Robert Wozlou - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Higher Man



Robert Pokhing Wasloe was born at the end of the First World War and died when the second was gaining momentum. For a short life, the guy did not make feats and did not discover. The Biography of Robert attracts attention due to giantism listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Childhood and youth

On February 22, 1918, in the town of Olton, located on the Mississippi River, Garold Franklin's family and his wife Addi was born firstborn. According to the standards of the beginning of the 20th century, Harold was considered an old man (180 cm) and could not imagine that at 8 years old the Son will turn it out, and in 9 can wear his father in his arms.

In early childhood, Robert began to grow rapidly. Some sources claim that it happened when the boy was 1 year old, others declare that up to 4 years the highest person in the world had ordinary growth and weight. By 8 years, Robert stretched out to 188 cm, and at 10 years old overstated the 2-meter frontier. The cause of the anomaly was the disease - a pituitary tumor.

An interesting fact: at the age of 13, Robert, which had reached the growth of 2.2 m, became the highest boy scout in the world. Over the years, the family began to create four more children. All Robert's brothers and sisters were usual growth: as evidenced by the photo taken in 1935, the 15-year-old brother barely gave the top of the 17-year-old giant's elbow.

Personal life

Olton Gulliver possessed a soft temper, had a nickname gentle giant and tried in his personal life nothing to differ from peers. So, in adolescence Robert, like other scouts, went hiking. To do this, mother sewed guy tents and sleeping bags of increased sizes.

From the tour, for whom the Father took the front seat in the family car, so that the son sitting in the back could place long legs, Robert always brought to relatives gifts. The young man helped at home, in particular, soap windows, standing on Earth. Waslo was fond of playing guitar and photographing while his hands were not too huge for such classes.


In 1936, Robert Wasloou entered the college to learn to a lawyer. A guy whose growth exceeded 2.5 m, the stray circus Ringling Brothers Circus offered to participate in the presentation based on the works of Jonathan Swift. Wasloe played Gullyer, and artists-Liliputs are small residents of Liliputia.

In 1938, Robert, the foot size of which corresponded to the European 77th, became a representative of the international shoe company (International Shoe Company). In this capacity, the 41 American state trampled, visiting more than 800 cities.


A constant increase in growth and weight led to the weakness of Robert's legs. To walk, he was forced not only to use the cane, but also to wear backups-brackets. On July 4, 1940, during a speech on the occasion of the Independence Day, Ortesa was fined to wave a foot, and infection got into the blood of the giant. After 11 days, despite the transfusion of blood, Robert died in a dream. The cause of death doctors was formulated as sepsis.

Shortly before the blood infection, the guy was measured for the last time - the growth was 272 cm, the weight exceeded 220 kg. The coffin with the remains of Robert weighed half a dozen, a dozen man was carried at the funeral. Wastered on the last path came 40 thousand Americans.

The grave of the 20th century gullover is located in the hometown of Robert. At high tombstones, the "rest" is inscribed. In Olton, a guy is a monument to the guy.

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