Year of the metal rat 2020: what will be, color, horoscope, characteristic


Yellow Earthy Pig gradually goes into the past. "Relay" takes rats. As is clear on the eastern calendar, its color is white metal. The hostess of the year has both positive and negative sides of the nature. Despite the fact that the year leap, in general it will be positive, but get ready for a number of dangers.

What will be 2020 - in the material 24cm.


In the year of the rat, all representatives of the Company are tired of routine in a relationship, but it is worth understanding that this is part of the usual flow of life. The best way to get rid of this unpleasant feeling is to catch a positive from every minute spent in the company of your loved one, even if the time passes for ordinary home affairs.

Another important point is to rest apart from each other. Let's be the second half to be alone with you, walk with friends or just linger at work to dilute weekdays. The element of the metal will make people more stringent, demanding and straightforward, which can cause conflicts with surrounding and relatives.

Relations and family in 2020

If you think about the birth of a child in the 2020th, you can be sure that the baby will be talented, heter and smartly, like a rat, which, according to legend, the first reached the jade emperor to the riding on the bull.

This characteristic does not necessarily have to fully correspond to reality. Much depends on the upbringing and society in which the child will grow.


Element of metal inclines people to hard and decisive actions in career questions. This is time for risk, unexpected initiatives. How justified they will be - depends on the situation. Although the totem of the 2020-th - rat, which is distinguished by cunning, and at the head of the 12-year cycle on the Chinese calendar, is not at all honest way, its color is white, which implies some idealism, purity of thoughts, hardness and disadvadance.

Career in 2020

In some situations, these qualities will help climb the top of the career ladder. However, there are a lot of those who want to achieve success to a simpler way - to go through their heads. Try to act carefully, carefully weigh every decision, think sensitly and look after your colleagues.


Horoscope Health for the new 2020 will not too much please representatives of the element of fire ( Aries, Leo, Sagittarius ). As a rule, these individuals are dynamic, can not sit still, rarely control their own actions and do not differ at all care. In a leap year for these signs, the zodiac will increase the risk of injury, so it is important to behave as careful.

Zodiac signs representing an earthy element ( Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo ), It is important to unload at work in 2020 or at least adjust your own power chart. Permanent snacks due to employment negatively affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Health Horoscope for 2020

Air representatives ( Scales, Aquarius, Gemini ) It is recommended to engage in the strengthening of immunity. Your main threat in 2020 is viral diseases. Do not neglect the products containing vitamins, more often walk in the fresh air. Also pay attention to the possible problems of the musculoskeletal system and refuse indiscriminate sexual relations in favor of constancy.

Cancer, scorpions and fish belonging to the elements of water, there will be two main problems: patients with teeth, as well as endless fatigue and drowsiness. If in the first case you can simply get courage to visit the dentist, then in the second we are talking about the full adjustment of the routine of the day, if not the way of life as a whole.

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?


What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In England, Santa Claus is called Father Christmas (or Phaser of Christmas), which means "Father Christmas".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 0 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Kerbo - Uzbek Santa Claus. He rides a donkey, dressed in a striped bathrobe and a red tubeette.

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - one
What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 1 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

The Chinese Santa Claus has a lot of names, but the main thing is the Shan Tribute Laughz (he is the dun chen la Ren or Shao Hin). And translates as "dad".

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 2.
What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 2 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Belorussian Santa Claus is called Zyuzya. And this is the only Santa Claus, whom Lysim and Bick are depicted!

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 3.
What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 3 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

The Estonian brother of Santa Claus is called Yuluwan, which means "Christmas old man." Gnomes and wife are helping to him - Mother Winter.

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 4th background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Georgian Santa Claus wears the proud name of Tovlis Baboua (in Western Georgia) and Tovlis Dad (in Eastern), which means "Snow Grandfather."

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 5 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Sinterklaas congratulates children in the Netherlands and Belgium. Sinterklaas translates as "Saint Nicholas".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 6 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In France, Santa Claus alignively translates as "Father of Christmas", and his name is Par Noel. He walks everywhere with Shaland, who helps him with gifts.

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 7.
What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 7 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Dzmer Papy (Literally "Wima-grandfather") or Cachland Papy (literally "Grandfather of the New Year") - Armenian Santa Claus. He is accompanied by Dzununushik (literally "Snow Sweet").

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 8 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In Finland, children congratulate Joulupukka. If you translate literally, then Joulupukki means "Christmas Kozl".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 9 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In Japan, the holiday is managed by Segatsu-San (in translation means "Mr. January"). He does not give gifts, because in Japan there is a tradition that their parents give them themselves.

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 10 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?


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