Bear Ball (Character) - Pictures, "Jungle Book", Description, Mowgli, Author


Character History

Bear Balu - Character "Jungle Books", created at the end of the XIX century by the British writer by Reddard Kipling. According to the plot, the hero becomes one of the educators of the human child, Mowgli, who has fallen in the wolf. The readers loved this calm, a bad bear endowed with a sense of justice, strength and wisdom. Despite the awesome appearance, the hero prefers nuts and honey and has a biased character.

History of character creation

The composition of Kipling was published in 1893. The readers appeared exciting stories with Indian flavor. India has become homeland and for the classics itself - here the Briton spent the first 6 years of life. After some time, the writer returned to an amazing country, who gave him inspiration, impressive by an unusual Flora and the fauna. These features of local nature and reflected in the "Jungle Book".

The author created the image of the ball as a mentor of a child. The bear is wisdom, the ability to settle the born conflicts. The character knows the best jungle law, an unwritten charter, which is subject to animals. The ball does not use the force without needing, does not become a reference to disputes or a provocateur, like, for example, jackal tobacco. Giving the name Hero, the writer himself noted that with the language of Hindustani, it translates as a "bear" and has an emphasis on the first syllable.

In the work about the appearance of a good-natured character, it is reported that this is a "sleepy brown bear." This detail has aroused disputes among Kipling creativity researchers who tried to determine the Bear Breed. According to one version, the writer gave a description of Gubacha. Among this breed, representatives of the brown color are found, but in most cases animal skins - black.

The traditional ration of the hero - roots, nuts and honey - pursue the thoughts about the similarity of the character with the Himalayan Bear. However, the beasts of such a breed were not found in the places of the events described. There is a point of view that the British classic depicted a hybrid animal, including the features of these rocks. In the book, Balu, as a Mowgli teacher, symbolically personifies strength, while Panther Bagiir is love, and Kaa Kaa - knowledge.

Ball Ball Ball

According to the story of history, the child, barely learned to stand, falls into the flock of wolves. The parents of the baby, frightened the approach of the Terrible Tiger of Sherhan, who fucked in these places, ran away. The family of wolves, where we recently appeared, I decided to leave the human cub. And later, when the kids have grown up, the wolves realized that it was time to present children on the Council of Farn. According to the jungle law, none of the wolves could kill the cubs presented on the Council until they overcome their first deer.

For wolves, the appearance of a stranger in their tribe, a person turned out to be unexpected and unpleasant. When it comes to vote for whether the child can be included in the wolf pack, everyone was silent. According to the law, two wolves should be given to the new member of the tribe, except for the father with his mother. The tension on the Council grew, and the Mother-Wolf was already ready to fight dissatisfied. But here his voice filed a bear Ball, part of the Council, as he taught usually by the law of the jungle. Bagira became the second guarantor, giving redemption for a child.

Balk teaches Mowgli Surgo, sometimes a slightly helping the "diligence" student with a peptic paw. At the accusations of Bagira in cruelty, the bear replies that such a "school" gives brilliant results. Indeed, a brown teacher introduces a boy with the laws of the jungle, which he can tell without a stick. Also in the system, the ball enters the study of languages ​​of animals inhabiting the jungle (with the exception of monkeys, which are considered unworthy to be taken into the range of other animals).

Thanks to the lessons, Mowgli's bear knows the language of birds, snakes - and this allows the teenager to feel safe, and on occasion - as it was with Bandar Log monkeys - to call friends to help. The "teacher" does not change its habits during history - the character loves to lie safely, not to hurry anywhere. But when someone from those who are dear to the ball, support is required, the hero immediately changes.

Bear Ball in cartoons

In 1967, Walt Disney studio released a cartoon "Book Jungle" on the screens. Balu in this animation film - merry, it is characterized by carelessness and idleness. The hero loves to dance, play games with other residents of the jungle. Disney project is designed for a children's audience, there is no drama of the original source, it does not say about death. Writer Bill Pit and artists Frank Thomas and Olli Johnston made a ball with a dark gray bear-lubbach.

In the same year, the first part of the Soviet cartoon "Mowgli" was released, which included 5 episodes. Illustrators depicted a ball like a Himalayan bear - with dark wool and a characteristic white spot on the breast. The hero, like other cartoon characters, turned out to be close to the original text of the book. Ball is shown a wise teacher, a fair judge, a true friend.

The hero also appears in the animated series "Miracles on the deviras", released by Disney in 1990. In animated history, except for some heroes, there is nothing in common with the Kipling Book. The ball here flies on the plane, often happens in the bar of his friend - Monkey Louis. The character also appears in the film "The Jungle Book" of 2016, which was the author of which the director John Favro became. The bear voiced actor Bill Murray.


I'm for the cub. He will not bring harm to anyone. I am not a master of talking, but I tell the truth. "Man there is a young man, and he needs to know all the laws of the jungle. I now learning to the cherished words of the jungle that will be protected against birds and snakes and against everyone who runs on four paws, besides his native flock.


  • 1893 - "Jungle Book"


  • 1967 - "Jungle Book"
  • 1967-1971 - "Mowgli"
  • 1990-1991 - "Miracles on the deviras"
  • 2003 - "Jungle Book 2"
  • 2016 - "Jungle Book"

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