Princess Tiana (Character) - pictures, Walt Disney, Frog, Prince of Navin, Actress


Character History

Princess Tiana - the heroine of the popular cartoon "Princess and a frog" created by Walt Disney's studio in 2009. The girl immediately fell in love with the audience due to sincerity, tenderness, the ability to love and be friends, decisive character. Tiana continued a series of animated Disney films about princesses. Studio "Disney" for the first time in history presented the public an African American heroine. In addition, the female character was the second of the princesses of Walt Disney Pictures in a row, after Pokalontas, who was born in America.

History of character creation

The creators of the animation fairy tale initially conceived the heroine with another name - Maddy. But later the choice stopped at Tian. The image of the princess invented the artist of the Disney Studio Mark Henne. In an interview with the animator, he said that when creating a dark-skinned heroine, inspired by the images of other Disney Princesses - Ariel, Bell, Jasmine and others. Also, the feminine character has the features of two American stars - actresses Daniel Monet Troeer and singer Jennifer Hudson.

Tiana differs from the animation predecessors not only by the color of the skin, but also by character, looks for life. Multipliers explained this by changing the picture of the world. In the early animation tapes, the heroine did not own their fate, turned out to be victims of circumstances. Now it is a girl who can take an independent, weighted solution, has a goal in life and strives for it. This makes the image attractive and original.

The fate of Princess Tiana

Spectators get acquainted with the heroine when she marks 19 years old. She lives in the French Quarter in New Orleans and works as a waitress. The main desire of the girl is to fulfill what her late father dreamed of, James - open a restaurant. Tiana works stubbornly, from morning to night. However, the business does not bring profits, and the young lady is trying in vain to get money.

The city is preparing the traditional festival of Mardi Gra, which the Prince of Navin arrives in New Orleans. A young man thinks that from the soul will be fun on the holiday, but everything goes wrong, as the guy has conceived. Acquaintance with Dr. Fasille, turned out to be a sorcerer Voodoo, turns around for the young man tragedy - the villain turns the mound into the frog. To remove the curse, you need, according to fabulous traditions, so that the Hero kisses the real princess.

For the happiness of the prince, in a short time on his way, Tiana is found, disguised in the princess dress. Taking this masquerade for reality, the young man decides to try his happiness and asks the girl about the kiss. The heroine is solved on such an adventure after Navin assures beauty, which will help with the creation of a restaurant. However, a miracle does not happen, because the waitress is an unreal princess. Now not only the prince has the appearance of a frog, but also his "Savior".

Now the city turns out to be a hostile pair, enchanted heroes prefer to hide in the swamp. This place is not so gloomy, as Navin and Tiana think. Here, young people meet the charismatic and charming alligator Louis, performing jazz. Also, the prince and the waitress are acquainted with good-natured fireflied ray (Raymond). The heart of this character conquered a star at the night sky, which received from the name of Evangelin from the name.

New acquaintances, having learned about the misfortune of heroes, lead them to her mother. This strange woman, like Dr. Fasille, is engaged in witchcraft. In the magical rituals of an eccentric, but a good-natured lady helps a tamed snake of bzhuzh. Odi reports that the spells can destroy and return the human appearance. For this, the prince and the girl should return to New Orleans and find assistance in the face of Tian's girlfriend, Charlotte. In the city of young people, new tests will wait - they are pursued by Fasille.

Friends are trying to help Ray, but the magician is spreads with a firefly. At the moment when the villain is trying to kill Tian, ​​the heroine breaks the amulet, with which the sorcerer peaks magic transformations. The doctors arrive perfume and take with them to the underground world. And the human appearance does not help the magic, and sincere and gentle love to return the heroes of the cartoon. The prince takes a heroine in his wife, and later the princess opens a restaurant.

Princess Tiana in cartoons and films

In the cartoon "Princess and a frog" for the voice acting of the main character, two actresses were chosen - Anika Nyon Rose and Young Elizabeth M. Dhameier, who voiced Tian in childhood. The project continued the tradition of the Animation-musical Studio Walt Disney. Therefore, a lot of songs are included in it. Funny phrases of heroes have become popular quotes both among children and an adult audience.

In addition to the Disney animation film, the image of the princess appears in the 7th season of the popular American series "Once in a fairy tale." Here the role of the heroine performed the actress Mekia Cox. In the plot, the girl is a girlfriend Cinderella, moving against evil forces. Also, viewers can see the heroine episodically in the Cartoon of the Disney Studio "Ralph against the Internet." All Disney Princesses appear here.


You can not ask the star to fulfill the desire and at the same time do nothing. I know, I started thinking that only children and crazy desires are made away.


  • 2009 - "Princess and Frog"
  • 2017 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2018 - "Ralph against the Internet"

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