Permanent drowsiness: causes, disease


If a person is tired on the eve, it is not surprising that he spends a lot of time in bed. But when there is no visible reasons for fatigue, and I want to sleep - it is often a heartbell of the disease. In addition, the problem interferes with leading an active life, work normally, communicate with friends and family.

Natural reasons

Individual norm . Distinguish the natural hypersna from pathological helps the condition after the rise. If a person is broken and wants to return to bed - probably, it is pathology. But if Bodr and is ready for accomplishments, it looks more like an individual norm.

Physical or psychological overwork . This includes scandals, Avral at work, passing the exam. If a man wants to sleep, but on the day before he dragged bricks, everything is fine. In the process of sleeping the body has more restoration opportunities, so it requires an increased dose.

Medications . Soothing herbs and drugs, antihistamines, means of diabetes and lowering pressure depress the nervous system. The man becomes the inhibited and stretches to the pillow. When the effect of drugs is over and they will bring out of the body, the dream will come to normal.

Brain-brain injury . If a person hit his head or beat him on his head, then hypersion arises, which is called post-traumatic. To make sure the blow is not dangerous to health, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Permanent drowsiness: Natural causes or rare disease

Avitaminosis . Vitamins - Construction substances and energy suppliers for the body. If the vitamins do not have enough, the body protects itself by the fact that he falls into the "hibernation". If a person lacks vitamins and he is forced to work seriously, the body is depleted and the risk of developing diseases.

Lack of sun . If winter or a person rarely occurs on the street, his skin is not allowed for sunlight, which contributes to the production of vitamin D. Without it, the number of "cheerful" watches is reduced. If you want to sleep during the day, the reason is hardly in Vitamin D.

Pregnancy . The joyful event leads to a change in hormonal balance. Progesterone, which contributes to the preservation of the fetus, also reduces the pressure, and the woman wants to sleep.

Reading before bedtime from the screen . A number of scientists believe that invisible blue light emitted by electronic screens deteriorates sleep. TV is also considered.

Binge eating . When a person ate more than he should, the body throws forces to digest - the blood sticks to the stomach. And from here, the brain, on the contrary, casts, so pulls to sleep after eating.

Frequent diseases

Thyroid disorders . To diagnose the disease, tests for hormones of thyroid hormones are given. If their indicators are lower than the norm, the doctor take hormones in tablets. Violation happens and due to improper nutrition.

Anemia . The disease is caused by a lack of iron, which is responsible for the formation of red blood tauros. Vegetarians often suffer from her. The sick anemia is pale, has a decline of strength, a decrease in the concentration of attention; Feels weakness and he constantly wants to sleep. Without timely treatment, the disease reduces the quality of life.

Permanent drowsiness: Natural causes or rare disease

Problems with heart or vessels . The poor functioning of these organs leads to the fact that the normal blood supply to the tissues is disturbed, and the brain is experiencing oxygen starvation. Weather-dependent people also have problems with vessels, even if they consider themselves healthy. They are shown prevention. By the way, the vessels narrows smoking.

Liver and kidney disease . Since the organs perform the withdrawal function in the body, the failures in their work cause the organism poisoning with products of the decay of vital activity. And the well-poisoned body cannot act. The liver condition worsens alcohol. In diabetes, glucose does not fall into the cells and the person lacks energy. With these diseases, I want to sleep all the time.

Rare diseases

Crayfish . The body that struggles with cancer is exhausted, so requires more sleep resource for recovery.

Narcolepsy . A disease in which a person is turned off in unsuitable places and even strange poses is not able to control. During the narcoleptic attack, the patient may fall and suffer, so the problem is considered dangerous.

Permanent drowsiness: Natural causes or rare disease

Apnea . "Forgot how to breathe" is usually used as a joke. But for people with apnea is a reality. The reason for which they want to sleep are: while sleeping is the stop of the breath, which prevents sleeping. Apnea, like narcolepsy, diagnose doubt doctors. The same problem in people with respiratory failure.

Mental diseases . In patients with depressive and disturbing disorders, sleep helps adaptation. In a dream, the nervous system is restored, and it is no coincidence that some people with depression say: "I want to sleep until it end." But to expect that one only sleep will help, when depressed is not worth it.

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