Group "Babkin grandchildren" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



"Babkina Grandchildren" began a creative way on the basis of a small academy located in Bryansk, and in the end they were able to conquer their music all the post-Soviet space and even foreign listeners. The secret of the success of the team in their sincere love for the culture of their people and mental execution since childhood familiar songs.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of a collective originates in 2010 in the Russian city of Bryansk. The creative ensemble was formed on the basis of the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy on the initiative of his leader and the artistic director Vladimir Lateplan.

New participants replenished the composition of the group gradually. At first, Balalalachik Alexander Ryabchinsky and guitarist Dmitry Melnichenko joined the soloist, then the violinist Ivan Markin and Tenor Mikhail Sichov came. On the recommendation of other participants took Alexander Borisov, who plays on Tamburine.

Among the latter, Dmitry Panaskin and Tenor Sergey Batayev appeared in the ranks of the ensemble. Valentin Filin became the youngest participant, which at the time of the formation of the team was 17 years old.

The name of the group also appeared not immediately, according to the leader, among the options were considered "sieve" and "lively", but everything was resolved when the participants went to the folk expedition. In one of the villages, they met her grandmother, who performed about 200 songs them and stated that he had conveyed creativity to her grandchildren. So "Babkin's grandchildren appeared."


The first concert participants were given in their native SelhoCounty, timed at the event by March 8. Because the novice artists had a little, Uncle Latenkov helped them with costumes. Creatively came to the speech - asked Mama Vladimir to fulfill the role of her grandmother around which her grandchildren would sing. From this idea in the future decided to refuse, but the music of the ensemble was accepted by listeners with delight.

Initially, the repertoire of the artists were predominantly folk and Cossack compositions in the folk genre. They set the goal to glorify the culture of the Slavic people, carry it into the masses. This affected not only on the work of musicians, but also on their lifestyle. In the free time, "Babkin grandchildren" ride through cities in search of new compositions, love to go fishing and bathe in a bath where rehearsals often conduct.

Already a few months later, from the moment of the beginning of the existence, the team won the main prize of the Red Gorka festival - 2010 festival. And their version of the track "Not for me" soon received rotation on the radio and broadcast in the air of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

After that, the team began to invite to concerts, they began to ride tours in the cities of the post-Soviet space. And in 2012, a significant event was held in the history of the team: "Babkin's grandchildren" was invited to support the Russian national team at the Olympic Games in London.

Residents of the British capital met the Bryan ensemble warmly. Their street performances were collected hundreds of enthusiastic listeners who replenished the ranks of the group fans. The artists had a chance to perform on the same stage with the Kuban Cossack Choir and the Petersburg team "Terem Quartet", which they left the handmade tambourine.

The grandchildren "grandchildren" were admired by the increased attention of foreigners to Russian culture. They had many new friends, the artists were invited to visit Serbia, Ireland and even to South Africa. A woman who moved to England from Russia offered musicians to speak with a solo concert in the London Hall and promised to take the organization of the event.

Therefore, the artists returned to their homeland with the warmest feelings. True, the local food fell to them not to taste, and it was necessary to prepare right in the hotel room.

After arriving in Russia, the musicians continued to create, expanding the repertoire. The listeners were remembered and their compositions "smoke", "Okryshko", "Rosa" and "Fog". Soon there was a debut album called "not for me".

In parallel, the musicians registered the Youtyub-Channel, where they began to lay out clips to the tracks. The video shot on the song "Translude me through the Maidan", won the main prize of the Artshok Festival in Smolensk. No less spectacular steel rollers to the compositions "When we were in the war", "Christmas" and "prayer".

In 2015, discography replenished the second album dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day. It became available for listening entitled "Immortal Regiment" and received the approval of devotees.

To write down the next disk, the participants decided to take advantage of the popular method of crowdfunding. They organized a public fundraiser in return on the manuscripts of texts, discs and copies of the new album.

"Babkin grandchildren" now

In February 2020, the artists appeared on the TV channel "Russia-1". They participated in the program "Well, all together!", Where they performed their own version of the song "Lyubo, brothers, any ..." and a fragment from "not for me." According to the results of the voting, the jury participants scored 69 votes out of 100 possible and received the approval of the "Buranian grandmothers". But Sergey Lazarev did not believe in the sincerity of the musicians and stated that the execution did not conquer him.

The team's fans reacted to criticism from the singer negatively and supported their idols. Now "Babkin grandchildren" continue to create, replenishing the repertoire with new compositions. They support contact with fans on the official website and the Instagram page, where news and photos publish.


  • 2014 - "Not for me"
  • 2015 - "Immortal Regiment"


  • "Translude me through the Maidan"
  • "Not for me"
  • "When we were in war"
  • "Way home"
  • "Kuzbass"
  • "Immortal Regiment"
  • "Prayer"
  • "Christmas"

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