Andrei Cartavtsev - Photo, biography, personal life, news, songs, "instagram" 2021



The Siberian singer Andrei Cartavtsev lives in the city of childhood, but claims that he is glad when it is not recognized on the streets as a popular artist. This allows you to protect your personal life from outsiders interference.

Childhood and youth

The musician was born in the winter of 1972 in Omsk in the average Soviet family. Father Viktor Pavlovich worked for a milling machine, Mother Galina Alekseevna - an accountant.

A kindergarten teacher preference to Andrei from other children and had long aroused a song with a boy for a holiday. However, at the matinee, the parents of the young vocalist could not come, the Kartavtsev "Snapshot" number, got a catch-up and left attempts to engage in music.

At 10 years old, Andrew found a broken electric guitar on the dump and brought the tool home. Viktor Pavlovich helped tighten the son of a string from the fishing line, and the schoolboy began to select familiar melodies and compose his own.

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The second attempt to the public speech of Cartavsev also turned out to be unsuccessful. The sixth grader of Andrei was invited to a school ensemble to execute a song at the last call ceremony. From the room, the preparation for which was occupied for 5 months, Kartavsev had unpleasant impressions - the teenager stood opposite the school principal and passed away. However, then the young man took part in the competition "Talents of Siberia" and occupied prizes.

After graduating from Omsk School No. 11, Andrei entered the motor transportation technician and read an advertisement about the set in the vocal-instrumental ensemble of an educational institution. When the guy fulfilled the Commission a song "Old Mill" from the repertoire of Igor Nikolaev, he made a soloist. VIA "gentle age" enjoyed success. Despite rehearsals, the Cartavtsev received the qualifications of the "mechanic for repair and maintenance of vehicles".

Personal life

The singer is married, the spouse gave him two daughters - Dasha and Sasha, and the older gave birth in 1997, being 18-year-old. Photo of his wife, daughters, travels and two cats Andrei Thomas and Peach - can be seen on the map of Cartavseva in "Instagram". A man likes to spend time with his family, meet classmates and ride a bike.


After serving in the army, Andrei continued to compose music and texts and execute the created compositions. In the period from 1993 to 2007, he created three musical groups - two Duets "Alphabet of Love" and "Admiral MS", as well as the Versia Vocal Tool Studio.

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The turning point in the biography of the composer and the poet was an email of Yuri Shatunov, which Andrei sent in 2008, attaching to the message of his own essay. The story "Laskovaya May" liked the composition, and soon the singer called Cartavtsev. When Yuri came to tour in Omsk, he invited the Siberian nugget for the scenes. Men became friends and began to cooperate. Andrei wrote such songs for Yuri as "and the summer of color", "I don't want", "trains", "Classmates." Seven compositions in the album of Shatunov 2012 "I believe" belong to Peru Kartavseva.

Since 2014, without stopping cooperation with Yuri, Andrei begins to build a career of singer-soloist. In the author's execution, Kartavsev received the popularity of the song "Leaves", "Let them say", "Deceiver". In 2016, the first collection of Andrei "Pictures" was seen, and the man was recognized as the talent of the year at the Omsk contest "Man of the Year".

Andrei Cartavtsev now

In 2019, the singer recorded new songs "Do not doubt", "Mom", starred in the clips "You thought" and "You are the most-most." Cartavsev discography was replenished with the album "rather maybe." The author continues to remain within the framework of the chosen genre - unnewned songs about love, considering now an amplua as a runway, with which should not be folded if you pick up speed.


  • 2016 - "Pictures"
  • 2019 - "Rather, May"


  • 2012 - "And summer color"
  • 2014 - "She's not you"
  • 2015 - "Odnoklassniki"
  • 2016 - "Let them say"
  • 2017 - "None of us is to blame"
  • 2017 - "Deceiver"
  • 2018 - "Officers of the country"
  • 2018 - "And you take and call"
  • 2018 - "Forgive me, Favorite"
  • 2019 - "Do not have doubt"

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