Ekaterina Tububina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Troyashki Mother, "Direct Ether", Andrei Malakhov 2021



Ekaterina Tububina is a heroine of several television gear of federal channels. The name of the woman recognized the whole country after the strange act she did. Troyashka's mother escaped from the house, leaving the children and her husband. Catherine was looking for relatives and police Krasnodar and Tuapse.

Childhood and youth

Kati's biography was not easy. She was born on August 9, 1994. When the girl was small, her father and mother deprived parental rights. Tububina lived with a grandmother in Ivanovo. Besides her, Ekaterina has a brother. Katya received a higher education in the Ivanovo State Textile Academy. Already in adulthood, she began to communicate with his mother and now supports communication with her.

Personal life

Coming out married, in 2016, Ekaterina Tububin became a troiny mother. Together with her husband, she brought up two sons, Jana and Stepan, and Mary's daughter. Spouse Sergey is a sailor and often went swimming to provide his wife and children.

Family lived in a private house along with Mother Sergey. About how the personal life of spouses was in an interview, the mother-in-law speaks and Sergey himself. Other husband's relatives prefer to say that they have not been aware of possible shortcomings in a pair.

Catherine has a profile in Vkontakte and page in Odnoklassniki. Account in the second social network full photo from the wedding, wedding and family events. Judging by the pictures, nothing foreshadowed the discharge in the family.


In January 2020, Ekaterina Tububina disappeared. The story of her mysterious disappearance made the whole Kuban, because a young woman left home, taking with me only documents. Juvenile children stayed on the care of her grandparents. A day after the departure of the wife, Sergey began to worry. Volunteers organized looking for a young mother.

After 12 days, Tubbin found on the border of Sochi and Abkhazia. She returned home, but a few days later it turned out to be in the run. This time, Catherine was found in the hospital, in the traumatology department. According to her, the reason for leaving the house was the hands-preposition from the spouse.

After the recovery of the sailor from the next flight, the couple stayed together just a day and a half. During this time, the scandal occurred. The husband declares that he was provoked by the found love correspondence of Catherine and the desire to put all the points in the relationship.

In an interview with Tubspina, it was recognized that throughout the joint life, Sergey often beat her, and with the advent of children, his anger switched on babies. She also assures that the man took her to the forest and beaten in the car.

While in the hospital, Catherine testified alleged beatings. She also complained about the permanent loss of memory, which appeared after violent scenes. According to the woman, it was this fact that it was the reason that, escaped again, she was in an unfamiliar place, and did not go to relatives in Ivanovo. Katya recorded the video for those who participated in her search and experienced health and children.

The alternative version of the development of events push the mother-in-law Catherine tubing. Sergey's mother assures her daughter-in-law did not differ in approximate behavior, often left the children under her guardian and left the house. Together with his son, she voiced the assumption that Katya fell under the influence of the sect. Relatives refer to the abundance of icons in the house, as well as on the churchrost of Catherine.

In addition, the mother-in-law declared that the daughter-in-law had previously differed in insane behavior, did not demonstrate interest and care towards children. Trubbina-senior recalled how a young mother, together with his grandchildren, left for the whole day and returned in the evening.

Whether the domestic violence was the reason why Katya decided to leave relatives, they found out publicly. After Tububina was found, her and family members were invited to participate in the broadcast of the transfer "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov on the channel "Russia-1" and "Let them speak". During filming, a test was held on a polygraph with the participation of both spouses. Its results showed that Catherine Lzhet, and Sergey speaks the truth.

Ekaterina Tubspina now

The latest news about the situation in which Catherine fell, lighted a current talk show on federal channels. Now the story of the young woman is discussed in the media, and she became a stumbling block in disputes about domestic violence. Nevertheless, find out what actually happened in the domestic tubing, is not possible. Neither the husband nor the wife provided the unambiguous evidence of the right.

Now the spouses are engaged in the question of the potential divorce and hesitate, with whom the children will remain after parting.

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