Scenarios for the new 2020 rats for kindergarten, high school students, corporate, adults


Want to meet the year of the metal rat in a special, with bright emotions and unforgettable impressions? They say, for the new year that it does not wish ... The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared fresh ideas of scenarios for the new 2020 for children and adults.

Scenario for the new 2020 for kindergarten

For the younger, medium, preparatory groups, you can take the basis of the rat "Fairy Tale about a stupid little face" S. Marshak. The script rich in the acting persons will allow every child to feel like a star of the scene. And small hints concerning the change of favorite of the year will make a set of interesting not only for children, but also for parents.

So, lullaby with Mysharik Near the Christmas tree, New Year's lights burn. On New Year's Eve Mom Mouse Trying to put the mysteries to sleep. In the next room already gathered guests: Heroes fairy tales Marshak, Snowflakes, Snowmen . The presenter declares the beginning of the ball. Children will lead a dance near the Christmas tree, sing a song, dance and searcate in places.

Sang at night Mouse Mouse: "Sleep Mysharik, silent." Mysharik continues to play a game console and asks not to sing with such a voice. Mom Mouse goes to the guests and offers to influence the naughty child. Invited guests, snowmen and snowflakes take turns trying to persuade non-fiddle with funny songs, dancing, poems and interesting scenes.

The penultimate asked to look into the bedroom to the Masharik Aunt Pig . Guest encourages a mouse to behave adequately and be sure to please their relatives and loved ones. Mysharik agrees and obediently stacked sleeping.

Aunt Cat. Interested in what is happening in the bedroom and dragged the mumik from the bed. On the ball appear Father Frost and Snow Maiden who congratulate all those present on the upcoming New Year. Good wizards offer to light the Christmas tree to attract good luck in the new year.

"Once, two, three, a Christmas tree, Gor!" - Scream parents and children. The Christmas tree lights up, and under the Christmas tree everyone see peacefully sleeping mysteries, who hid aunt cat. Scared by punishment, the cat runs away. And Santa Claus invites Musician to join the holiday and help distribute New Year's gifts to children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

New Year holidays for high school students - the time when you can show independence. As an idea, choose the New Year's Masquerade Ball, where they gathered at the festive event are not only viewers, but also active participants.

As a basis, you can take a fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wild landowner" in modern interpretation. Wild landmark Recognizes only virtual communication, does not smile and does not believe in miracles. Not wanting to communicate, the landowner closes the doors and welcomes the wish in the hearts: "Stay unnoticed on holidays."

Suddenly, the light show is unfolded, New Year's lights and neighbors Going to the city square, where people gathered to celebrate New Year. And the landowner remains alone, and it disappears Wi-Fi. Not wanting to celebrate in complete loneliness, he goes to the square, where he was not noticed.

Residents in anticipation of the New Year's miracle gathered on the city square, but the lights on the New Year tree are not burning. There are rumors in the crowd that garlands ignites Father Frost , But the wizard does not come to cheerful townspeople.

There are two groups of artisans who arrange a dance battle. Do not fall behind the guys of the girl. In carnival costumes, they dance Shaffle and are learning with the participants of the ball 2-3 "sliding" steps. Everyone is dancing.

Classics are suitable for the Christmas tree. Pushkin It offers the rhyme in Japanese-style hockey, where they are combined into the three-featured beauty of nature and the experiences of a person.

An example of writing verse is given:

Snow outside the window

Joy on the heart -

Holiday waiting

As a entertainment at school, you can use contests of a masquerade suit, mouse makeup, give teenagers a chance to show themselves in the contest of the standapa, prepare a New Year's miniature.

The landowner penetrated the joyful atmosphere of the holiday and smiled. Participants of the Bala are joined by the joy of the main character and everyone's name is Santa Claus.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are overlooking, which are forced to say the spell: "Once, two, three, a Christmas tree, Gor!". The garlands are lit on the Christmas tree. Santa Claus distributes gifts. The evening ends with a disco.

New Year's Scenario for Corporate

For a corporate, think about the ideas where the opportunity to express themselves even "modesty" and "Tikhonians". As a foundation, take comic quiz with questions.

For example, make a team bypass around the Christmas tree under the sounds of rhythmic music, and then ask a question for attentiveness: "How many decorations on ate?" Or what color is the accessory at the boss? "

Competition skill can be held by offering teams of office hammering lick sheets of paper and get them to the basket for speed or arrange races on office chairs.

To choose Queen Bala , Offer the ladies to sit on the chair and guess the "soft place" that the subject is hidden in crumpled paper. "Princesses on the pea" receive souvenirs and mouse ears as a gift.

Sold up the team and set the tone of the holiday will help dancing. Festive Makarena or twist will definitely enjoy all those present.

As musical competitions, use karaoke-battles, the performance of the song, where everyone sings a certain word, or a collective performance of a mix of favorite songs.

For small teams, the idea of ​​the "bath party" is suitable in the style of "Irony of Fate" with a duel on the towels, the Korolev Bani Show and the manufacture of a broom of girlfriend.

Celebration of the new year in the family circle

In the circle of the family, put the play "Rack", where the main character will be Mouse . Assign Chapter Family Repove or even Redian which does not want to leave the spaced place. Come up with modern replicas by the main characters.

Let the fabulous heroes try to persuade repaint the new year by the stories about the prospects and creative numbers of children and adults. In conclusion, the mouse pulls the repka and transfers to the New Year. And the head of the family brings together all participants in the fairy tale in one big round dance.

For a holiday comes Father Frost which holds contests between the teams of parents and children.

In the "Gadish" competition, parents must calculate the characters who own phrases and read the letter written by emoticons.

And parents offer children to participate in a cool contest "And in our time", where children are explained by associations, dance "Dance of small ducks" and create New Year's costumes from remedies.

As an entertainment, the creation of a common family coat of arms of the house is suitable, a game in the "mafia", karaoke or improvisation on the topic of popular songs.

Santa Claus listens to the ears of the cherished desires of children and offers adults to exchange congratulations.

Funny script for a cheerful company

Stylistic dance parties remain relevant. At the peak of popularity in 2019, the dance was in the style of "VOG". The ideology of the dance direction is to copy the mannequin poses in the tact of music.

Take as the basis of Baba-Yagi from the cartoon "Three heroes on distant shores". The guests will have the opportunity to create extravagant images in the spirit of the franchise.

If the guests are far from fashionable dance style, make a job for the lead to choose the dance movement. As contests, use dance battles in various fosteles of the VOG. Participants are invited to dance exaggerated feminine movements, dancing in the style of "walking Guskom", "Feline Gait" with swaying hips, dance on the podium with unusual movements.

For a funny company, the "Battle of Pillows" is suitable, the competition "Do not last" (the participants get into circular circle, starting with the lead, everyone touches the neighbor first behind the ear, then the nose, etc.), "do as I" (for repetition Merry dance movements), "True or Action".

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