Emotion control during a quarrel: Methods, Technique


According to psychologists, quick temper is harmful to health. Then how to control emotions will be beneficial on the mood and further relations. About the methods of controlling feelings during a quarrel - in the editorial material 24cm.

Give emotions to the definition and say them from the first person

Get to identify the emotion that you are experiencing in a specific situation. Anger, insult, anger, anxiety, envy - experiences that help deeper to understand the current situation.

Ways to monitor emotions during a quarrel

Prophoving emotions in the "I-statement" technique will help the interlocutor to understand your feelings. Bring the fact that caused a quarrel. Tell me what you feel in connection with the conflict: "I am upset / a", "I worry", "I'm frightened / a". Explain the impact of the current situation on you or the environment. In conclusion, report the behavior that you would like to see. Be careful in the process of conversation: talk about facts or actions and do not appreciate the identity of who conflict with.

I will think about it tomorrow

Remember the famous phrase Scarlett from the "Gone by the Wind"? The heroine of Roman deftly launched from delicate provisions, giving the time of experiences about the quarrels and swearing. Take advantage of the way and give yourself a promise to panish at your leisure. In the meantime, the opponent expresses discontent, keep composure that will allow you to resort to reasonable arguments and common sense.

By the way, two participate in the quarrel. If one interlocutor does not go to irritation and an increased tone, then the conversation can go into the structural channel.

Change places

The man is so arranged that, having heard the words of criticism or discontent, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. There is a state of discomfort, which calls to answer the offender. Exchange or attack will lead to a quarrel. If you stay from a impulsive response, then the conflict can be avoided.

Ways to monitor emotions during a quarrel

Try to get at the place of a person who blew emotions and understand the cause of discontent. Sometimes arguments are weighty. Offer to resolve the conflict on mutually beneficial terms. The habit of analyzing the situation will give the opportunity to relate to the emotionality of other people.


If you do not understand how to keep emotions under control, go to slow and deep breathing "belly". Dimensional breathing is quickly relaxing and gives the strength to survive negative emotions calmly.

Take advantage of folk wisdom

The phraseological "bite the language" means "suddenly shut down." Indeed, when a person speaks rapid things, the language bites a language as self-telling. The principle works and as a prevention of a quarrel.

Ways to monitor emotions during a quarrel

It turns out that if in the process of the swearing, the tip of the tutor is slightly bought, the body will react to the stimulus and emotional sensations will go to the background, and a couple of minutes will appear to think about further words.

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