Diana Rigg - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, Death Cause, News



British actress Diana Rigg remembered the audience outstanding roles in the cinema. Also, the artist succeeded on the theater scene, in the list of her work numerous performances in which it appeared in different images throughout the career. Despite the age, Diana until the last days continued to delight the fans with the game in new films.

Childhood and youth

Rigg was born in the city of Doncaster, United Kingdom, in the summer of 1938. Her mother was called Baril Hellliell, Father - Luis Rigg, he was a railroad engineer. When the girl was 2 months old, the head of the family was sent to work to India to the position of manager on the railway. Mother with children followed his spouse. Return to their homeland succeeded only after 7 years. Just it was time to learn, Diaan was determined in a closed gymnasium.

Interest in art in the future actress woke up at the 12th age after visiting the theater. Rigg persuaded her mother to record her on a circle where she began to know the Aza Actors. The girl showed good results and a year later appeared on theatrical scene in the image of chillers. Realizing that he wants to continue to develop, after school entered the Royal Academy. The study was given to her hard, but, finding strength in himself, she finished the university yet.

Personal life

Personal life of a successful actress is saturated with events. The first loud relations were Diaan with Philip Saville. In 1973, she married the Israeli artist Menachem Hepfena, however, the Union lasted for a long time, in 1976, spouses divorced.

Theatrical producer Archibald Stirling in the status of Muga Rigg was 8 years old. They began to meet in the 1970s, after 7 years a couple had a joint daughter Rachel, and the wedding took place in the spring of 1982.


Diaan's debut on a professional scene took place in 1957, when she played in the "Caucasian Circle Caucasian" formulation. Then a short period of time worked as a model, and in 1958 I went to the scene in the image of Vivian in the play of Jerome K. Jerome "Zhiltsi from the fourth floor". Constantly working in the theater at that time, the Rigg was not to feed himself, she had to get a job assistant, only occasionally appearing on stage in episodic roles.

Dian spent a lot of strength in search of a permanent job until he received an offer from the Royal Shakespeare Theater in 1959, the later a woman gave him 12 years of life. Then followed the work on other large scenes, and then - trips and performances abroad. Among her numerous roles, the game in productions "Fedra and Britanik", "Night and Day", "Medea" and "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf" deserves.


The first films in the biography of Rigg began to appear in the 1960s. In his youth, she did not refuse to appear once again on TV screens, as it was hoping in the future to receive the roles better. In 1969, he starred in the Ribe "Sleeping Night", and then 3 years played in the TV series "Avengers", which was involved in the world around the world. The appearance of the actress interested directors, and in 1969 she was called for the role of the Bond girl in the film "On the secret service of Her Majesty".

After this, after that, Rigg tried to launch a show called "Diana", but the project failed, and the woman plunged into film filming. For a couple of years, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with such works as "Agent named Dalila", "King Lear", Rebecca, the "last king" and "Doctor who".

From 2013 to 2017, Dian was filmed in the cult series "Game of Thrones", where Olenle Tirell, the insidious and power government of the genus Tirell appeared in the image. Her granddaughter Margery played Actress Natalie Dormer, many noted the similarity of the young Rigg with her relative on the film.

For many years, the Rygg teleexeds were not tired and to the latter agreed to the proposals of the directors. In the spring of 2019, the filming of the film "Last night in Soho" started, where Diane got one of the main roles. The psychological thriller Edgar Wright goes to the screens in the fall of 2020.

The actress was not registered in "Instagram" and other social networks, but she has a fan pages where faithful fans regularly publish photos and celebrity news.


On the morning of September 10, 2020, Dian Rigg died on the 83rd year of life. The cause of death is the oncological disease, which was discovered six months before her death. The actress left surrounded by close and relatives.


  • 1957 - "Caucasian Chalk Circle"
  • 1958 - "Lilts from the fourth floor"
  • 1971 - "Abelard and Eluiza"
  • 1975 - "Fedra and Britanik"
  • 1975 - "Misanthrop"
  • 1978 - "Night and Day"
  • 1994 - "Medea"
  • 1996 - "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf"
  • 1996 - "Momash Courage and her children"
  • 2018 - "My beautiful lady"


  • 1969 - "At the Secret Service of Her Majesty"
  • 1973 - "Bloody Theater"
  • 1977 - "Little Night Music"
  • 1983 - "King LIR"
  • 1992 - "Agent named Dalila"
  • 1997 - Rebecca
  • 2001 - "Victoria and Albet"
  • 2005 - "Heidi"
  • 2013 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2013-2017 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2017 - "I breathe for us"
  • 2020 - "Last night in Soho"

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