Lunar calendar for January 2020: phases, gardeners and gardeners, cash, favorable and unfavorable days


On January 10, 2020, the lunar eclipse is expected. Astrologers recommend a week after the mysterious event to schedule the beginning of a new stage in life. And what else is waiting for us according to the position of Heavenly Lighting in January 2020 - in the moon calendar of 24cmi.

Moon phases

On New Year's holidays 1-9 and 26-31 January - Waxing Crescent . Phase is favorable for planning. Astrologers recommend to engage in appearance and recall the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Unsuccessful time for active actions: it is better to wait and comprehend endeavors in the new year.

Phases of the Moon for January 2020

First Full moon 2020 is expected to the 10th. Day of leisurely stability. Remember spiritual practices, meditate. Keep yourself in your hands and do not commit odded actions.

From 11 to 24 January Moon decreases . Direct energy on important things. Observe the mode of the day, do not ignore the advice to strengthen immunity. Walled diseases and excessive fatigue are expected.

25 numbers - New moon . Direct energy into creative activities. Those who will not be able to catch inspiration can devote time to sports or send the energy flow into a love track.

Lunar beauty and health calendar

December 1 and 27-29 refrain from beauty treatments. These days, the skin becomes vulnerable. Favorable for beauty procedures 6, 13, 19-21, 25-26. Hardware Cosmetology sessions are favorable on 14-15 and 22-24 numbers.

Refrain from cosmetology operations to remove moles on January 5-6, and from beauty enclosures 23-25. These days are not the best time and for piercing. Favorable for haircuts are considered 1, 6, 15. Refuse to cut hair on January 25.

Lunar beauty and health calendar for January 2020

2-6, 12-15, 20-24, 30-31 numbers - at this time it is better to go to the rehabilitation of nails. Create a spectacular manicure that will delight long, will work on January 26th. Discard the campaign to the salon 10, 11, 25.

Favorable to remove and treat teeth, cleaning channels 16-19. Schedule a hike to a hygienist to put braces or a seal, better than 5-8, 12-21 January. Do not plan a visit to the dentist from 26 to 31. Astromedicin recommends assigning planned operations on a growing moon with 1 to 9 and from 26 to 31, and on a decreasing moon from 11 to 24 - removal operations. Unfavorable for intervention 10 and 25.

Lunar gardery and garden calendar

In the gardener calendar, the beginning of the year is time for planning work. Make a list of seeds that need to buy by spring. Install feeders: attracting birds will save from pests in warmth.

Lunar calendar of gardener and gardener for May 2019

Flowers can make landing seedlings of indoor plants from 12 to 16. Urban on the growing moon 1, 4-7 favorable time for sowing on the windowsill or in the greenhouse of pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and 20-23, 28 - a great time for Planting greenery.

Cash lunar calendar

January is considered an unfavorable period for lending. Exceptions are loans on the car. Autodiets may have special offers.

Monetary calendar for January 2019

Delive money 3 and 13. Give debt recommended 7, 22, 29. To attract financial well-being, recalculate money on January 14 and purchase a new wallet 17.

The monetary calendar recommends making large purchases 2, 4-6, 8, January 31st. Refrain from spending 20 and 25. Shopping 1, 12, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27 will be superfluous for the family budget.

Favorable and unfavorable days

Favorable and unfavorable days in January are associated with the behavior of the night shone. Favorable for undertakings and manifestations of the initiative: 1, 2, 4-9, 14-16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26-29.

Unfavorable days when the moon awakens passivity and low activity: 5, 10-13, 17, 20, 23-25, 30, 31.

Astrological Tips for 2020

Astrological Tips for 2020


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Astrological Tips for 2020

1. According to the view of astrologers, in 2020 everyone is waiting for the energy lift. However, experts are not recommended to rush the events, and all the questions solve peacefully and calmly.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

2. Also, the white rat loves attentive and organized. Plan everything in advance and follow the planned plan, and then success awaits you!

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Astrological Tips for 2020

3. In the financial affairs of the rat is scrupulous. She does not tolerate frauds and scammers. Improve your welfare will be only honest.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

4. The rest of the spheres should also be fair and responsible. And more positive!

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Astrological Tips for 2020

5. Create a comfort in the house. The rat loves it. If you plan some acquisition for the house, it will be in every way to contribute to a successful purchase.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

6. Astrologers predict a good profit from cash investments. If you are planning to open your business for a long time, 2020 is the right time for this.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

7. But from loans in the new year it is better to refuse at all.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

8. In the year of white rat, take all the decisions, boldly relying on my intuition.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

9. If in 2020 to look at conflicts and quarrels of philosophically and with humor, then the white rat will help to resolve them as soon as possible.

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Astrological Tips for 2020

10. In the coming year, try to maintain relationships. The rat will help to strengthen the family.

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Astrological Tips for 2020


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