Group Shinedown - Photo, History of creation and Composition, News, songs 2021



Shinedown is a group that knows how to light the hall from the first minutes of performances. Drive, Power, Rock Expression - branded techniques for the American alternative team. During the existence, the project managed to release many albums, compositions of which fell on the tops of the charts of world charts. Musicians do not cease to surprise fans with a juicy sound and adrenaline emotions.

The history of creation and composition

The American group was created in 2001 (on other sources, in 2002) in Jacksonville. The composition of the team, which does not change to the present, is represented by vocalist Brent Smith, Gitarist Zak Merso, bassist Eric Bass and Drikher Barry Kerch. The musicians agreed with the characters, interests, quickly played and began to perform with concerts - first in their hometown, and then on both sides of the ocean.


One year after education, the group managed to sign a contract with a popular ATLANTIC Records recording company. In 2003, the debut plate LEAVE A Whisper was released. The album had a lot of enthusiastic reviews, after 2 years he received the status of a platinum. The listeners especially liked the compositions Fly from The Inside and "45". In 2004, a significant event was happening in the history of rock collective - the musicians were chosen as the accompanying composition of the legendary group Van Halen during the tour tour.

2005 has become no less successful for the team - the project participants gave the fans a new album US and Them. Composition from this plate Save Me was laid on the tops of American rock charts 12 weeks in a row, it became a record for the team. Another song I Dare You got into the Billboard Pop 100 chart.

With each new disc, the group honed the skill, gained experience from other rock projects. Rock fans rated Shinedown tracks created in the genres of post-grunge, hard rock, New metal. The musicians regularly participated in solo concerts, as well as traveled in a tour with American rock stars, such as Godsmack and Rob Zombie.

In the summer of 2008, the team participants pleased the fans of the Third Studio Large plate The Sound of Madness. Musical critics gave positive evaluations to the disk, noting that the group improved the sound and execution technique. The album immediately hit the 8th place in the Billboard 200, which became an indicator of the increased professionalism of musicians. The first song of the DEVOUR disk later entered the soundtrack to the film "Destination - 4". Other tracks of American rockers hit the Western charts, received the status of platinum.

In addition to studio records, the participants of Shinedown recorded soundtracks to the pictures of Alice in Wonderland, Tim Berton and the "uncontrollable" Sylvester Stallone. In early 2012, after the release of the new single, Rockers announced the release of the next record AmaryLis. The album went to the specified period and immediately rose to the 4th place in the Billboard 200. The group fans liked that the style of the tracks did not change. Three compositions of the new disk soon clips were removed. To present the album to the public, the team went in tour.

In the summer of the same year, Rockers participated in the British Festival of Download Festival. The presentation on which the project participants fulfilled proven hits, consolidated the status of the world rock project. In 2013, the musicians together with the Canadian Metalists Three Days Grace went on tour. In 2015, he released the fifth studio album, and after 3 years, the Attention Attention plate came out.

Shinedown now

Rockers continue to work on a new material, regularly glad the fans with powerful new products. Tours of the group are painted for several months ahead, covering and 2020. In 2019, the musicians made a bright and provocative video for the song Monsters, part of the sixth album of the project. In "Instagram", the team members post photos and videos from performances, rehearsals, tour and other events.


  • 2003 - Leave a Whisper
  • 2005 - US and Them
  • 2012 - amaryllis
  • 2015 - Threat To Survival
  • 2018 - Attention Attention


  • 2012 - Bully
  • 2012 - Unity
  • 2012 - Enemie.
  • 2019 - Monsters.

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