Veronica Mauriciyevna and Avdota Nikitichna (characters) - Photo, duet, actors


Character History

Two brazers and goggles in the thick horny frame - that's all the preparation of artists. This is enough to go to the scene in full service, although completely without a grima. The Soviet humorous duet of the famous grandmothers Veronica Mauriciyevna and Avdoti Nikitichna recalls with nostalgia. And the reasons for termination of the speeches are still not clarified.

The history of the creation and composition of the team

Artists who entered the story as old Russian grandmothers, met while studying in Gitis. Boris Vladimirov first studied at the acting faculty, but after he decided to become a director. In 1959 he headed the Komsomol Patrol. This mobile theater toured through the territory of the Soviet Union - from Murmansk to Tashkent.

It was during these years a creative union between Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov. Artists played thumbnails, who wrote the authors such as Gregory Gorin, Victor Ardov. After the Komsomol Patrol closed, Boris Vladimirov decided to devote his life to the stage. He often performs on stage, including in women's roles.

A little later, Alexander Shirvindt, the head of the Moscow Academic Satira Theater, creates a TV show "Terem-teremok. Fairy tale for adults. " Remembering the talent of Vladimirov, Khudruk invites the artist to a new project, and after a humorous duet is born together with Vadim thin.

So, on January 1, 1971, "grandmothers" appeared on television screens, causing the mad delight of the public and sincere emotions from the viewers. Disputes about who became the ideological inspirer of this union, are underway and today. According to one version, the sparkling old women in the handkerchiefs came up with Boris. After all, back in 1958, the artist played an old woman with a monologue of Viktor Ardov. Many people believe that Alexander Shirvindt remembered the success of "grandmothers on football" and decided to develop this idea.

Vadim Thinks recalled that the old women had real prototypes - his native aunt Ekaterina Fedorovna Shechtel, as well as the Soviet and Russian actress Alexander Apple. These women united a lot of decency, intelligence, desire to pour and the art of wit. Mixing these qualities with humorous satire led to the fact that the resulting duo became a fresh jet in the comedy art of the USSR.


A quick takeoff and nationwide glory is the first satellites of the grandmothers-neighborings. Anecdotes appear with these characters, and actors who fulfill these roles are struggling around the country. They participate in festive concerts and television shows. On the day, according to the memories of Tonkov, I had to perform up to 10 times. The repertoire includes both short numbers, and entire representations.

Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov without a grima |

Artists are in demand and loved by the public. Even Galina Brezhnev invites a duet for a concert to the members of the government.

The popularity of the creative union continues to grow. In 1979, Valery Kharchenko and Yuri Klebanov invite the actors to play in the film "Grandmothers Numbly said ...". In the picture they are invited to show the comic situation in which they would meet themselves in the scenic images.

But the main success of the project should be called the characters themselves. These two old women with external similarity are completely contrasting personality. Veronica Maurikiyevna appears in front of the audience with the role of intellectuals. Avdoty Nikitichna, on the contrary, straight, rough and simple.

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The Soviet viewer loved these images so much because they were written off from those notorious grandmothers sitting on a bench and discussing everyone around. It was even funnier to look like Avdota constantly mocked above the highly powerful girlfriend, using her remoteness from Russian reality. So, it turned out that one lady Vitala in the clouds, and the second one sophisticated it in an impartial light. Of course, with a large share of humor and satire.

In the speeches of grandmothers touched upon topical topics. Often, the subject of the discussion became the social problems of the time, because of which some passages of the dialogues were indulging in censorship and cut out from the ether. But, as in any other creativity, great success has the reverse side of the medal. In 1982, Avdoty and Veronica stopped playing public and in front of the camera together.

Career completion

In 1983, Veronica Mauriciyevna appears on the scene of the concert hall. Implaced handkerchief and glasses in horny frames. Everything, as before, only her companions are not near. Encourana says that Avdota Nikitichna is engaged in grandchildren and generally married, and she has no time to exchange rumors with a girlfriend.

Vadim thin also laughs and says ridiculous stupidity into the microphone, but the audience perceived the appearance of an artist in a silence. It was a real failure, which testified about one thing - the public disagrees to perceive half a duet as a solo project.

In 1982, the creative union broke up. A huge number of opinions about the reasons gave rise to even more rumors about the drunkenness of Vladimirov, his creative crisis or even oncological disease. This mystery went along with Boris, who died in 1988. His partner Vadim Tonkov was still trying to revive the project. Even asked Harry Grinevich to play him in the scene, a little wondering, as if Avdota was once. But health, and the stalking success of "that" duet did not allow the actor to continue the dazzling career as a Russian grandmother.

Igor Kosilov and Sergey Chvanov tried for him for him. Mature and flower characters just repeated the character and behavior of the previous old women. But such a squall of emotions of the role of "new Russian grandmothers" at the audience no longer caused.

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