How to recognize treason - explicit signs


Treason is a problem with any family. It is important to notice the manifestations of this misfortune timely and try to react to preserve the integrity of the home of the hearth. Consider how an adulter can recognize.

It is difficult to say with confidence what is happening in the head from another person. However, there are several advice, how to learn about the campaigns of the partner "to the side" - in the behavior of the traitor, there will be nuances caused by dishonesty in relation to their second half.

Increased secrecy of negotiations

How to recognize treason: explicit signs of betrayal

If the spouse did not make special secrets from telephone communication with friends or colleagues, now suddenly began to go to another room for conversation. He does not leave his phone even when hiking to the toilet or bathroom, following the gadget caught in the hands of his wife. There is a chance that such a paranoia is the first sign of treason.

Budget deficit

Male's money is incomprehensible to where, especially on the eve of various festivals. At the same time, it is impossible to explain spending with gifts with gifts, because there are no last to observe the latter. It is worth thinking: if these amounts go to gifts, then to whom?

Stylish, fashionable, incorrect

How to recognize signs of treason - the man began to follow himself. Now he prefers notable suits to jeans and scorched sweatshirts, visits the gym and follows himself, pickyly choosing shampoos, perfume and fragrance after shaving lotion, and visiting the gym. These signs are a signal for his wife that an opponent appeared on the horizon.

Car partner

How to recognize treason: explicit signs of betrayal

The increased costs of the vehicle content and suddenly revealed attention to the purity of the car can also be signs of treason: a man carefully monitors the car, although it was not yet noticed. And spending on gasoline increased - they say, you have to constantly ride on instructions. In addition, unfamiliar cigarettes were found in the ashtray on the filter, and the passenger's chair shifted into an unusual position - probably betrayal already destroys the family.

Do not learn in bed

Signs that someone appeared in her husband - changed behavior in bed. Before hot in sex, suddenly lost all interest in this lesson or, on the contrary, began to try to try "new things" - such changes are not good. Wife is worth paying attention to this point: why did she stop interested in her husband, how does he know new postures?

And it smells wrong

From a man often you can catch the fragrance of the same strangers of female spirits. Having come home, he hurries from the threshold into the shower, and go to bed in a T-shirt, referring to the cold. Maybe he had a passion. Otherwise, how to explain the sudden cleanness and unwillingness to greet your own body - maybe he hides the traces of the nail of a passionate partner.


How to recognize treason: explicit signs of betrayal

In a conversation, a husband began to slip before unfamiliar words or turnover, or did the style of speech changed at all? Psychology claims that a person tries to adapt to the one who he likes, and to imitate in speech - the easiest way. Therefore, it is worth listening.

Working horse

Another change in the behavior of the traitor - suddenly woken by hard work. He is now delayed at work, worries on the weekend, disappears on glider, meetings, forced to periodically go on business trips. If this is not signs of Avral at work, then Ajulter is likely to.

In painful thinks

The spouse periodically began to fall into Melancholy, staring into the emptiness, and for jokes about the wrongness reacts inadequately, facing eyes in response - these are obvious signs for his wife, that it is time to worry. This behavior is often associated with a sense of guilt for its own behavior.

I do not believe anyone, because it is guilty

How to recognize treason: explicit signs of betrayal

If you believe folk wisdom, the larger jealous of the one who has the most unclean conscience. Therefore, if my husband suddenly suspected his wife in the presence of a novel with someone, control her phone calls, correspondence and SMS, jealous of insignificant reasons, then perhaps he projects his own guilt on her. In other extremes, a man-traitor falls, becoming suddenly affectionate and gentle, asking his wife with gifts and flowers. These are the same physiological signs of treason, manifested in behavior, as listed above.

Having understood with the wrongty male, alleged and how to recognize female treason. According to similar features. Of course, it is unlikely that it will smell a male perfume or it will become too attentive to your car. But if the wife began to disappear at work, more often dressed not practical, but erotic, changed the hairstyle and makeup, cooled in bed and began to periodically show signs of jealousy - then her husband had time to be on guard. Probably his woman found another candidate.

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