Father Brown (character) - Photo, detectives, TV series, Gilbert Chesterton, Actor Mark Williams


Character History

Father Brown is the main character in the detective stories of the English writer Gilbert China Chesterton. The minister of the Catholic Cult has little reminiscent of a classic detective in popular artwork. Not only in investigation methods, but also goal. And the sword of justice sometimes replaces confession.

History of character creation

Gilbert Keith Chesterton began writing stories about Pastor in 1911 and dedicated this 24 years, releasing 5 collections. The appearance of the main character is so unpleasured how rich is his inner world.

An inconspicuous short voice has been guided by a deduction, as, for example, the precursor of Sherlock Holmes. Many researchers believed that the author prescribed the main character in conscious opposition with this hero. And the case is not in San of the priest, but in a fundamentally different goal of the investigation.

If in a classic detective, the detective seeks to solve the secret and punish the criminal, then with the father of Brown things are different. The main motive is not justice, but mercy. And the goal of the pastor is the moral rebirth of the cooling.

The priest John O'Connor became the prototype of the "Philosopher in Sutan". With him, the author of detective novels met when he decided to become a Catholic. The writer admits that thanks to this meeting, he became deeper to understand the human soul, with all her sinful and dark sides.

In the books of Chesterton, it is difficult to determine the place and time of the development of the plot. It can be assumed that the period of major events is the end of the XIX century, although there are references to cars and the USSR.

Biography of Father Brown

Gilbert Chesterton first mentioned the character in the book "Sapphire Cross." Subsequently, the author wrote 5 cycles of stories, which are also popular today not only among lovers of a detective genre, but among fans of a philosophical letter.

Father Brown was a leaving from the village of Essex, served in the Little London Church with a slight arrival. But the author was not greatly puzzled by territorial and temporary boundaries. It is only known that the first events occur in the 20s of the XIX century. But the place of action is always different. Pastor as if traveling to the mainland with a noble goal.

And this goal is not to punish the guilty, but to instruct it on the right path. Therefore, the Catholic does not give anyone the result of its investigation, without breaking the secret of confession. He promises a wage or murderer that keeps the secret, but asks to fall asleep and break with a criminal world.

He strongly succeeded in this pursuit of pastor against Erkulya Flambo. Thief recidivist, who left the punishment for 20 years, penetrated Brown's speeches and rose to the true path. For many years, Flambo helps his mentor in search, and later the family will acquire and accept the sacred san.

The essence of the main character method is reduced to his own confession. To calculate the criminal, he himself becomes such, discovering the thoughts, which would lead him to the murder. Brown calls it a spiritual exercise that allows you to gain an understanding of the motive. And including the main biblical commandment: "Love your neighbor".

Father Brown in books and films

5 books of books about pastore-philosopher, the leading investigation, had not so many embodiments in the film. In 2013, the world saw successful, from the point of view of visual sympathy, the screening of the cycle of stories about the pastore-detective. In the British TV series from the BBC TV channel, the main actions are transferred to the middle of the 20th century, in the post-war time.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to call this film to the special decree. Rather, director Matt Carter took the idea of ​​the moral path of the Catholic minister, changing the circumstance and the place of action. For example, all events occur in the evergreen village of England Kotswold. And Brown works in the Church of St. Mary.

Actor Mark Williams played the lead role, perfectly showing the most ridiculous black with pages of books. The stormy activity of the Holy Father is very annoying the Mallory inspector, as he considers his intervention is useless. But later changes his opinion, penetrating with respect for the clergyman.

In the book, Father Brown acts alone, he has assistants in the series. This is Lady Felicia Montagus, a rich lady, which is engaged in charitable events. And also Penelope Winademir, which is more often called "Bandy" - the niece of Felicia. After 9 seasons, the series received many positive feedback among the audience and critics.

The classic screening of 1974 to a greater extent displays the image of the literary character. Here, the main role was performed by the actor Kenneth Mor. The priest is shown by a few sprawle, which constantly drops the umbrella, loses something and as if absent in the plot. However, always calculates the criminal, while not hard to worry about justice.

According to the story of the "Cursed Book" in 1990, the "Soluterefilm" released a multiplication picture with the same name. The main character becomes the extrasens and mystic Openshow, which is so enjoys the spiritic sessions, which confuses the military alarm with the otherworldly signal. Pastor also returns Openshow "To Life", speaking about the true problems of living people.

The only Soviet film release, filmed by Novel Chesterton - "Face on the target" of Almanantas Grikhavyusus. And she is the most closest to the plot and the author's text.


All you say will remain between us. And God, of course, but he has not yet been noticed in violation of the secret of confession. They forgot - on my side, the Lord. Mostly created a person in his image and likeness. My profession is to remind people about it. You can stay at the same level of good, but I never managed to keep the evil to anyone.


  • 1911 - Cycle "Father Brown's Father"
  • 1914 - Cycle "Wisdom of Father Brown"
  • 1926 - Cycle "Disturbance of the Father Brown"
  • 1927 - Cycle "Mystery of Father Brown"
  • 1935 - Cycle "The scandalous incident with the father of Brown"


  • 1954 - "Father Brown"
  • 1974 - "Father Brown"
  • 1978 - "Face for a target"
  • 1990 - "Cursed Book"
  • 2013-2019 - "Father Brown"

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