Vladimir Sharapov (character) - Photo, Gleb Zheglov, actor, Vladimir Konkin, movies


Character History

Vladimir Sharapov - Hero of the Soviet series "Place of Meeting cannot be changed", an employee of the Moscow criminal investigation company and the nearest gleb Zhuglov. On the screen, his image revealed the actor Vladimir Konkin.

History of character creation

The basis of the series was the events of the Roman "Era Mercy". Authors, brothers Weiners, when creating a character, inspired the image of a real person - Moscow policeman Vladimir Chvanov. He became famous for the whole of Moscow fearlessly and his own detective method, the key feature of which - to take care of the investigation as early as possible, ideally - no more than 4 hours after the commission of the crime.

So Chwanov revealed dozens of high-profile robbery and murders, for example, caught the famous serial killer Johnayana named Mosgaz. According to legend, he also participated in the investigation of serial murders in Amsterdam and successfully calculated the criminal, and the initiative to invite the Moscow police officer personally from Queen of the Netherlands.

Biography Vladimir Sharapova

Nothing is known about the pre-war biography of the hero. In the book, Vladimir Ivanovich Sharapov, like his prototype, is the former front-line, owner of state awards. During the war, he commanded the company's intelligence and crossed the border 42 times, each time returning to the "language" or the required information. At the same time, the literary hero is only 22 years (in the film 25).

As for personal life, in the "place of the meeting ..." it is mentioned that Sharapov is not married and talked. In the literary continuation of the novel "Race vertical" he, however, is the wife of Varvara Sichikkin, with which they met immediately after the war. She also serves in the police and later tragically dies. In addition, Sharapova has a foster son, and in the TV series "Investigator Tikhonov" - also a daughter who continues the case of the Father.

The image of Sharapova, from a moral point of view, is opposed to his partner Gleb Zheglov, who supports the position "The goal justifies the funds" and is ready for all in order to make their own justice. Zheglov does not like to recognize mistakes, and Sharapov, on the contrary, not alien self-criticism, as well as pity and sympathy. Vladimir believes that the laws of wartime are inappropriate in peaceful life, and compliance with the rules and following moral standards - the obligation of the investigator. He is a supporter of the idea of ​​humanism and the priority of the law, popular at the time in liberal circles.

The name of the novel is "Era Mercy" - indicates the position of Sharapova: the war is already behind, and it is time when you need to appreciate life and remain a person in any situations yourself.

Vladimir Sharapov in books and films

According to the memoirs of Arkady Weiner, the candidate of Conquin on the role of the investigator was rejected. Outwardly, he was too different from the book description: in the "era of mercy" of Sharapov was a powerful man, the owner of the non-lawn physical strength. In addition, in the book, it is described as a tall blond with a welded nose and small eyes, very far from the generally accepted ideals of beauty. Full Vladimir Konkin in his youth was a slender brunette of an intelligent species, the appearance of which did not knit with frontal exploits and the heroic opposition to the bandits after the war.

Nevertheless, the decision of the director for the role was still approved by Konkin. According to rumors, it solved the fact that the actor patronized the head of Gosperary, Sergey Lapin. There is another version: "pale" partner was needed in order to draw off the character of the main character, brilliantly played by Vladimir Vysotsky. This contradicts the main idea of ​​the novel: in the "era of mercy" the sympathies of the authors were on the side of Sharapova, and after the release of the cinema, Zheglov became an unequivocal favorite.

The shooting of the film was difficult. In addition to the antipathy of writers, the conquica had to bear the rudeness of Vysotsky. According to him, worse than he, nobody turned out to him: a capeful change of mood, screams and hysterics accompanied all the shooting days. It came to the point that Konkin tried to run home to Kiev. The situation was saved by the actor Viktor Pavlov, who supported Vladimir and persuaded him to keep it to the end.

In the film "Visit to Minotaur", the character carries another surname - Uvarov, however, having learned the history of the investigator, the viewer understands that this is the same hero. Basic facts of biography coincide: service in welfare, coming to the criminal search after the war, participation in the destruction of the "Black Cat" - the famous criminal gang operating in the capital.

Charapow Character is mentioned in the song "Lube" group "Atas", which included the collective debut album.


If the law is to dive once, then another time, then they start the holes in the investigation to stack, as we are pleased with you, then this will not be the law, but a quinency. Cancer - me. She will warm my heart when the basement together we climb. The most expensive in the world is nonsense, because it is more expensive than you have to pay.


  • 1967 - "Watches for Mr. Kelly"
  • 1969 - "Sick at noon"
  • 1972 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 1974 - "Vertical Racing"
  • 1975 - "Era Mercy"
  • 1978 - "Medicine for non-versa"


  • 1971 - "I, the investigator ..."
  • 1978 - "Medicine against fear"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1983 - "Vertical Racing"
  • 1987 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"

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