Moana (Character) - pictures, history, cartoon, princess, Walt Disney


Character History

Moana - Disney Princess and the main character in the cartoon eponymous. Brave, brave and incredibly beautiful girl open the audience the curtain in the ancient world of Maori people. Myths, traditions, legends and customs intertwined with the heroic adventures of "not princesses" and became another "pearl" studio Walt Disney.

History of character creation

The cartoon "Moana" became the second, which covered the extraordinary life of the peoples of Polynesia after "Lilo and Stich". This time, the scenarios, despite the genre of Fantasy, decided to portray as much as possible the real life and customs of Maori, for which an expedition was organized on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

The prototype of the dark-skinned beauty was those Puea Hayrangi - Princess of the people of Maori, saving him from hunger and extinction. Despite the fact that she was the leadership of the inhabitants of the island, which was called "Vikings of the Pacific Ocean," she herself never swam on a boat.

Heranges brought up from childhood as a future heiress, forcing the traditions of the traditions and laws of the tribe. As in the cartoon, Maori became less due to poverty and limitations in land resources.

Only at 28 years old, those Puea decided to become a full-fledged government and fight for the welfare of the people. The first campaign was against a long relative - Maui Pomara, who occupied the key post in parliament and was going to send Maori's men to the first world war in support of the British Empire. Herangi opposed such a decision, so it was announced by the traitor, which tightened the living conditions for people even more.

However, after the "Spaniard" influenza began to mantle the rows of the military, the princess sheltered hundreds of orphaned children than caused by the delight of the New Zealand Prime Minister. The inhabitants of the island began to allocate land, and also helped in the construction of hostels for workers. The princess achieved an extensive plot and founded a huge farm, thus deciding the problem with hunger.

For such achievements, Puea Huragi was awarded the Medals of the King George, as well as the Order of the British Empire. The young government was able to ensure the prosperity of his people, reviving cultural traditions and customs.

This story went on the basis of the cartoon story. Brave Moana, like her prototype, often stated in an animation tape that she was not a princess. The character of the brave girl, who had to go through a series of difficulties for the prosperity of Maori, while not counting the true queen, as accurately described in the animated picture.

The appearance of the heroine, despite the similarity with the voiced Aulia voiced, was not written off with the actress, because listening was passed after the alignment of the image. Russian dubbing belongs to Zinaide Kupriyanovich, she also performed the soundtrack "What is waiting for me?". Other songs to the cartoon sound performed by Ilya Lagutenko, Julianna Karaulova, Denis Klyaver and other famous Russian artists.

The fate of Princess Moana

The name of the heroine in translation means "ocean". The girl since childhood dreams of distant swimming, but her father, the leader of the Tui, carefully protects the daughter from unjustified risk. He himself lost a friend after he got into the storm, swimming for reef. The only person who supports the young heiress in the desire to explore long-distance land, - Grandma Tala. She advises granddaughter to go in search of the ancient demigod Maui, who stole the heart of those fithers - mother of the islands.

Meanwhile, Moana notes that the trees give less fruit, and fishermen return without catch. It becomes clear that people begin to starve and it's time for cardinal measures. She offers the Father to fish for reef, but the leader is adamant. After the death of Moana's grandmother, it is decided to go in advance of the established polls.

Herbraching heirs floats into the ocean on the catamaran, involuntarily taking with her a hey-hey rooster, and falls into the storm. By a happy coincidence, it puts it to the place where she meets with the demigod Maui. By the way, the image of this character is written off from Duin Douglas Johnson, especially the Mimic movements. The girl says that her people dies due to the fact that they lost the hearts by those fitness.

But Maui believes that he became a hero, taking the artifact. Thus, a self-love man says, he gave people power over life. Without coming in opinion, the demigod locks the girl in the cave, and he himself tries to float from the island on the boat. But Moan manages to catch up with a fugitive, where the power of the ocean helps.

Suddenly, pirates are attacked. Randomly silly rooster swallows the heart of those fitness. Seeing this, robbers - living coconuts, kidnap the animal, but the black princess frees the pet and leaves Maui on a journey.

She tries to convince the cargo character that he will become a hero if it allows the heart of the ocean to return to the place. Nothing, but Maui agrees, arguing that this will require a magic hook. New friends go to the island where the monster lives is a huge crab named Tamatoa, who seized the personal thing of the demigod.

Heroes manage to deceive the terrible beast, slipping him fake heart ocean. Casting a magic hook, Moana and Maui run away. On the boat, the demigod discovers that his artifact does not work as it should. The problem, as the girl finds out, is a man in childhood. Being a boy, he was thrown by his parents and saved by the gods who gave him this magic subject. Since then, Maui tries to earn their parents in everything. The girl convinces a friend that his acts are caused by the sincere bearing of the heart, and not the desire to like. It gives the power of Hedbug, and he again feels the ability to apply in different animals.

At the end of the cartoon Moana, he guesses that the evil demon those ka, a thunderstorm of island residents, and there is a goddess of life those fitness. Returning to her artifact, the heirs returns home. Now the people of Maori learns navalism, restores fisheries, and the new leader organizes a fleet to master new lands.


  • 2016 - "Moana"

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