Igor Stam - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Igor Stam - Russian actor, producer and director. As a creative figure, he has time to work on stage and shooting sites, combining the passion for theater and cinema.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on December 18, 1983. His homeland became Kaliningrad. As a child, she decided that she had to tie his biography with acting craft. He did a schoolboy in the theater circle, and in parallel with training in high school visited the acting studio at the office of officers.

The creative potential of a novice actor was obvious. The boy was helped by a mentor, who recommended him by the head of the local theater troupe. Due to the overall from 1999 to 2001, Igor was involved in most of the stage of the theater. After graduating from school, he spoke on his own scene, and in 2001 he moved to Moscow and entered the theater school. Shchepkin.

Personal life

An attractive actor was often attributed to relationships with partners by frame, for example, according to the series "Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maiden" Alina Kizyararova. But the beloved woman appeared at the artist still in Lenkom. She became an artist Maria Mastobin. The couple played a wedding, and after some time the wife gave the stamps of children, the sons of Ivan and Constantine.

Igor Stam and Maria Mastobin

The personal life of creative people was not easy. Soon Igor left his spouse, preferring the ex-wife to the actress Maria Zlatorunskaya. They began to live together and planned the future. But with the new chosen one, the stammes did not manage to preserve the relationship. In the spring of 2019, Maria learned about the treason of a man and declared the completion of the novel on the ether of the program "in fact." True, the couple later recovered in a joint holiday in Thailand.


Having received a diploma, Igor Stam became the artist of Lenkom's troupe. Two years, he embodied minor images in successful production: "Figaro's marriage", "Tartuf", "Juno and Avos".

In 2007, the actor suggested a place in the ramth troupe. For 2 years, he worked on the stage, faced with a constant choice between the possibility of implementing in cinema and the unique atmosphere of the theater and the living scene. Being in creative searches, Igor collaborated with the Moscow Historical and Ethnographic Theater. He fulfilled the role of Delivia in the play "Student Lyceum" and received an invitation to cooperate in other productions.

In the act of acting work, the mines prevailed diverse roles. He played men and women, managing not becoming a hostage of one amplua. For example, in the play "Life", furnished in the center of drama and director, he simultaneously embodied on the stage of the driver of the minibus, the old woman and the mother of the main characters.

The actor also turned out to be involved in the performances of theater.doc, whose scene comes out now. Here he got the opportunity to try himself not only as an actor, but also to be implemented as a director. The debut production of Igor Stam Casting was successful. In 2018, he in Creaters with Mikhail Ugarov put the play "Man from Podolsk". The project received a nomination for the Prize "Golden Mask".


Along with the theater career, cinematographic was also developed. The first role of the artist was the episodic image of an adjutant, embodied in the project "Poor Nastya" in 2003. Two years later, he played the main character of the comedy "Lyuba, Children and Plant". Then followed the shooting in the series "Black Goddess", "Race for happiness", "Judicial column". The popularity of the television audience an actor brought the project "Love in the area", where he portrayed the main hero of Kostik.

Later, the artist's filmography was replenished with works in the detective TV shows "Pyatnitsky" and "Karpov", and then Igor Stam starred in the medical series "Country 03" and a multi-sieu film "Riddle for Faith".

Igor Stas now

Realizing the ambitions of theatrical director, the stamps decided to transfer their project "Casting" to the film and removed the full-length film. Critics commented on cinema as a festival project with great potential. The premiere of the picture took place in August 2019 in Kaliningrad.

Among the premiere work of the actor in the season of the 2018/2019 season were the performances "Hamlet. Employment rate "in the center of Vysotsky on Taganka. He also became an invited director of the drama theater them. Issonov in Saratov, where he put the play "Seryozha very stupid".

Now about the details of the personal life of the actor and the director, you can learn from his profile in "Instagram". Igor regularly publishes photos from the set, from business trips and travel.

The growth of Igor Stam is 180 cm, and the weight is 75 kg.


  • 2003-2004 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2005 - "Black Goddess"
  • 2005 - 2006 - "Lyuba, Children and Plant"
  • 2006 - "Race for happiness"
  • 2008 - 2009 - Love in the area "
  • 2008 - "Judicial column"
  • 2011 - "Pyatnitsky"
  • 2011 - "Riddle for Faith"
  • 2012 - "Karpov"
  • 2012 - "Country 03"
  • 2013 - "Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maiden"
  • 2014 - "Missing Love"
  • 2017 - "High Relations"

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