Group Greta Van Fleet - photo, history of creation and composition, news, songs 2021



The American rock band Greta Van Fleet is young, but ambitious artists, the arrival of the scene of which was denoted by different metaphors. Some called them a "sip of fresh air", and others - "The Second Coming of the famous LED Zeppelin". Moreover, the comparisons were both enthusiastic and negative. Some connoisseurs of rock accused guys in the imitation of the present stars of the scene. Despite contradictory reviews, the team continues to conquer rewards, and their clips and songs are unprecedented demand.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the Group's creation began in Michigan in 2012 with three brothers - Josh, Jake and Sam. They were born in the family of musicians who since childhood was vaccinated with sons love for art. Therefore, already grown boys decided to establish their own team. Places in the group were distributed quickly: Josh became a vocalist, Jake was put on the guitar, and Sam was on the bass guitar. It remained to find the drummers, his place was taken by the familiar guys Kyle Chaak. True, the next year the musician left the team. Soon the new member of Danny Wagner came to the composition, which now stands up with the brothers.

Collect the team, they did not come up with a name for her. Somehow young people were preparing for the first serious performance, rehearsed in the garage. In a conversation, one of them mentioned a familiar woman Wick Van Fleet. Josh noted that the name sounds perfectly and could become the name of the team. For simplicity, the sound was decided to remove the letter "H". So the name of the Greta Van Fleet group was born.


At first, the group performed only at local sites, a lot of time, the musicians spent in studios. In 2017, their first song Highway Tune appeared in iTunes, she had instant success, after which Greta Van Fleet decides to write a debut mini album. The Black Smoke Rising Release Release fell on April of the same year, their music liked Rock lovers. It significantly affected the number of disk downloads and further takeoff of musicians. After they went to the tour of the USA, which was stretched for several years. During this time, he was interrupted only a couple of times when the artists performed with concerts in Germany, Holland, France and England.
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Already then, the work of the group attracted the attention of the listeners, and although the guys were not too popular, at the presentation of the Loudwire Music Awards premiums, they still received the reward as the best new performers. Despite the constant connectors, in November 2017, the team discography is replenished with the second mini album from the fires. In total, it included 8 songs, 4 of which were already sounded on the debut plate, and 4 more were new compositions.

The first full-length disk they presented only a year later, in 2018. An album called Anthem of the Peaceful Army in a short time soared to the first lines of musical charts and held the position occupied for a long time. This event occurred in October, and in December, the Group was nominated for the Grammy-2019 Award at the 4th Positions at once. But to take the award to artists managed only in one nomination - "Best Rock Album". It is noteworthy that they received the recognition not for the last record, and the one that was released a year earlier - from the fires.

Greta Van Fleet now

Despite the large number of criticism aimed at the art of musicians, Greta Van Fleet continues to perform and record new singles. Work is not limited to concerts. In January 2019, the group visited the guest on the evening music and humorous transmission of Saturday Night Live, which is broadcast on the NBC channel. There, the artists performed the Black Smoke Rising composition from the album of the same name, as well as the second single Plate Anthem of the Peaceful Army - You're The One. The third song Lover, Leaver TV viewers were heard for the first time, its official release took place a few months after the ether.

Group of Greta Van Fleet enjoys the attention of fans. Artists lead a page in "Instagram", where new photos regularly post, communicate subscribers about the upcoming events and publish possession posters. They communicate with subscribers, sometimes respond to comments.


  • 2017 - Black Smoke Rising
  • 2017 - From the Fires
  • 2018 - Anthem of the Peaceful Army


  • 2017 - Highway Tune
  • 2019 - Safari Song

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