Daria Majorova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, "Instagram" 2021



Daria Majorova - actress theater and cinema. I barely started the artistic career, the girl met a man, acquaintance with whom he changed fate. They turned out to be a future husband - directed by Karen Shakhnazarov. Leaving a profession for the sake of the family, Majorova returned to her already in adulthood.

Childhood and youth

Daria was born on February 24, 1972 in Moscow. The girl's childhood took place in the heart of the capital, on a small armor. It is easy to assume that her biography will be easily connected. Grandpa Dashi, Valery Pronin, was a famous sound engineer, whose shoulders were about 150 projects. True, along with the father of Majorova, he opposed the admission of the girl to creative bohem. Only Mother supported the desire of Daria to unity with the theater.

Daria Majorova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress,

Leaving the opinion of the parents in the second plan, the daughter already at school began to attend a dramatic circle. Having received a certificate, she was easily entered into the Schukin school. Creative potential and prospects noted mentors, so Majorova dreams about a professional career.

Personal life

The first romantic passion for Daria Majorova was the actor Vladislav Galkin. Relationships with him could lead to marriage, and young people have repeatedly discussed this, but the creative personalities turned out to be not easy to get along, so there was soon a couple squeezed.

With Karen Shahnazarov, the actress met shortly before the 20th anniversary. The director was 38 years old, and for him it was the third marriage. But the age difference did not embarrass a couple. For some time, Daria looked at the new Uhager and gave him a chance to show himself. In 1991, she received a proposal of hands and hearts.

Focusing on a personal life and family, Majorova was engaged in the house and raising children. Leaving his career, she was realized as a housewife. Over time, a new role is tired, and Daria decided to return to active activities. Television in this sense has become a kind of inventious for her, since, missing the time, the actress did not see the future in the cinema or on stage.

The personal life of the spouses was happy, so for many, their separation was shocked. Even the sons of Ivan and Vasily did not know for a long time that parents were reversible. The divorce of the director and the artist, which took place in 2011, was quiet and painless.


Upon completion of studies at the University, Dasha went along with his father to Vladimir. A meeting with the director Karen Shakhnazarov took place here. Girl at first glance, I liked the director, which ensured her work in the movies. To arrange Major, Shahnazarov suggested her the role of Princess Olga in the film "Tsaryubyza". The psychological and historical drama allowed the artist to declare himself.

A year later, Daria was invited to work on the "Three August Days" ribbon, the producers of three countries were produced at once. The picture described the Moscow Patch, but the prime minister did not take place in Russia. But at the box office abroad, it turned out to be successful.

Daria Majorova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress,

It seemed that the career of the artist should be lit by large projects. She was invited to the theater "Contemporary". Galina Volchek was interested in actress, but Dasha missed listening, because at that time he had time to plunge into a novel with a future spouse.

Majorow returned to the set when her children became adults. The first project that the artist was offered to oversee as a TV host was the transfer of "mood" in the morning air of the TVC channel. In 2005, the actress has begun shooting. Her filmography replenished the series "Lovers of the Private Sud Daria Vasilyeva". This work did not bring satisfaction, so Majorova returned to work with TV projects. Shooting in cinema and serials have become a big rarity.

Daria Majorova now

In 2019, Daria prefers not to spread about his personal life. It is engaged in its own development in the field of television. To journalists and fans of Majorov does not give reasons for woven and reasoning, as it is now rarely divided by plans, does not behave "instagram" and does not publish personal photos.

The growth and weight of the actress also remain under the curtain of the mystery.


  • 1982 - "Home!"
  • 1991 - "Tsarubytsa"
  • 1992 - "Three August Days"
  • 2005 - "Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private cheek -4 "
  • 2008 - "Sand rain"
  • 2013 - "Two Winters and Three Summer"

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