Ayrat Hairullin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Deputy



Airat Hairullin held the 11th place among the State Duma Deputies in the number of legislative initiatives proposed and signed by the President. Their policy is more than a hundred. Unfortunately, to increase these achievements Airata Nazipovich is no longer destined: on February 7, 2020, a man died due to the wreck of a service helicopter.

Childhood and youth

The whole life policy was associated with native Tatarstan. Airat was born in Kazan on August 1, 1970 in the Family of Nazip Garifullovich and Hatirs Sungatov Khairullin. Parents were engaged in science and teaching and were in the city famous and respected people. Father-professor headed the department at the Kazan State Agrarian University, the mother served in the Ministry of Agriculture of Tatarstan, being a well-deserved agronomist of the republic.

After graduating from school No. 32 in 1987, the guy went in the footsteps of the Father. He entered the institute, where he worked, and the specialty chose economic. Back in the student years, Airat decided to implement knowledge about the economy in practice and took up business. It all started with food trafficking, which young man helped brother Ilshat. By the time of completion of the university, from whose walls, Heirullin came out with a red diploma, he had already managed a full-fledged complex business, which in the 1990s rummaged to the scale of the holding.

Further biography of Heirullina is closely related to entrepreneurship and politics, which did not interfere with a man to engage in science and raise education. In 2006, Airat Nazipovich became a candidate of economic sciences, and 3 years later received a doctoral degree.

Personal life

Heirullina remembers as a person sociable, responsive and friendly. Together with managerial, entrepreneurial and political talents, human qualities consistently mentioned that allowed him to become a good son, friend, her husband and father. In the personal life of Airat Nazipovich also represented a worthy example: in a strong marriage with his wife Guselya, he brought up three children - daughter and sons.

Career and politics

In the early 1990s, the Hyrullina brothers opened PE "Edelweiss". Through it, the economist implemented his business talents and ambitions, and soon a private enterprise was transformed into a limited liability partnership. Airat held the position of chief director. By the end of the 1990s, the man was already headed by a group of enterprises that were engaged in the production and sale of food.

Khairullin owned and managed by a plant of mineral and carbonated waters, a confectionery factory, a brewing company and a dairy plant. The ownership of the entrepreneur included such important republican enterprises as "Edelweiss-M" and "Red East". Speaking up with the assets of these companies in the early 2000s, Airat Nazipovich continued to do business, the main emphasis on agriculture. In 2003, he invested 13.7 billion rubles. own funds in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region.

At the same time, the income of the men was stationed by systematically: in 2005, Forbes included a young billionaire among the 100 richest businessmen of Russia. In parallel, Hairullin built a political career. He fell into the Kazan City Council of People's Deputies of the Republic of Tatarstan at the age of 24. Since then, a man has been developing and implementing lawmaking initiatives mainly in the field of agriculture.

Since 2003, Airat Nazipovich was among the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, representing the party "United Russia". The policy in 2012 was made to the accusations that he was engaged in connecting new business projects, fulfilling the deputy authority. Despite the fact that Heirullin tried to immediately immediately undertake the post in the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Policy.

At the same time, the deputy was popular with voters and with their support consistently passed to the State Duma 5, 6 and the 7th convocations. At the 2016 elections Airat Nazipovich received 86.19% of the vote. The man was engaged in the socio-economic development of rural regions of Russia, participating in the development of large government projects. His account 260 legislative initiatives, 113 of which were taken and published.

In parallel, Heirullin was headed by the National Union of Milk manufacturers, engaged in charity, promoted the construction of social objects. In this case, the policy has always remained solid: in 2017, the deputy income was assessed at 280 million rubles, and his name on a permanent basis fell into the "Forbes" rating "Power and money", where the richest civil servants are.


On February 7, 2020, Heirullin was in a working business trip in Tatarstan. In the company of the pilot of the helicopter and the personal assistant Ramis Gazizov, he made a flight from the village Levashevo to Matyushino on board the vessel Bell 407. Not far from the city of Laishevo, when attempting for a forced landing, the helicopter crashed, which was the cause of the death of the deputy, instantly. The man's body turned out to be clamped.

Farewell to the late held in the building of the Tatar State Philharmonic, where hundreds of people came to honor the memory of the deputy, from the family and the first persons of the republic to ordinary citizens who did not know Airatovich personally. In the big hall near the body, the photo of the deceased with the dates of life was posted, which documented the sad fact that the man did not survive the 50th anniversary. Khairullin was buried at the Muslim cemetery of the Kazan settlement Mirny near his mother.


  • Order of Honor for merits in lawmaking, strengthening and developing Russian statehood
  • Honorary Sign of the State Standard of Russia for achievements in the field of quality
  • Honorary Mission of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for a significant contribution to the development of the food industry
  • Silver Medal of MSX RF
  • Gold Medal of MSH RF
  • "Honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia"
  • "Honored Worker of Agriculture"
  • Medal "Proceedings in conducting an all-Russian agricultural census"
  • Awards of the National Union of Aggrehorships for a personal contribution to the development of agricultural support in Russia

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