Stars who survived the abduction: Russian, Hollywood


Sitting at home in front of the TV, many dream of becoming a star and get a million fans. But not so easy to be famous, because the hundred adequate fans accounts for the same inadequate. The editors of 24cmi will tell who from Hollywood and Russian stars survived the abduction.

Benedict Cumberbatch

The modern "Sherlock Holmes" Benedict Cumberbatch was kidnapped in 2004, during the filming of the series "On the edge of the world". The event occurred in South Africa, when the actor returned with colleagues from diving lessons. The whole company was kidnapped and tied up with ropes. After the robbery of the actors were lucky in an unknown direction. Benedict's ability to convince saved the life of 3 stars.

Ivan Kaspersky

The son of the founders of Kaspersky Lab Ivan was abducted in 2011. The criminals came to it through the social network, traveled movement. Nothing suspected guy by force was put in the car and took into a rented house. Killed grief parents put forward demand: $ 3 million. When the amount was left in the appointed place, and the criminals had appeared behind it, they were detained by law enforcement officers.

Jessica Alba

When the Hollywood star Jessica Albe was 15 years old, she disappeared in a break between photo sessions. The search operation lasted 14 hours. Jessica found in the forest, in a locked car. Her testimony was not enough to calculate the criminal.

Minakshi Tarar

In 2012, Minaakshi Tar kidnapped a colleague-actor Amit Jaiswalvan with a girlfriend to visit Surin. They "cleaned" her bank account and demanded a redemption among the mother. Robbers believed that Minakshi from the rich family. Unfortunately, to survive the abduction star failed when they did not wait for money, strangled the actress and beheaded her. The police caught the killers, and they received a life sentence.

George Clooney

In 2007, in Darfur, George Clooney worked on the filming of the documentary film. He and his team were surrounded, and then abducted by an armed group of children. The actor recalls that they had no more than 12 years old. After the kidnappers with automata in their hands took money and valuable things, they released the creators of the film.

Alfred Heinecen.

HEINEKEN INTERNATIONAL CERVED ORDER EFRED KHINEKEN was abducted with the driver in 1983. The kidnappers demanded a family of 35 million Netherlands Guldenov. "Freddie" was kept in an abandoned barn of 20 days. It was chained with chains. After receiving the ransom, the criminals escaped. I managed to return the family only 4 million paid guilders.

Daisy McKrequin

Actress Daisy McKrequin

In 2018, the star of the horror movie Daisie McKrequin and her friend Joseph Kapone were abducted. The man was stripped and tied up, and the actress was taken to banks demanding to pay them 10 thousand dollars. Capone spent without water and eating more than 24 hours. An enterprising Daisy managed to escape. But in 2019, she still does not feel safe and afraid of abductions.

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