Brian James - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, Cause



In 1999, Hollywood lost a distinctive actor, known as Brian James, who, thanks to an extraordinary appearance and high growth (188 cm), was a villain in horrors and militants. Looking at more hundreds of films, the artist did not refuse multiserial projects and with pleasure worked on television, playing roles in various TV shows.

Childhood and youth

The American actor called Bryon's parents James was born on February 20, 1945 in California. Before settling in the city of Beaumt, lived with his father and mother in the town of Redstruct.

After moving, the family replenished by two more sons became the owner of the cinema, and this acquisition turned the actor's biography and played an important role in his life. During the years of study, in secondary school, the boy with the brothers Craig and Chester revised dozens of popular films, and as a result, "Creek in the night" and "bad blood" turned out to be a favorite thrillers.

The desire to become an actor forced Brian after graduation to enter the University of San Diego at the Faculty of Theater Arts. In the late 1960s with a graduate diploma and $ 100 in his pocket, a young man, full of ambitions, went to conquer New York.

In search of roles and agents, James had to work butler and prepare food in the house of acting teacher. It is thanks to the location of this woman who became famous under the name of Stella Adler, the young man got on the stage and became the statist of the chamber theater.

Personal life

For numerous filmmakers, James managed to hide the details of his personal life, but it was known that his wife Maxin became his wife in his youth. In 1996, probably, the charter from family relationships, the actor divorced the only spouse, who had a son under guardian.


In the early 1970s, practicing on the plays of American authors, Brian decided to move to Los Angeles and try to get to television and movies. Taking care of any secondary roles, he began to act in the art films "Street Fighter", "Treasure Maeteumba", "The Way to Slava" and "South Hospitality".

In 1975, an actor who added a solid weight of 82 kg to high growth, began to specialize in the images of the villains and Heroes of Horrora and in front of a sudden take-off of a creative career played in the television series Killing AT Hell's Gate.

In 1982, the main work of the decade for James was the role of Leon Kovalski, executed in the film "Running on the blade", the director of whom was Ridley Scott. In the center of the plot, based on the book "Does the Androids about the electricians dream of?", Leved the story about the detective, which Harrison Ford played.

After the premiere of this picture nominated for the prize of the British Film Academy, Brian received dozens of proposals and was busy in the series "Ballada of Gregorio Cortez", chose the paintings "My Enemy" and "Forty-eight o'clock". And then his filmography was replenished with fantastics "Cherry-2000", as well as cash militants "armed and dangerous" and "Red Scorpio".

On television, where in the late 1980s, the genre of a black comedy was popular, to rare breaks between projects in cinema, the actor participated in the TV series "Baika from the crypt", "Sledgeham" and Mattle.

In the 1990s, James tried to get rid of the established stereotype, but the directors still called him on the role of thugs like a terrorist of the Naszym in the adventure tape called "Cyberjek". The most valuable in this period of life, he considered the work with Lyuko Besson in the American Award "Oscar" a fantastic militant "Fifth Element".

At the same time, the mystical series "Millennium" was released on television screens, the author and screenwriter of which was producer Chris Carter. In it, in the atmosphere of secrecy inspired by the project "Secret Materials", Brian fulfilled his desire and made a positive character.


Throughout his life, Brian was a healthy person and, judging by the last photographs, followed the weight and visited the gym. Therefore, colleagues and friends of the actor were shocked by the news of his death, which occurred on August 7, 1999 after the release of the film "The Enemy of My Enemy".

The autopsy produced in the Malibu Hospital showed that the cause of death was a heart attack, and the lack of timely medical care made the inevitable such final. Sorrowful of loss, colleagues mounted unfinished paintings and in 2005 presented the final work "Point of Phoenix".


  • 1975 - "Street Fighter"
  • 1981 - "The postman always calls twice"
  • 1982 - "Blade Running"
  • 1982 - "Forty eight hours"
  • 1985 - My Enemy "
  • 1989 - 1996 - "Bikes from a crypt"
  • 1989 - Tango and Cash
  • 1990 - "Other forty eight hours"
  • 1992 - 1998 - "Highlander"
  • 1994 - "Murder on Radio"
  • 1995 - "Cyberjek"
  • 1996 - "Precious Nakhodka"
  • 1997 - "Fifth Element"
  • 1996 - 1999 - Millennium

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