What does husbands of writers look like: Russian, foreign, 2019, photo


Women authors are confident that muse, bringing inspiration, sits on the shoulder from the spouse. About husbands of writers, whose works are in demand, - in the editorial material 24cm.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Andrey Krasulin

Lyudmila Ulitskaya with her husband

According to bookmakers, Lyudmila Ulitskaya must lead the list of candidates for the Nobel Prize in 2019 literature. And although the award was received by another author, the books of streets continue to worry the imagination of connoisseurs of prose.

And opened the world to the writer, creating works in the traditions of the classic Russian novel of the XIX century, the third husband Lyudmila Ulitskaya sculptor Andrei Krasulin. The union of two creative people is still built on the inner freedom of spouses.

Daria and Alexander Dontsov

The love story of Daria and Alexander Donts began with the second meeting, because the first acquaintance was not impressed. According to the writer of an ironic detective, the husband not only helped defeat cancer, but also suggested writing the first book. Until now, Daria considers the spouse-academician smarter and addresses him by name-patronymic, emphasizing respect.

Joan Rowling and Neal Murray

Joan Rowling with her husband

The creator of Hogwarts Joan Rowling personal happiness "found": the husband became anesthesiologist Neil Murray, who is younger for 7 years. Looking at the writer's spouse, it becomes clear what Harry Potter looks like. Personal life A couple carefully protects from prying eyes, but interesting moments in the fate of a fairy tale can be seen on the pages of books.

Stephanie and Christian Mayer

Stephanie Meyer with her husband

The first time Stephanie and Christian saw each other at a church meeting. The stern religious charter of Mormonov decided the fate of two young people. Stephanie married, gave birth to three sons and became a housewife. Household routine forced a woman to seek inventory in writing the Saga "Twilight", dedicated to the love of the vampire and the death girl. And although the literary abilities Mayer criticize, adolescents are read out by foreign works of a desperate housewife.

Tatyana and Evgeny Ustinova

Tatyana Ustinova with her husband and son

Engineer-physicist Yevgeny Ustinov about the test of glory knows no obstacle. The creative success of the wife of Tatiana Ustinova served as a reason for the divorce in the family. Fortunately, the spouses thought and continue to work on relationships.

Gillian Flynn and Brett Nolan

Gillian Flinn with her husband

Each book Gillian Flynn is another reason to remove the thriller with Hollywood stars in high roles. The writer itself claims that he could not be engaged in creativity if it was married for a less successful person. With lawyer Brett Nolan, the author of bestsellers is married since 2007.

Elena Topilskaya and Maxim Esaulov

Elena Topilskaya with her husband

Russian authors in the photo are happy together. Having worked for several years in the prosecutor's office, Elena Topilskaya created the famous detectives telling about the everyday life of Maria Shvetsovoy, the fate of which was shielded in the series "Secrets of the investigation." The wife infected the literature and husband: Maxim Esaulov - the author of the novels and the scenario of the series "Mental Wars".

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