kiev. However, to give birth to children whom the husband wanted, Larisa could not, and the marriage ended with divorce and litigation because of the apartment. Happiness in the personal life of the actress found with the second spouse - director of the Theater named after Lesia Ukrainka Mikhail Sanchuk, who left for the Kadochnika from the family.

Now you can travel the widow continues to receive offers of hands and hearts. To maintain the beauty of the skin of Larisa Valentinovna makes masks from market curd with sour cream and looks almost as in the early photos. The actress regrets that she has no children and that she did not go around the whole world.


In the filmography of Larisa Kadochnikova there are 2 paintings-biographies. In each of them, the actress played the spouse of the main character. In the debut belt "Vasily Surikov" Larisa reincarnated to the wife of the Russian painter Elizaveu Augustus. Two actors from the future Gaidaevskaya Trinity participated in the film: Yevgeny Morgunov starred in the episodic role of the Commandant of the Snow Town, and Georgy Vicin embodied the image of Ilya Repin.

In the removed 20 years after the "Vasily Surikov", the film "Takeoff" of Savoyov, the will of the director Savva Kulishov turned into a wife Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - Varvaru Evgrafovna. The creator of theoretical cosmonautics was played by the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. The film was decorated with the music of Oleg Kawaychuk.

In the youth of Larisa played in two tapes directed by Mikhail Swituer. In the painting "Michman Panin", the actress got an episodic, but the bright role of Josephine. Two legends of the Soviet cinema played in the film - the future Stirlitz Vyacheslav Tikhonov and the creator of the Petka's image in Chapaev Leonid Kmiti, as well as a classmate Kadochnika Kuravlev.

In the Swiss screening of "Resurrection", Kadochovov performed a small role of Dychihi. In the film "Newton's street, Larisa, Larisa played his namesake and met the future husband Yuri Ilenenko, engaged in the main role of Student Timofey Svhnev.

Ilyonko worked as an operator in the main film of the Kadochnika "Shadow of the forgotten ancestors" Sergey Parajanov, in which Tatyana Bestaeva also played, and removed the spouse in his film "White Bird with Black Mallated". Both tapes were made by the Kiev film studio Alexander Dovzhenko and filled with the Ukrainian ethnic.

Larisa Shatokova now

Now Kadochikov plays the main roles in the performances of the Lesia Theater Ukrainka "Actress are always eighteen", "Angel, or sex neurosis of our parents", "mocking my happiness", and also occupied in the formulation of the "Mrs. Minister". In 2018, the artist was filmed in the episode of the Russian TV series "Travel to the Center for the Soul." Larisa Valentinovna creates paintings, expressing in the drawings unrealized creative impulses.

Cadochovova - a welcome guest on Ukrainian television. In September 2018, Natalia Khokhlova-Pokrovskaya was talked at Odessa "Media Inform" with Larisa Valentinovna. In March 2019, the actress became the guest of the program "For" on the fifth channel of television of Ukraine. The dialogue with the novel of the seagull was in two languages: the lead asked questions in Ukrainian, Larisa Valentinovna responded in Russian.


  • 1959 - "Vasily Surikov"
  • 1960 - "Michman Panin"
  • 1960 - "Resurrection"
  • 1963 - "Newton Street, House 1"
  • 1964 - "Time, Forward!"
  • 1971 - "White Bird with Black Mounting"
  • 1975 - "On the edge of the world"
  • 1979 - "Take off"
  • 1980 - "Black chicken or underground residents"
  • 1982 - "Let it speak"
  • 1986 - "Blue Rose"
  • 2005 - "Seventh Heaven"
  • 2009 - "Surprise!"
  • 2014 - "Turkish Transit"
  • 2018 - "Journey to the center of the Soul"

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