How to meet a new 2020 rats: Signs, horoscope, what to cook


If a cherished desire is formulated in the head, and before showcases decorated with garlands, I want to stay longer - it means that the year of the rat is in a hurry to give a chance to realize the conceived. How to celebrate the new 2020 and, finally, catch good luck for the tail - in the material of the editorial office 24cmi.

What will the new year of the metal rat bring?

How to meet the year of rat 2020

Rat on the Eastern calendar symbolizes wisdom and wealth. White color patronage of the year guarantees purity of thoughts and respect for man. And the metallic element will complement the wisdom totem straightness.

Metal rat will give success to ambitious people. It is believed that luck will be on the side of those who waited for a suitable moment to get promotion over a career ladder or get a bank account.

The year is favorable for dating and tying relationships that will certainly lead to the creation of a family. And more expected pleasant surprises and positive changes in life.

Forecasts of astrologers for the new 2020

Predictions of astrologers on the signs of the zodiac promise to pave the route to a happy life. The horoscope 2020 lays the foundation for the nearest 12-tiene cycle.

Aries It is worth demonstrating their talent. In the year, the rat will fall a chance to change fate.

W. Tales It will change the worldview, and life will prevent pleasant surprises.

Welfare Twins In the new year will depend on confidence in their own forces and determination.

Racks It will be possible to change life for the better. There will be no change to concern not only personal life, but also a professional sphere.

Astrological Tips for 2020

Astrological Tips for 2020


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Astrological Tips for 2020

1. According to the view of astrologers, in 2020 everyone is waiting for the energy lift. However, experts are not recommended to rush the events, and all the questions solve peacefully and calmly.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

2. Also, the white rat loves attentive and organized. Plan everything in advance and follow the planned plan, and then success awaits you!

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Astrological Tips for 2020

3. In the financial affairs of the rat is scrupulous. She does not tolerate frauds and scammers. Improve your welfare will be only honest.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

4. The rest of the spheres should also be fair and responsible. And more positive!

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Astrological Tips for 2020

5. Create a comfort in the house. The rat loves it. If you plan some acquisition for the house, it will be in every way to contribute to a successful purchase.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

6. Astrologers predict a good profit from cash investments. If you are planning to open your business for a long time, 2020 is the right time for this.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

7. But from loans in the new year it is better to refuse at all.

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Astrological Tips for 2020 - 6 Background

Astrological Tips for 2020

8. In the year of white rat, take all the decisions, boldly relying on my intuition.

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Astrological Tips for 2020 - 7 Background

Astrological Tips for 2020

9. If in 2020 to look at conflicts and quarrels of philosophically and with humor, then the white rat will help to resolve them as soon as possible.

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Astrological Tips for 2020 - 8 Background

Astrological Tips for 2020

10. In the coming year, try to maintain relationships. The rat will help to strengthen the family.

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Astrological Tips for 2020


W. Lviv A favorite thing will appear, which will certainly bring income.

Cow circumstances in life Virgin It will be like a fairy tale with a happy ending.

scales Finally, they will find an equilibrium between activity and recreation. The world will play new paints.

Scorpion breaks stereotypes and challenges circumstances.

Strengthen the situation in society Sagittsev . They are waiting for advantageous offers and projects.

Capricorn It is recommended to be vigilant and do not peck new perspectives.

Aquarius Waiting for a year-saturated year, if they are able to discipline themselves.

Well-being in life Fish affect all spheres. Love, career, trips will bring change for the better.

What to meet a year of white metal rat

To become a favorite of the starting 12-year-old oriental cycle, you should consider to the smallest details, to meet the beginning of the year of the rat. The new year is recommended to celebrate white or gray clothes, preferably with a metal tide. But the pompousness is not in honor of rodents.

Year of the metal rat. In which outfit is better to meet the new 2020?

Year of the metal rat. In which outfit is better to meet the new 2020?

However, if there is no suitable outfit, you can choose another natural color. Green, yellow, wheat replace the traditional colors of the new year. The main thing is that the shades are muted. About feline prints on New Year's Eve will have to forget. Specz says that the purr and cat attributes are better to leave in the bedroom, so that they did not scare the mistress of the New Year.

How to cover the New Year's table

On the eve of the new year, take a snow-white cotton tablecloth from distant corners of the chest. Decorate the table with silver candlesticks with white candles. Choose shiny cutlery. Tares for serving must be without a picture.

The rat is unpretentious to food, so do not pose a head about what to cook for a festive table, and feed the menu to taste, but the cheese plate, fruit and pastries should be in every home.

How to decorate the house

Thought about where to celebrate the New Year? The rat appreciates family celebrations in a noisy company.

The house is recommended to decorate in a silver-white palette. Do not forget to hang edible decorations on spruce. Apples, candy, gingerbread gingerbreads will fall to taste the Queen of the Year. And in the house should "live" mouse and rats made by their own hands.

What to give close to the new year

Rat is a leaning animal, so cooking practical presents as a gift. In 2020, it is not customary to give magnets, figurines and pictures with mice. Useful things for home, wallets, purses, piggy banks will delight the stubborn rat. If you are lost in guessing, what to present as a surprise for the holiday, then grab cheese, chocolate, gingerbread, nuts. Such a gift will not be ignored to the owners of the house.

How to entertain guests

It will correctly spend the New Year's Eve fun. You can come up with entertainment that are interesting and children, and adults: quest quests, amateur rooms, co-drawing rat, song Duel, win-win lottery with useful gifts. Jewels can be the most different, the main thing is to reign fun, and the good mood has been preserved for the upcoming 12 months of 2020.

Believe in miracles - in the New Year they certainly occur!

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?


What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In England, Santa Claus is called Father Christmas (or Phaser of Christmas), which means "Father Christmas".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 0 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Kerbo - Uzbek Santa Claus. He rides a donkey, dressed in a striped bathrobe and a red tubeette.

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 1 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

The Chinese Santa Claus has a lot of names, but the main thing is the Shan Tribute Laughz (he is the dun chen la Ren or Shao Hin). And translates as "dad".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 2 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Belorussian Santa Claus is called Zyuzya. And this is the only Santa Claus, whom Lysim and Bick are depicted!

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 3 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

The Estonian brother of Santa Claus is called Yuluwan, which means "Christmas old man." Gnomes and wife are helping to him - Mother Winter.

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 4th background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Georgian Santa Claus wears the proud name of Tovlis Baboua (in Western Georgia) and Tovlis Dad (in Eastern), which means "Snow Grandfather."

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 5 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Sinterklaas congratulates children in the Netherlands and Belgium. Sinterklaas translates as "Saint Nicholas".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 6 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In France, Santa Claus alignively translates as "Father of Christmas", and his name is Par Noel. He walks everywhere with Shaland, who helps him with gifts.

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 7 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

Dzmer Papy (Literally "Wima-grandfather") or Cachland Papy (literally "Grandfather of the New Year") - Armenian Santa Claus. He is accompanied by Dzununushik (literally "Snow Sweet").

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 8 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In Finland, children congratulate Joulupukka. If you translate literally, then Joulupukki means "Christmas Kozl".

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 9 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In Japan, the holiday is managed by Segatsu-San (in translation means "Mr. January"). He does not give gifts, because in Japan there is a tradition that their parents give them themselves.

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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries? - 10 background

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?


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