How to return the former feelings and passion in the relationship


Alas, nothing is forever, and the spouse or spouse may no longer cause old feelings. But everything is fixable, if there is knowledge, how to return the passion in the relationship. Proper clothes, furnishings and communication will help revive the feeling of love.


The title killer passion is life. Children, home work, communication with relatives, payment of mortgages, rides for products. All this is not bad, but when mandatory things eat time and there is no possibility to sit down and talk, the partners begin to perceive each other as a comrades for survival in full quality of the world and cease to enjoy joint communication. Wasy passion leaves. Free time is critical to maintaining relationships. Let it be 15 minutes, but the spouses will devote them to each other without being distracted by other things.

How to return the former feelings to the partner and ignite the fire

Time is liberated if you transfer some domestic affairs to other people - ask the neighbor to walk the dog, parents or friends - sit with the children, invite the help of the farm, which will prepare and clean once a week. From part of classes you can refuse. Optionally every day wash the floor and rub the plates to the brilliance. Relationship is more important than flawless sex and shining dishes.

Proper atmosphere

Passion and romance do not live where people constantly think about children, drowning crane, debts and unwashed windows. She flourishes in a setting that is beautiful and has to relax.

The desired atmosphere will be able to create at home if you make a twilight, remove foreign sounds, smells and objects. No phones, launched washing machines, calls from a friend, which is sitting with children, pies, unbearable from the oven. It will prevent immersed in relationship with her husband. If you like to enter unexpected guests, do not agree.

Sometimes it is easier to go out of the house and rent a hotel room, go to a cafe or restaurant with a pleasant half-one and a quiet music, going hike, spend the night in the open sky. In the latter case, repellents will need that insects do not spoil the situation.

Choosing clothes

Men have a different concept of what sex is sexy. For one - these are tight jeans for another dress with a decollete, for the third mini skirt, for the fourth playful underwear from sex shop. I unobtrusively find out what kind of clothes like her, watching what women he draws attention.

How to return the former feelings to the partner and ignite the fire

If a man wants to resume love in a relationship with his wife, he watches his wife. The words of a partner about what he or she likes only a legitimate half is pleasant to listen, but they are rarely honest. And attentive observation will be useful.

How to communicate to resurrect love

Although the situation and clothing are important, passion and love mostly kills the wrong communication. Some couples reach the point that do not close the door to the toilet when they go there. The proximity is important, but when the partner becomes affordable and deprived of the mysteriousness, its presence and love are perceived as granted. Distance increase, short-term separate accommodation.

Some couples are constantly together and in touch, and then complain that they disappeared a passion in relationships. During communication, it is useful to talk less about domestic things and more about their dreams, feelings and desires.

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