PROTAGOR - Photo, biography, personal life, teaching, cause of death, philosopher



PROTAGOR - ancient Greek philosopher, representative and investigator School Schools. Thinker, mentor and teacher, he passed his knowledge, traveling through the light. Protagora belongs to the statement "Man there is a measure of all things."


The identity of the philosopher is curious the fact that reliable information about it is practically not survived. Scientists argue that Protagogue was born in the Thracian city of Abder about 490 BC. NS.

When the future Sophist worked as a porter and with Pedantism, he formed Khpanki Lenaev, he noticed by a philosopher democritus. It is believed that the scientist engaged in teaching a promising young man. This fact in the biography of Protagora remains controversial, as some researchers believe that it was much older than a democritus.

The glory of a man brought the pedagogical activity, which he led, wandering around Greece, Italy and Sicily. Becoming a sophisticated and demanded mentor, Protagor received a warm welcome in the houses of the rich, he was presented with a generous fee for lectures, and intellectuals caught every word of the teacher. The mentor read the work out loud and first began to acquaint people not with poems, as was customary, but with a worldview.

Arriving in Athens, Protagor made friends with pericles and Euripid. In 411 BC er, after the public familiarized himself with the work of "about the gods," the author was accused of atheism for the statement of doubts about the existence of the Higher Forces. According to the legend, corresponding to the ancient Greek tradition, the philosopher died in shipwreck. The cause of death was the disaster of the ship, experienced by him on a trip to Sicily. It is assumed that at the time of the death of the thinker was from 70 to 90 years.


The teachers in ancient Greece became philosophers who were divided by knowledge and the general culture in the disciples. Such wisdom teachers were sophists, whose number was protigor. They believed that the ability to reason helps to prove the truth or refute any judgment. Speeches of school followers, clearly demonstrating confirmation of this point of view, generously paid.

Sofists performed private educators. Adherents of the philosophical direction argued about morality, right, oratorical skills. They repelled from the democratic foundations, because they were based on politicians at the time, and the main place in education was preparing for political activities and public speeches. Orientation on such a direction formed among the school followers a circle from representatives of the highest class and elite. Evatle became famous student of Protagore.

The paradox of the work of the philosopher is that its works are not survived. The main ideas reached the descendants thanks to the negotiating and comments of Plato and Diogen Laherty. According to the confidence of the first, Protagor was a sensualist and believed that the knowledge of the world would lie in the understanding of feelings. In confirmation of the point of view, the researchers lead aphorisms of the writer: "As we feel, it is in fact," and "everything is there as it seems to us."

Protagor noted that a person inherent subjectivity affects the worldview. The individual covers what is happening at a particular point, and the conclusions made are rarely consonant with reality.

To establish how great the bibliography of the author is not possible. Followers quoted individual phrases and excerpts from the work of the teacher, without pointing to which book they belong to. Perhaps Protagor became the creator of one large format writer, which had the variability of titles. According to the memories of followers, the work of the philosopher included "Truth, or refuting speeches" and "Contents". In the second author expressed the opinion that each thing exists, relying on two contradictory judgments about its essence.

Today, photos of sculptures and images describing the appearance of the protagon are posted in textbooks on philosophy.


  • "Each reasoning is equivalent to equivalent."
  • "Exercise gives more than good natural dating."
  • "Theory without practices and practice without the theory is nothing."
  • "Education does not give sprouts in the shower, if it does not penetrate to sufficient depth."
  • Bibliography
  • "About the gods"
  • "Truth, or refuting speeches"
  • "Controversia".

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