Kitty Pride (Character) - Photo, Marvel, Comics, Biography, "Spiderman", Ellen Page


Character History

Kitty Pride is one of the main characters of the X-People "People". In the course of the development of the plot, it was called differently: Ariel, Fairy and, finally, a ghostly cat. The main feature of the heroine is to pass through solid objects, as well as levitate by air. There are several variants of the development and biography of a girl-mutant both in the main and in the Alternative Marvel Universe.

History of character creation

For the first time, comic fans got acquainted with a mutant girl who could pass through the walls in the series about the people of X-Men in 1980. The authors of the character are John Byrne and Chris Clairmont. And the name of the superheroid is quite real. Catherine Pride - a girl who studied with John. In the student, Byrne promised that he would definitely draw a character similar to her and calls her name.

The appearance of a ghostly cat in an American comics happened in 129 episode "God spared the child." In the club of the people of the IS, the alarm has worked, which is found another mutant in Chicago. The director of the School Charles Xavier, along with a colossusion, Romolosha and Storm go on a recruitment trip.

Meanwhile, Emma Frost has already arrived to the family of Pride - a member of the Hell's Flame Club, the Yarya opponents of the X-Men. At that time, until Emma talks with his parents about enrolling the girl to the Massachusetts School, Kitty feels a headache and hurry to retire in the room. After the departure, Frost arrives Xavier and calls the girl in a cafe to talk about her talents. At this time, mutants from the hellish flame attack the superhero team, trying to beat off the new superhero. But they suffer. During the battle, Emma flows into someone, and after the exit of non-existence, its consciousness moves into the body of Bobby Drake.

During the battle, Kitty is convinced that she has superposableness and decides to join the people of X. The girl climbs on the airbag and from this moment becomes a full member of the club. The Uncanny X-Men character appears in 5468 releases, and also populates in the Marvel Universe Film.

Biography Kitty Pryid.

Catherine was born in Illinois, in the city of Dirfield. She grew up a normal child, medium-sized physique: growth - 167 cm and weight - 50 kg, but possessed increased intelligence. It made it to her at a young age attend a college on the enhanced program. At the age of 13, the girl had a bad head very much, at the moments of such attacks, she fell through the bed. Mom, Teresa Pride, noticed these unusual abilities and contacted the director of the school Charles Xavier, so that he taught the child to control the metamorphosis.

Parents opposed the daughter to participate in the special operations, because they were worried about it. And after the incident with the hello flame club, I decided not to let the girl go to school. But Jin Gray changed the memories of Teresa and Carmen's prides to allow Catherine to leave.

Shooking towards the hero's team, the girl quickly found a common language with others. Magic and thunderstorm became the best girlfriends of the mutant mutant. A faithful friend and mentor - Wolverine. And the romantic relationships were formed with a colossusion. Charles Xavier calls the new fairy. Thunderstorm renames a girlfriend to Ariel. And after communication with Wolverine, Catherine has become a chimera. After the girl knows oriental martial arts, the nickname of the ghostly cat is fixed behind it.

In the alternative version of Ultimate X-Men, which Marvel Comics released, Catherine has another biography. The girl was a fan of Peter Parker and consisted of a loving relationship with him for a while. Not long, because the Spiderman soon realized that he was still in love with Mary Jane. After that, the girl even decides to leave the superhero career and returns to the mother.

In comics "Guardians of the Galaxy" description of the character and fate of the heroine also changes. She appears in the role of the wife of Peter Quille, or Star Lord. She managed to save the planet, kidding powerful artifact. But soon the spouse was offered to become the king of the Spartax Empire. Peter doubted whether he could take such responsibility for himself, but Kitty helped take a right decision. After Quille took off the powers of Star Lord, Catherine joined the Guards of the Galaxy, standing in his office in his position.

Kitty Pride in films

The ghostly cat has repeatedly appeared in the fantastic franchise "X-People", which is based on Marvel comics. Today, the superheroid filmography contains 4 blockbusters.

In 2000, the first film was published on mutants, where Kitty played the Canadian actress Samel Kay. The character received an episodic role in school. There the girl passes through the doors after she forgets the bag. The film received positive feedback from critics, so the decision to shoot the continuation was economically justified. Spectators appreciated the idea of ​​superhero, disassembled the speech of those who loved the characters on the quotes.

In the 2003 sequel, Katie Stewart played a ghost cat. According to Catherine's scenario, it discovers that it ceases to control his body, having failed through the bed at the moment when trying to escape from the striker agents. Also Charles Xavier in a conversation with the president mentions that there is a mutant in the world with abilities through the walls.

More on screen gets a ghostly cat in the movie "X-Men: Last Battle." The character participates in the battle on Alcatrase, and also becomes the Savior Jimmy from Jaggernaut. Catherine played Ellen Page, famous for the main role in "Juno".

In the film "X-People: The days of the last future" the role of Ellen Page became the key. In this series, the ability of her heroine becomes even more powerful. Now Kitty can manage the consciousness of a person - send it to the past.

In 2018, information about the solo film Kitty Pride was emerged in Internet sources about the new items of the cinema. Developed the scenario Tim Miller, the director who shot "Deadpool". But, a year later, it becomes clear that the project will not be implemented in the near future.


  • 2000 - "X-People"
  • 2003 - "X-2 People"
  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 1981 - "Spiderman and his amazing friends"
  • 2000-2003 - "Xu People: Evolution"
  • 2009 - "Wolverine and X-People"

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