Stars with stinking: Russian, Hollywood, 2019


Stuttering is a nuisance for any person who collided with such a problem. However, with this ailment, they have learned to fight for quite some time: Single to get rid of, others began to read poems, and for the third yield it was the acquaintance of self-confidence. About which stars in life are faced with a violation of speech, but in one way or another way they coped with stuttering, will tell in 24cmi.

Marilyn Monroe

It is not easy to believe that the Hollywood legend, which, of course, became Marilyn Monroe during his lifetime, had problems with speech. However, this is true - the norm of Jin Mortenson, as the mother's future star chrisbed before throwing into another family, was forced to fight stuttering all his life. Although the exact diagnosis is now not able to find out, it is not difficult to assume that the cause of difficulties with communication was not an easy childhood.

Tiger Woods.

The famous Golfer on the nicknamed Tiger, in 2019 the won 82 tournament of PGA TOUR, childhood was also difficult. True, in the case of Taiger Woods, difficulties arose due to stuttering, and did not cause it to appear. The boy with a violation of speech peers took a wonderfully in vain, not losing opportunity to make fun on the guy. This behavior of the surrounding guys, however, has served in the fight of the future star of sports with stuttering, forcing you to mobilize to get rid of the annoying problem.

Konstantin Meladze

Not only foreign celebrities due to stuttering accounted for tight in childhood. Konstantin Meladze, the composer who wrote a lot of hits for Russian stars, as well as one of the most influential producers on the territory of the former CIS, the boy also survived the injury. The peers did not want to understand that the violations in the speech of a small bone - the result of the experienced psychological injury and there is nothing funny in this.

Elvis Presley

For the King Rock and Roll, the violation of speech became a kind of ticket to glory and popularity. After all, singing for the future star was a way to cope with stuttering - the speech therapist recommended young Elvis Presley thus overcome problems with the speech apparatus. And the proposed practice gave the result - the boy stopped stutter when he began to hum.

Daria Kurkin

Stuttering pushed to singing and gaining popularity by Daria Kubokin, which, like the American rock and roll idol, elected vocals as a means of treatment. The problems with the speech from the Russian celebrity arose in 5 years, when the dog scared a little Dash, and, despite the attempts undertaken to cope with conversational violations, the girl's relapses sometimes happen so far.

Sergey Karjakin

In the 12th age of the oldest grandmaster in the history of Sergey Karjakin, too, is also familiar with such a problem as stuttering. This violation is manifested in the speech of the chess player only at moments of strong unrest, for example, during communication with the press and fans. However, the guy does not interfere with the fans, the guy does not interfere with this problem.

Gerard Depardieu

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"Honorary Udmurt", in his youth, having come to conquer Paris, had difficulties not only with the knowledge of the state language of France, because it came from the depths where the purse dialect was in the go. In Gerard Depardieu difficulties and stuttering, which the star managed to overcome thanks to Mozart - listening to classic compositions served as the main part of the elected course of treatment of speech disorders.

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