How not to gain weight after the holidays - Tips


Not far from the mountains of the new 2020 and Christmas, which means that the upcoming solemn-calorie marathon begins to unail in the heart of anxiety about the opponent in festive dishes - excess weight. In search of tips, how not to recover, refer to the Internet, and there all recommendations are reduced to the following: turn off the TV, remove the alcohol, do not eat delicious and sweet, drink water, chewing greens, and better to go to sleep at all and sit on a diet Such installations with the word "Celebration" do not fit.

How not to gain weight after the New Year holidays, and at the same time not to turn the banquet to the guides, will tell in 24cmi.

Violating traditions

In the consciousness of the Russians, New Year's celebrations are firmly associated with infrequent feasts, the climbing, hikes and arising from the end of the "rest", as soon as possible to finish the "Vacation", for the body no longer stands. This tradition is not at all that the custom that is worth abiding if you don't want to think about how to get rid of the sagging "cheeks" where the waist disappeared.

How not to recover in New Year's holidays

It should be remembered that the rest is needed not only from work. Therefore, instead of a weekly borrowing, it is worth limking to the main holidays - the New Year and Merry Christmas, respectively. Yes, the day is different to allocate on guests. The rest of the time is better to spend with benefit for yourself, families and your own organism, and not absorb the next "alcohol-containing imprompti" and snacks.

Opening in full

It is worth noting that under the word "rest" is hidden not only lying on the sofa. Let nice to soak with the book in the hands of a blizzard, one must not forget that the best version of the respite is a change of occupation. And here, without exercise, you can not do without exercise, because winter is a great time for skiing, snowboarding, skating and sledding. And sheltered sparkling on a sunny day snow covering forest is an excellent place for walking.

Daily gymnastics will also allow maintaining in tone and well-being, and figure. It is not necessary to become a bodybuilder - squats, pushups and exercises to press enough so as not to gain excess weight. The main thing is not to stop doing on vacation and in the holidays free time to eat more or less balanced.

That's right break

From the councils aimed at the "Bay" figures in the perspective of the New Year holidays, it is worth moving on to the recommendations regarding the feast. An important point on the day of the arrival of the new year is a properly chosen breakfast: the more dense, the less will get it in the evening, which means that the risk is less.

How not to recover in New Year's holidays

The best option is a dense and rich energy breakfast, so that it is enough for business, and the stomach is not Lip. Cheesecakes, cottage cheese, fruit eggs or bunting with fruit replenish the reserves and rolling in the morning. And for light daily snacks, nuts, dried fruits and yogurts are suitable.


Important Council: Hurry up with the absorption of all sorts of eats does not need. The brain receives a signal on the filling of the stomach and the offshift is not instantly - on average runs from 20 to 40 minutes.

If you quickly throw snacks "in Zherel", then the moment of saturation is not difficult to skip. And then absorbed in a heavy cargo at the bottom of the belly, followed by a chance to move on the waist and hips. Dancing will cause converting only nausea, and the hot drinks of the domestic consumer will quickly appear "in knockout". Yes, and enjoy the taste of food "Toropagi" do not have time.

Holding a horse

By the way, about alcohol: it is better, of course, at the festive table to do and completely without alcohol-containing drinks. But, as practice shows, even people, to alcohol indifference, for the new year they allow themselves to overturn a glass-other. And, in principle, it is properly done - in small amounts alcohol stimulates digestion and gives a slight feeling of euphoria.

How not to recover in New Year's holidays

But the bust of the alcohol leads to the loss of control: you can not only "hang up", but also to move it, that then you have to think how to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. Yes, and do not forget about the hangover. Therefore, with the consumption of hot drinks should be careful: drink less - better holiday.

New Year's traditions of different countries

New Year's traditions of different countries


New Year's traditions of different countries - background

New Year's traditions of different countries

Italians on New Year's Eve must wear anything red. It can be both socks and coats Bobbo Natal (Local Santa Claus).

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New Year's traditions of different countries

In Argentina, on the eve of the New Year, it was customary from the windows of unnecessary papers, magazines, newspapers ... It was when all the streets are covered with paper, the Argentarians have a New Year's mood.

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New Year's traditions of different countries - 1 background

New Year's traditions of different countries

In Estonia, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in the sauna. Estonians who comply with national traditions, even the fight of the Kurantov listened to the sauna.

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New Year's traditions of different countries

On the streets of Scotland on New Year's Eve kateat barrels with tar, burning fire. They symbolize the outgoing year. And the new year is taken to every house after the first battle of the Kurats. The head of the family must silently get up and open the door.

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New Year's traditions of different countries - 3 background

New Year's traditions of different countries

Ingredients are engaged in the residents of Panama. Each family should set fire to stuffed one of the famous people whether it is a politician, an athlete or actor. This is not an expression of feelings to a particular person, but symbolizes the burning of everything bad.

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New Year's traditions of different countries - 4 background

New Year's traditions of different countries

Each Spaniard should eat in a grape for each kraist battle. Who fulfilled this ritual is waiting for a happy year.

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New Year's traditions of different countries

Seeing a bit of dishes on the threshold at home, Danes are not frustrated. On the contrary, the more plates and cups will break about the door of the owners, the happier they will be in the coming year.

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New Year's traditions of different countries - 6 background

New Year's traditions of different countries

On the streets of Peru on New Year's Eve, you can meet many girls with jershoot and people with suitcases. The first - go to search for the groom, offering their narrowed to take up the twig. Second - want to bring the desired trip to bring.

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New Year's traditions of different countries

Residents of Greece give each other stones. The harder stone, the harder the recipient's wallet in the new year.

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New Year's traditions of different countries - 8 background

New Year's traditions of different countries

On New Year's Eve in Japan, it is customary to call the bell 108 times. This figure is associated with the number of human vices. They are 6, but, according to the Japanese, each of them has 18 shades.

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New Year's traditions of different countries - 9 background

New Year's traditions of different countries


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