Khalil Arslanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Colonel-General 2021



Halil Arslanov made a brilliant career in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, engaged in improving the communication system. However, they started talking about it only after information about a loud criminal case has appeared on the network associated with theft of 6.7 billion rubles.

Childhood and youth

Khalil Arslanov was born on April 4, 1964 in the village of Elhov Lake, by nationality he is Tatar. About his early years of biographies and parents of information. Soon after the completion of studies at school, the young man entered the Military School named after Gregory Ordzhonikidze in Ulyanovsk, choosing a profession of the communicable.

So the young man was in the ranks of the USSR army. In the future, he continued to receive education in a specialty, studied at the Academy named after the Seeds of Budenny, then with the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and began to make a military career in his student years.

Personal life

Arslanov prefers not to disclose information about personal life and does not post on the network family photos. It is known that he is married, spouses are parents of two children - Son and daughters.


At the beginning of a career, a young man rapidly moved on the service staircase. He began with the post of an ordinary employee and soon took the post of head of communication, in the following years was the commander of the battalion and territorial brigade, carried out the duties of the Deputy Headquarters of the headquarters in the Volga-Ural district.

At 45, a man began to work at the Headquarters of the Ground Forces, where he was the deputy head of communication. Then he held a post in the armed forces, headed the office of communication, worked at the General Staff of Russia as a deputy head office. By decision of the head of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, he was awarded China Colonel-General rank.

Khalil Arslanov and Vladimir Putin

When conducting an operation in Syria, Khalil Abduhalimovich was engaged in the development of communication. He took care that the commanders were provided with the latest types of communications, worked on the test of the funds used.

The operation was complicated by the fact that Syria does not bordered by Russia and is in a state of military conflict. The subordinate military man managed to restore the infrastructure in a warring state, first of all stationary base stations Tetra. Russian operators were also involved, which ensured the connection of the military with relatives.

The gained experience was useful by Khalila Abdukhalyimovich after returning to Russia, since she showed what directions of development are needed to improve communication in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. However, it did not have time to achieve changes in Arslan, since the black band of his biography came.

In December 2019, the public stirred the news that Colonel-General was accused of fraud and embezzlement in large sizes. The media appeared in the media that the reason was directly related to the acquaintance of the work of Khalila Abdukhalimovich and originates in 2013. Then the head of the enterprise "Voevlek" Alexander Davydov was arrested.

The man was accused of providing the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to cheap Chinese equipment, which was issued for the Russian and attributed the cost almost 3 times higher than the market. A few years after the capture of Davydov, he found out that Arslanov was involved in the case.

The investigation began in the fall of 2019. During the period of the investigation, the property of the Colonel-General was arrested. According to media information, during the search in the apartment of the son of the commander, about 0.5 million rubles was found, also under the arrest hit the country house located on the daughter's section in the Moscow region.

Khalil Arslanov and Sergey Shoigu

Later the information denied the heir to a man who said that the money found belongs to the accumulations of the Arslanov family. He said that all property was bought on credit and mortgage, and no house was not at all.

After the interrogation, Khalila Abdukhalyimovich became ill with heart, and he was taken to hospital with suspicion of hypertensive crisis. For a while, the man was under a subscription of the unseen, but soon representatives of the investigators filed a petition to conclude Arslanov in custody.

According to the statement of law enforcement officers, a man violated the conditions of stay under the subscription on the unseen. He put pressure on the alleged accomplices and forced them to testify in his favor. At the court, the Colonel-General denied the guilt.

Khalil Arslanov now

In February 2020, the commander was detained by the FSB officers. According to the results of the trial he was sent to the SIZO for 2 months. Now a man expects a further decision of the court in his case.

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