Susan Collins - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Fans of the trilogy "Hungry Games" are obliged to her appearance of American Susan Collins. Other works came from under the pen prozhaika and the screenwriter, but it was the novels about the brave chickens Everdin who did the name writer and brought world glory. Books have become bestsellers in different countries, and the author is the owner of prestigious awards and titles.

Childhood and youth

Susan was born in a cozy village Sandy Hook, Connecticut, in 1962. Driving around all childhood east of the USA, Canada and Europe, the inquisitive and active girl absorbed the paintings of the surrounding world and acquainted with new people. The family represented the military dynasty: his father was a lieutenant colonel of the Air Force, Grandfather and Uncle participated in hostilities. The Topics of War and the history of Collins invariably treated with respectful interest. After resigning, his father even taught this discipline in college.

Susan chose elegant art as a call, becoming a student of New York University. Having received a master's degree, the girl continued to education at the University of Indiana, where he became a specialist in the field of telecommunications and theater. So the further fate of Collins was determined, which she decided to connect with television. Since 1991, a woman has become working in the scenic department of children's programs, creating such projects as the "generation Oh!", "Clarissa knows everything", "Mysterious business Shelby Wu."

Susan was able and loved to compose for children, but he did not think about the career of the writer, while the children's author of James Putyos did not convince her to take it on this matter. The man was convinced that Collins could create a full-fascinating book.

Personal life

Personal life of the writer was no less successful than professional. With her husband Charles, she brought up two children - Charlie and Isabella. The family now lives in Connecticut, where in a cozy house there is enough space for three cats, selected by the author on the street.


Collins writing Biography began with the creation of a children's book about Gregor aboveground in 2003. The debut exceeded expectations, and each next year comes out another volume about the adventures of the hero. Susan becomes a recognized children's author, continues to work on television, but dreams of reaching a more conscious audience.

She succeeds in 2008, when the bibliography is replenished with the novel "Hungry Games". It is addressed primarily to teenagers, but it turns out to be an interesting and adult audience. An anti-dust romance about the mortal fight on the departure instantly got into the lists of bestsellers, including the "New York Times" version. The book of 60 weeks lasted in the top, and the planned initially circulation of 50 thousand copies was constantly preprinted.

The success and interest of the public forced the author to take a continuation, and a year later it comes out "and flames will break out, which is also waiting for the favorabness of critics. The writer finishes the novel in such a way that readers remain to be inserted from impatience in anticipation of the following. "Soyuka-Peredashnitsa", published in 2010, became the third in chronology and completed the history of China.

Hollywood could not with indifference to take the success of the trilogy and in 2012 began to screen the bestsellers Collins, which in the cinematic equivalent became a commercial "bomb." The Susan itself worked on the script of films, speaking as a producer.

Since then, Susan wrote another book and dedicated to the Father. "Year of Jungle" published in 2013 and talks about the time spent by the Vietnam Air Force officer.

Susan Collins now

In June 2019, it became known that Collins again working on "hungry games." It seemed that the author would not return to the trilogy finished in 2010, but the fans are waiting for a surprise: Susan writes to the series. The action of the future novel takes place for 64 before the history of China begins, and talks about the period of "dark days", which occurred after a failed uprising in Pan.

While the book still has no name, but the release date has already been announced and scheduled for May 1920. The details of the plot and the details are held secret, but the fans are already looking forward to meetings with the author, where you can get answers to questions and make joint photos.


  • 2003 - Gregor Overhead
  • 2004 - "Gregor and Prophecy of Tour"
  • 2005 - "Gregor and Curse of warm-blood"
  • 2006 - "Gregor and the Secret Sign"
  • 2007 - "Gregor and Code Code"
  • 2008 - "Hungry Games"
  • 2009 - "And the flame will break up"
  • 2010 - "Soyuka-Peredashnitsa"
  • 2013 - "Year of Jungle"

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