Ellen Ripley (character) - photo, "strangers", actress Sigurnie Weaver, cat, history


Character History

Ellen Ripley - the heroine of the legendary film Ridley Scott "Alien", the image of which brilliantly revealed the actress Sigurnie Weaver. It was significantly different from women who had appeared in films on the cosmic subject, and her image, like a brave fighter with monsters, remains reference even 30 years after the premiere.

History of character creation

Filmography of paintings about strangers consists of 8 films, and the heroine Waiter appears in the first 4-x. The idea of ​​a horror film, where the main character is a woman who is also actively survived, and not becoming a victim of unknown, it was fresh and unusual. Originally Scott wanted to put a man into the center of the narration, but changed his decision after casting. Prior to that, sexual beauties in Horrors were usually presented as easy prey for monsters. Therefore, the idea to put forward in the center of Ripley turned out to be a directorial success - Ellen became a soul and a symbol of history about "strangers". And the first films of the series are devoted to its character at least than mysterious alien parasites.

Ridley Scott was repeatedly criticized for the final scene of the 1st part: he could not resist the temptation to show the audience a luxurious figure of Sigurnie Weaver and made her fight with the alien spread. This was considered a vulgar stamp in favor of the public, because before that, Ellen's character was emphasized by Asexual - she wore a baggy shape and ignored traditional femininity attributes. In the 3rd part of the heroine becomes bald and finally acquires the appearance of Androgina.

Ellen distinguishes an enviable skill to keep himself in his hands. It is able to make the right decisions even in the face of mortal danger. Ripley is not a soldier, but knows how to defend everything that falls at hand. At the same time, she is not just a "battle-bab" with Blaster, but a complex, emotional heroine. Meeting with strangers in the first film did not go for her psyche - it was mentioned that she suffered from depression and nightmares, but managed to transfer it.

The ambiguity of the heroine is emphasized by her distrust of people. Closer to the end of the second film the director hints at all that there is an understanding between Ripley and the Queen of others. This is confirmed by a quote from the 2nd part, where the heroine claims that people who "will uroat each other because of profits" are not worthy of referring to the highest race.

Biography Ellen Ripple.

In the first 2 parts of the "alien" heroine is called last name, and only in the 3rd viewer knows that she is Ellen. The Blu-Ray-edition bonus is specified that its entire name sounds like Ellen Louise Ripley. Details of the biography of the heroine before the start of the main events are not disclosed, and it is possible to learn the details only from books and additional materials.

Ripley was born in the colony on the moon. In his youth, she graduated from the University of Aeronautics, went to work in the merchant fleet and married a man named Alex. The daughter of Amanda was born, which Mothers had to leave 3 years later. Tim Lebbon in the book "Alien: from the Shadows" writes that the girl was conceived during one of the flights, which was prohibited by the rules of the Employer of Wayland-Yutani, but no sanctions followed.

Soon the marriage with Alex collapsed, and Ellen deepened to work. After receiving the formation, she held the position of the second pilot on the ship "Zelaznoye", but circumstances forced the heroine to enter the crew of the Nostromo hyperproductive cosmolete under the guidance of Captain Dallas. At the time of action of the 1st part of Ellen wears the title of Waown Lieutenant.

The flight on "Nostromo" was to be final in the career Ripley. In the fatal flight, she went, promising his daughter back to her 11th birthday, but could not do it. Trying to escape from the monsters, Ellen launched a self-destruction on the ship and left him on the rescue shuttle "Narcissus" along with Cat Jones. It could only get out of there after 57 years.

Having become an adult, the daughter of the heroine dedicated the lives to find out what was with her mother: he tried to sue "Wayland Yutani", organized searches in the Space sector, where Ellen disappeared, but unsuccessfully. Amanda Ripley McClaren died 2 years before the mother was still found in a drifting shine.

In the 4th part of the franchise heroine cloned. Scientists wanted to recreate a copy of Ripley at the time of death, but DNA cells were mixed with Queen's cells of others, and Ellen began to manifest superpowers. Her physical strength has grown repeatedly, accelerated regeneration and sensitivity to the presence of monsters. The identity of the brave officer changed - she became cynical and cruel.

The very spectacular scene of the 2nd part was the epic battle of the queen xenomorphs and Ripley, dressed in a yellow mechanized suit. In 2015, the Japanese Mitsui Corporation even developed its own version of the power exospkelet, which helps to move heavy loads without harm to the spine.

Ellen Ripley in books and films

At the time of the release of the first film Weaver was 29 years old, and she had not had time to seriously become famous as an actress, so the role of Ripley gave a powerful push of her career in the cinema. Later, Sigurney claimed that in fact she had little from her heroine, but it was nice to reveal such a strong character.

For the role of brave officer, Weaver nominated for the BAFTA Award, and later - to Oscar, although she did not become the owner of the cherished statuette. The American Cinema Institute included the name Ellen Ripley on the list of the greatest heroes and villains in cinema.


You are robot? It is now clear. People are not so humane. - Ripley, you know, I waited more from you more. I thought you were smarter. - I am glad that you disappointed you. The level of intelligence fell so much while I was not?


  • 1979 - "Alien"
  • 1986 - "Aliens"
  • 1992 - "Alien 3"
  • 1997 - "Alien 4"


  • 1979 - "Alien"
  • 1986 - "Aliens"
  • 1992 - "Alien 3"
  • 1997 - "Alien: Resurrection"
  • 2000 - "Aliens against the predator against the terminator"
  • 2014 - "Alien: from the shadows"
  • 2017 - "Alien: Sea Sorrow"

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