Gillish Vilnev - photos, biography, personal life, car drivers, cause of death, "Formula 1"



The Canadian Rutcher Gilles Villenev was a representative of the elite sport, since since 1977 he participated in the Grand Prix "Formula 1". Having won 6 victories on the routes of Johannesburg, Haram, Monte Carlo and Montreal, the pilot of McLaren and Ferrari teams collided in Solder with the opponent's bar, flew out from the track and died.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Canadian Joseph Gilles Henri Vilneva, who posted the beginning of the racing dynasty, began on January 18, 1950 in the village of Palab, Quebec Province.

Father, who worked as a piano tutorial, dreamed that his son would be a successor, but together with the elder brother Jacques, the boy loved "music", which Motor published.

From the young Youth, Villenev took part in the popular local snowmobile competitions and chasing as an amateur at the Ford car. And shortly before the age of majority, dreaming of serious successes and achievements, the housing entered the school of Jim Russell and, having received an official professional license, tried to put a high-speed record.

In the mid-1970s, twice by becoming the "Atlantic Formula", where James Hunt, Michael Andretti, Ricardo Patzer and Jimmy Wasser, was participating with him, Ricardo Patza and Jimmy Wasser, Canadian showed the wonders of the pilot, causing the car under heavy rain.

In winter, earning the life of snow races, the young man honed the reaction, eventually received an invitation from the McLaren team and made several trial races in the class of Machines "Formula 1".

Personal life

In his youth, living in the French part of Eastern Canada, the housing met Joan Barta, who later became his wife. The girl before that was not lucky in his personal life, but she found happiness in the company Rider and soon gave birth to the daughter of Melanie and the Son, glorified as Jacques Villenev.

Judging by the preserved photos, Joan was present on her husband's races and, leaving children with relatives and neighbors, tried to ride each Grand Prix. But, fortunately, in 1982 she was not on a car in Soldera, she did not have to see the housing at the time of a terrible accident, nor after.


In 1977, the Canadian debut in Formula 1 at the UK Grand Prix, where, on a car with a Cosworth DFV V8 engine, he didn't have enough glasses until the 1st place. And then he replaced the famous champion in the team of Scuderia Ferrari and won the home race in Montreal, completed at the time season.

In 1979, the owner and head of the Italian stable wanted to abandon the services of Vilneva, and the French Patrick Dipa was claimed in his place of the second pilot. But, earning glasses in Brazilian interlagos, the housing changed his opinion about himself and in the race held on Dijon's car, managed to climb the podium.

Next season, due to insufficient attention to the design of the Canadian car in the company, Jodie Shektor hoped at least to get to the start.

The workshop pilot and the reaction of the housing allowed regularly ahead of the partner, and at the beginning of 1981 he was prescribed by the Pilot number one. Having won two fundamental victories, he counted on the champion title, but remained in the 7th place in Total, giving the championship to strong rivals.

In 1982, Ferrari designers made a number of improvements in a new car, and Vilnev with a partner Didier Pyron was preparing to hold a brilliant season. But in the race, held on a circuit in Imvel, the team tactic was broken, and the housing lost the golden podium, attacked on the track by his own partner.


In early May 1982, still experiencing disappointment because of the discretion with the leadership and the younger partner, Vilnev came to the Belgian Grand Prix to prove he is the champion.

In the last circles of pre-training qualifications, he ran into the German Johan mass, the car flew through the air and fell in turn "Terlamenbocht".

Looking at a terrible blow to the land, the audience was assured in the death of the pilot, but the doctor who came to the crash site, found a living still alive. It seemed a strange lack of visible injuries and damage, but a weak pulse and a slightly audible breathing showed strong damage.

With the help of the Security Service and Marshals, Canadian, who at low growth had a 15-year-old teenager weight, was loaded into the helicopter of the medical service and delivered to the San Rafael hospital. It was there on May 8, 1982 the cause of the death of the famous rider became the fracture of the spinal bones in the place where he connected with the skull.

Subsequently, the leaders of the main "formula" strengthened precautions and security, but completely avoiding the risk was impossible, and the pilots died almost every season. Thus, in 1994, Roland Raiterberg and Ayrton Senna crashed, and in 2015, during the Japan Grand Prix, the pilot Jules Bianchi received injuries.

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