Artem Terekhov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At the end of April 2019, in the studio of the program "In fact", the star of the television series "Cadet" Artyom Terekhov appeared, in a multi-sieu film actor played Suvorotz Kirill Sobolev, conquering many maiden hearts. Unfortunately, the reason for the show visits was not quite pleasant - some Lilia Eremeev said that after the fleeting novel, she became pregnant with him, tried to contact the former beloved, but in the end brought up the son, whose photos and videos were also presented on the air, alone.

Childhood and youth

In the late 1985, December 11, in Zelenograd, where the year earlier Denis Kosyakov was born, the Son Artem was born with Terekhov's spouses. Unfortunately, there are no detailed information about the family biography, except that the boy has been manifested with creative abilities from childhood, therefore, the father and mother did not have anything, how to send the child to the theater-studio "Contact" at the local Palace of Culture.

The boy was engaged in approval - no New Year's matinee and no idea did without him. At the same time, he was carried away by fencing and signed up in the historical reconstruction club. In 2003, at the end of the school, the graduate fell into the experimental workshop of Andrei Panin in Vgik, in parallel while studying at the Faculty of Arts at the Moscow State University.

Tracting for new knowledge was present in a young man always - in 2012 he received a diploma of the International Slavic Institute named after Gabriel Derzhavin. All these years, the guy gnawing the granite of science, being under the wing of the wise mentor Gennady Fedorova.

Personal life

Despite the loud statement by Eremeeva, in the personal life of Terekhov everything is calm and harmonious. In the transfer "in fact" a man, of course, did not deny the connection with Lily, but stressed that it was a long time ago, and now he has a favorite wife and son, he is positioning as a decent family man. The name of the artist is called Olga Belyaeva, and it is part of the unification of production professionals in film production.


The artist's filmography began in 2005, when two works were released on the screens at once with his participation - "Call me Jeann" Ilya Khotinenko and "Full ahead!" Andrei Panin and Tamara Vladimirtseva. After 2 years, the last director released the next joint creation of the "cosmonaut's grandson", where Artem also lit up. Before you get to the 2nd season of the "Cadet", he played the fan of Spartak in the "Adult Life of the Girl Polina Saturistic."

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After the series about Suvorovtsy, there was a break for 8 years in the shooting, and only in 2015 the actor was involved in Argentina, "Guardian" and "without a trace", and then in Major Sokolov and "Witnesses."

In 2017, Terekhov acted as the head and teacher of the professional studio "Atas" for children and adolescents, where he taught scenic speech and movement, rhythm, development of imagination and creative initiative, etc.

Artem Terekhov Now

At the Talk Show Artem Sergeevich did not refuse the passage of the DNA test, which confirmed that he was not the father of Maxim Eremeev. But the statement of the invited guest of Kirill Emelyanova was not less shocking:"When Artem told me about it, I decided to figure it out. And I learned a very interesting story. You have repeatedly extorted money from men. Already a few cases recorded - we have correspondents. "

Unfortunately, this is not the first situation of the emergence of extramarital children from the stars of the "Cadet" - the same thing happened with Alexander Golovna, who played Maxim Makarov, and Vitaly Abdulov, who renounced the mayor's assistant.

What Terekhov is doing now, it is unknown at least the last cinematic work by October 2019 dated 2017.


  • 2005 - "Call me Jeann"
  • 2005 - "Full ahead!"
  • 2007 - "Cosmonaut's grandson"
  • 2008 - "Adult Life Girl Polina Saturotina"
  • 2007 - "Cadet - 2, 3"
  • 2015 - Argentina
  • 2015 - "without a trace"
  • 2016 - "Guardian"
  • 2017 - "Major Sokolov. Game without rules "
  • 2017 - "Witnesses"

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