Emilia Jones - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At first glance, Emily Jones can be easily confused with the Hollywood star of Emma Watson. But this is not the only thing that the girl is famous, because at such a young age she managed to glorify the whole world, starring in high-tech projects in the horror genre.

Childhood and youth

Emilia Jones was born on February 23, 2002 in London, England. The girl grew in the family of a musician and TV presense Alic Jones and his wife Claire. Artist has a younger brother named Lukas.

Personal life

The actress prefers not to disclose information about personal life, paying attention to achievements in creativity. For some time there were rumors that Emilia meets with a colleague by Connor Jesup, but they were not confirmed.

Theater and films

Jones began an acting career when she was 8 years old. The girl made his debut in the movie "One Day", where Jasmine played. Before the first filming, Emily supported the father who told her to do only what really wants. The actress believes that it is a warm relationship with his family as a result helped to achieve career heights.

Emilia Jones and Emma Watson

After the creative debut, the beginner artist filmography was replenished with such projects as "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: on strange shores" and "the abode of Anubis."

Parallel girl began to perform on theatrical scene. She embodied the young princess Fion in the Musical "Shrek", which was put in the London Royal Theater, and then received the role of flora in the play "Rotate the screw". Despite the fact that in the story a lot of frightening and mystical moments, Emilia was not afraid and truly enjoyed participation in the production.

Soon, Jones joined the Tliller "Utopia", in which he received the role of a repeating character. Her heroine is a young schoolgirl who hides in his room a manuscript of a novel who can change the world. The project existed 2 seasons and was marked by the International Emmy Award as the best drama.

Emilia's talent could not remain unnoticed, and soon she was invited to shoot a detective thriller "hell", in which Briton made a company such famous actors as Dakota Fenning, Guy Pierce and Keith Harington. The girl managed not to get lost against the background of recognized colleagues and shine in the image of the heroine, which passes a heavy path from a naive girl to an adult and cynical woman.

The next project, in which celebrities fell off, was the painting "Country of Ghosts". She played the heroine Crystal Reed in his youth. The shooting was given to the girl not easy, because she had to embody a teenage girl who hides from cruel reality in the world of his dreams, but Jones managed to get into the image and get enthusiastic feedback from the audience and critics.

Then Emilia received an invitation to the square of the comedy "terrible stories: rotten Romans," where appeared in the image of the Celtic girl named the Eagle. Her heroine finds a new comrade in the face of a Roman teenager, but soon discovers that they will have to fight against each other. The film was released on the screens in the summer of 2019 and was warmly accepted by the fans of the series.

That same year, the news appeared that Jones would take off in Horror "Klyuchi Lockers", created on the basis of the Comic Series of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. The actress played Kinsey Locke - a schoolgirl, whose life changed dramatically after the death of his father.

According to Emilia, she seemed to play two heroines at the same time, because because of the death of his native man, not only the way of life Kinsey, but she herself changed. Before the tragic event in the biography, the girl was bright and creative, always in the first roles, and after it began to stick in the shade and strive for imperceptibility. It was an interesting experience for the actress.

In an interview for Telam, Jones said that the keys from the series not only open the doors, but also can make a person tell the truth or forget about fears. Despite such a number of mysterious and mystical moments of the drama, the beloved stage of the actress remains the one where her heroine is going to school. She believes that such simple events make a project more realistic.

Emilia Jones now

In February 2020, a premiere showing of the 1st season of "Keys of Lockers" was held, shortly after that there were rumors about the upcoming continuation. Now Emilia continues to build a career in the cinema, caught a piggy bank of images.

The girl leads a page in "Instagram", where it is divided with fans of personal and sampling photos. Thanks to regular sports, it can boast a slim figure and looks great in a swimsuit (weight 51 kg with 160 cm height).


  • 2011 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores"
  • 2011 - "One day"
  • 2014 - "What we did on our holiday"
  • 2015 - "Youth"
  • 2015 - "High"
  • 2016 - "Underworld"
  • 2018 - "Country of Ghosts"
  • 2018 - Patrick
  • 2018 - "Two for joy"
  • 2019 - "Terrible stories: rotten Romans"
  • 2020 - "Locker keys"

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