Garica Sukachev - 60: Interesting Facts, Family, Creativity


On December 1, 2019, the famous rock musician, poet, composer and director Garik Sukachev celebrated the 60th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the editors of 24cmi collected interesting facts from the life of celebrities.

About childhood

In an interview, Garik Sukachev told that almost all his childhood spent behind the piano. He noted that his father brought up his, like Mozart, the boy had to play the gamma for three hours every day, even on the weekend. Father wanted Garik to become a classic musician, but he did not justify his parents.

About concerts

Garik Sukachev has long created a non-standard image that is still held. It often happens that his concerts either pass with a delay, or do not pass at all, since the rock musician cancels them. Igor Ivanovich himself (real name Sukacheva) believes that the concert will be successful only if it becomes not the scheduled time.

About family

Although Sukacheva and the image of the depth hooligan, but the family for him is holy. He has been married since 1984 and notes that he never had thoughts about mistresses in his head, because he also associated himself as marriage. Garik met Olga, when she was 14, and he was 16, since then they did not part. Together they raise two children - Alexander's son and daughter Anastasia. Children wear the last name of the mother, as Sukachev believes that Father's star surname will only interfere with achieving their goals in life.

About creativity

Garik Sukachev is a versatile person, he himself writes and sings the song, is the director of the theater and cinema, graduated from the technical school of railway transport and even designed the railway station "Tushino", and also enjoys the bikes. Nevertheless, the rock musician notes that he does not like his creativity, because he tries not to listen to his records and not to look at himself on the screen.

About star disease

Unlike many celebrities, Sukachev does not suffer from star disease. Yes, like all people, he loves comfort and is used to, so that no one intervene in his personal space, but at the same time he did not surround himself by guard. Igor Ivanovich notes that he calmly walks through the streets, shopping in ordinary stores, and at the same time no one rushes at him because of the angle with a request to take a picture or give an autograph.

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