Nazanin Boniadi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Fantasy Saga Fans "The Lord of the Rings" expects a gift: the production of a series based on famous novels about Mediterranery has been launched on the Amazon platform. The main role in the project is performed by the British actress of the Iranian origin Nazanin Boniadi. At its account, participation in dozens of popular films and TV shows, but this work promises to be special.

Childhood and youth

To become a famous Hollywood actress, Nazanin has passed a long way. He began in the Iranian capital, Tehran, where Nazanin was born in 1980. Being a prominent human rights defender, Boniadi always emphasizes that he remembers her roots, although at least more than a month lived in Iran: the revolution began to make her parents hastily move to England.

In London, childhood actresses passed. Here she studied in a private school, practiced in a violin game, danced in a ballet school and dreamed of the theater. Nazanin perfectly knew the Persian and English, her academic performance was at the height, and by the end of the school she could have freely choose between different professional directions. Predatory, the girl decided to become a doctor.

At 19, she moved to the United States, where he entered the University of California for the specialty "Biology" and graduated from him with honors. In the youth, Nazanin was engaged in scientific research and was even noted by prizes for individual developments. Before becoming an actress, Boniadi struggled with the rejection of the heart graft and the problems of oncology. In addition, the girl worked as an assistant to the editor-in-chief in the student Medical newspaper MedTimes.

A sharp turn in the biography of a successful young scientist committed in 2006, when he decided to remember the children's dream and try himself in actor. Nazanin returned to England and there, in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, passed an intensive course of modern drama under the direction of Lloyd Trott. She received a diploma in 2009. By that time, Boniadi managed to play in a number of films and serials, among which the Iron Man and the "Main Hospital".

Personal life

Nazanin received the first portion of popularity thanks to the peripeties of personal life. Her unsuccessful romance with actor Tom Cruise was described in the sensational article, the exposing segment of Scientologists. According to Boniadi, in 2004, the leadership of the community, in which the girl then consisted, recommended her to take a long-standing relationship with a young man, and also take care of the image - to return natural color and get rid of brackets.

It turned out that the purpose of the mentors was to make a suitable girlfriend of life for the prominent representative of Scientology Tom Cruz. However, Boniadi's husband did not say that she did not reach 3 months, their relations ended in January 2005. The romantic mood of the man quickly changed the period of irritation and outbreaks of anger, which led to parting a pair.

After the actress remained alone, she told this story to her friend on the community, for which it was punished: the girl was imposed on the curfew, and its movements were controlled. In addition, she was digging rally at night and laundered the floor.

As a result, Nazanin decided to tie with Scientology, calling the system with "White Slavery". Now, describing his religious views, Boniadi calls himself an impractical Muslim man. At the same time, being by the nationality of Iranian, the actress hotly defends the interests and rights of the Iranian people. A prominent human rights activist is part of the Amnesty International USA International Organization, where he is engaged in an unfair condemnation and appeal with Iranian youth and women.

Nazanin is forbidden to enter Iran, where she was declared a person of Non Grata after her speeches in defense of the director of Jafar Panachi and Mohammed Rasulofa, who were convicted of their homeland for "propaganda against the state." Petition gathered more than 21 thousand signatures, including famous Hollywood actors. On June 3, 2011, Boniadi joined Sarah Schurd in the ongoing hunger strike and wrote an article in supporting the "Free Traveler" campaign regarding the prison sentence of Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal in Iran.

The actress even removed a film about violation of human rights in the Middle East, for which he received the Social Cinema Award 2011.


Starting in 2006 in minor episodes of cinema and serials, Nazanin gradually paid attention to the director. Attractive brunette with a characteristic Middle Eastern flavor began to receive roles in noticeable projects, among which the "anatomy of passion", "how I met your mother", "Motherland" and "Scandal".

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Beauty and talent gradually brought it on the screen on the fore. In the remake of the legendary film "Ben-Gur", shot in 2016 by Timur Bekmambetov, she played the beloved of the main hero. Another noticeable work was to participate in the Drama "Hotel Mumbai" (2018), where the actress starred together with the armor Hummer and the Virgin Patel.

Nazanin Boniadi now

In 2019, the first shooting of the TV series "Lord of the Rings" began, the rights to which Amazon acquired back in 2017. The producers plan to create a grand epic that can surpass the successes of the "Games of Thrones", for which the scripts of the legendary series are involved. To prevent the script leakage, it is stored under the lock in a special room, access to which is carried out only by fingerprints.

At the same time, the secrecy does not concern the cast of the project: the actors who will fulfill the main roles are known. Among them, Nazanin Boniadi, who has begun shooting in 2020. They will be held in Scotland and New Zealand. About this news, the artist reported in "Instagram", calling participation in the adaptation of the novels of John Ronald Ruel Tolkina honor for himself. For news from the set, fans are watching in the celebrity account, which she regularly replenishes fresh photos.

Many publications are human rights in nature here: a woman is photographed along with accusatory transparencies and distinguished children to attract attention to certain problems. But the pictures in the bathing suit here are not found here: having a slender sporting figure with a height of 162 cm and weighing 49 kg, the celebrity does not seek it to demonstrate.


  • 2007-2008 - "Main Hospital"
  • 2008 - "Iron Man"
  • 2010 - "24 hours"
  • 2011 - "Force Majer"
  • 2013 - "Anatomy of Passion"
  • 2013-2014 - "Motherland"
  • 2015 - "Dancing in the Desert"
  • 2016 - Ben-Gur
  • 2018 - "Hotel Mumbai"
  • 2019 - "Scandal"

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