The most dangerous dishes in the New Year holidays: ingredients, composition, mayonnaise, fat


In anticipation of the new 2020, the hostesses are drawn by the festive menu. However, dishes that have become traditional, alcohol and carbonated drinks can combine body harm. The editorial office of 24cmi has compiled a list of dishes for a festive table, which is better to replace or modify.

Salads "Mimosa" and "Olivier", refilled by mayonnaise

7 most dangerous dishes in New Year's holidays

These salads are called multicomponent and have a short shelf life: from 6 to 24 hours. Included ingredients, such as canned fish, mayonnaise, sausage, destructively affect the digestive tract. 100 grams of mayonnaise contain 600 kcal, it is more than in a chocolate tile. A large amount of salt and spices in canned fish is hard to affect the liver.

The original "Olivier" recipe suggests the presence of chicken meat, and mayonnaise replace their own cooking sauce or sour cream.

Jelly (Cold)

The classic chores recipe assumes a strong, brewed meat broth. The jelly cooked from oily pork contains "harmful" cholesterol. To increase the storage period, garlic, horseradish, spices are added to the dish, which is unknown affect the digestive tract.

However, the jelly will be cooked from meat beef or turkey will be useful for the shape and body.

White bread sandwiches

7 most dangerous dishes in New Year's holidays

Sandwiches with butter and caviar - hit festive table. Vegetable fats that are included in the oil is not fully cleaved by the digestive enzyme peptine, which leads to the formation of toxins, and starch and gluten in bread slow down the fats splitting. Therefore, limit the consumption of sandwiches and tartlets on New Year's Eve.

Marinated canned food

Home billets contain vinegar, salt, spices. Vinegar is annoying the intestinal mucosa and violates lipid exchange. As a result, a person exacerbates diseases associated with the activities of the stomach: heartburn, ulcer, gastritis, increased gas formation. A healthy person consuming marinated vegetables is even useful due to the low calorie content.

Grilled meat

7 most dangerous dishes in New Year's holidays

Roasted meat oil contains cholesterol causing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The combination of vegetable and animal fats negatively affects the work of the pancreas, liver, stomach.

Pork is replaced with beef, chicken or turkey, and instead of frying use heat treatment on the grill or in the oven. So the meat will turn out to be more gentle and less fat.


Unfortunately, mushrooms, ingredient of French dishes, harm the body. Dangerous mushrooms are slowing down the production of gastric juice, so all food will be hard to digest, which is undesirable on New Year's Eve, abundant dishes.

Meat and sausage

7 most dangerous dishes in New Year's holidays

Cutting from ham, salami, bologna, dried beef, boiled sausage, dried meat are present on a festive table. The harm of such products is the production technology and raw materials. The total meat content in it is 35%. The sausage includes production waste, nitrates, gelatin, soybean, starch, taste amplifiers, antioxidants.

Tasty - does not mean useful, so sausage prepared with its own hands will decorate the New Year's table and protects from harmful substances.

Thus, when drawing up a New Year's menu, pay attention to the ingredients, minimize the content of harmful products. Then the new year will not be wrapped with poisoning, diseases and ailments.

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