Peter Ustinov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



At the end of March 2019, 15 years old since the death of the titled actor Peter Ustinova, glorified by many roles, especially the virtuoso reincarnation in Erkulya Poiro. Critics on the right called him and Lawrence Olivier by the personification of the English cinema of the XX century. These two outstanding personalities were fortunate enough to even play together in one film - "Spartak" Stanley Kubrick.

Childhood and youth

The pedigree and family biography of Peter Alexander Freicher von Ustinova, who has emerged (according to some reports, weighing a little more than 5 kg) in the UK capital in the 16th April 1921 day, is truly impressive.

His cousin is an artist Alexander Benoit, a cousin - Architect Alberto Kavos (his son - conductor and balletmaster Katerino Kavos), Father - Reporter, diplomat and member of the intelligence British service of Ustinov, Mother - Artist Nadezhda Leontievna, Daughter Leonty Benoit, Academician Architecture And the last owner of Madonna Benua, whose brother-scenographer worked with Igor Stravinsky and Sergey Dyagilev.

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It is also known that the ancestor of the paternal line was listed by the main cook at the very beginning of Pavel. Nadezhda and Ion met in the 1920s in Petrograd, where a man came to the wrapping of mother and sister, they also have two weeks later and married. With the help of fake documents, the spouses moved to Amsterdam, and then to London.

Their personal life proceeded not quite smoothly - Peter Ros, surrounded by permanent parent scandals. He received education in Westminster School, where he studied side by side with the son of Joachim von Ribbentrop, took the lessons of acting skills from Michel Saint-Denis in the metropolitan theater studio.

Scenic debut Ustinova took place in the Players' Theater in 1938, then a career interrupted the Second World War. During the service, he made the first attempts to write scripts and plays and began to film.

Personal life

A tall and static man (height 182 cm) was truly adorable to the opposite sex. For the first time, Ustinov married even in his youth, in 1940, on the daughter of Reginald Denim and Moin McGill Isolde. The marriage existed exactly a decade, during this time the spouses had a daughter Tamara.Embed from getty images

For Valentine's Day In the 1954th, the actor picked up Canadian Suzann Klotier, who gave her husband to three children - Paul, Andrea and Igor. Despite this, the couple eventually broke up.

"Parents really loved each other, but they were too different people. They stayed together for so long only for us, children. I wanted them to divorce, because I could not see more, as they are unhappy, "admitted Paul in 2004.

On June 17, 1972, Helen Du Lau D'Alleans, with whom he lived until the end of his days.


During the war, there were several work on the screens with the participation of Ustinov: In 1942, he appeared in the role of a priest in the tape "One of our aircraft did not return," after 2 years I reincarnated to the owner of the cafe in "Just Forward" ("way forward") .

Upon completion of World War II, Peter again took up the pen - in 1951, success had his essay of Love of Four Colonels, and the premiere of the play on the most famous his play "Romanov and Juliet" took place in 1956 (the comedy-signed the same name appeared after 5 years old).

At the same time, the author did not forget about the cinema - for the disclosure of the image of Nero in "Kamo Fights?" He was nominated for Oscar, but in the end he received a cherished statuette for the participation of other projects - "Spartak" and "Topkapi". From the late 70s, paintings devoted to the investigations of the Belgian detective Erkulya Poirot, "Death on Nile," "Evil under the Sun", "Thirteen at Lunch", "Middle of the Dead Man", "Murder in three acts", "Date with death."


March 28, 2004, a few hours after Paul's departure, having spent 3 days with the Father, Peter died in the Swiss clinic in 82 years. The cause of death is heart failure.

According to the daughter, in the last hours he was in consciousness, despite the accepted morphine, and wanted to complete the unfinished affairs. On the gravestone plate of an outstanding artist of art, all his professions and years of life are indicated, and the photographs and the epitaph invented by him "do not go on the grass!" Not observed.

Despite the old age, the artist continued to be filmed - two films came out in 2003 with his participation.


  • 1942 - "One of our aircraft has not returned"
  • 1944 - "Just ahead" ("way forward")
  • 1951 - "Camo Sights?"
  • 1955 - "We are not angels"
  • 1960 - "Spartak"
  • 1964 - "Topkapi"
  • 1977 - "Jesus of Nazareth"
  • 1978 - "Death on Nile"
  • 1982 - "Evil under the Sun"
  • 1985 - "Thirteen at the table"
  • 1986 - "The Mystery of the Dead Man"
  • 1986 - "Murder in three acts"
  • 1988 - "Date with death"
  • 1999 - "Alice in Wonderland"
  • 2003 - Luther

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