Nikolai Supil - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Billionaire 2021



Nikolay Supil - a successful entrepreneur, a financier, a dollar billionaire, whose name appears on the first lanes of the financial press. He founded the Revolut company, in which he occupies the post of chief manager of the director. Having obtained a brilliant education in Russia, a man managed to realize ideas abroad.

Childhood and youth

About the children's and youth years in the biography of the billionaire knows little. The economist was born on July 21, 1984 in Dolgoprudny. Father Nikolai Mironovich Sadiovsky, Top Manager Gazprom, is now known as the General Director of Gazprom Promgaz JSC. Walking in the footsteps of the parent, the boy graduated from a physical and mathematical school, and in 2002 he became a student of the Faculty of General and Applied Physics of MFTI. From 2006, a guy is trained on the master's program in the Russian Economic School.

Personal life

About the personal life of the entrepreneur prefers not to speak with the media. It is known that a man is married, has two children. From social networks Nikolai prefers Facebook and LinkedLN. With his family he lives in London.


While still a student, Nikolai went to London as an intern of Bank Lehman Brothers. Here, the young man mastered the profession of the trader, demonstrated impressive results of work. In 2008, the company went bankrupt, and soon the banking team of traders was bought by the Japanese brokerage home Nomura. In the structure of this organization, the Russian economist worked within a month, and then left it. Supid invited to Credit Suisse, where the businessman worked for 5 years.

In 2014, the entrepreneur decided to create his own project, which was called Revolut. The business idea was born after a man analyzed the possibilities of traditional banks. As a result of the analysis, it became clear that these enterprises could no longer satisfy all customer needs, do not provide services corresponding to the rhythm in which modern person now lives. Startup Nicholas appeared before the audience as a cross-border, progressive alternative to familiar banking operations with obsolete service.

At the initial stages of the work, Revolut made it possible to convert currency without a banking commission. In addition, customers were offered a debit card, which allowed to remove funds and pay for goods and services without commission interest. Sadish became the first investor of his own project - invested in a business £ 300 thousand. Soon, a young man invited Vlad Yatsenko to the project. Earlier, Vlad worked as a developer in Deutsche Bank. In the new company, he took the place of the technical director.

The application began to work in full force since the summer of 2015. Startup activity was calculated on Britain. In an interview, Nikolay noted that foreigners who appear in British territory often cannot open an account in the bank: this requires documents (utility bills, certificates confirming the residence in this state), which visitors have no visitors. Debit card Revolut makes it possible to carry out similar operations without any problems.

Supid tried to launch the project and in the Russian market, but it failed. The reason for this was served by several factors. When replenished from Russian cards, the service is forced to pay 2% per transaction. In addition, residents of the Russian Federation turned out to be less solvent than the British, so in 2016 the creators of the startup declared their departure from Russia.

In Europe, Revolut quickly gained popularity. In the first six months, it was interested in 100 thousand customers. At that time, according to the founder, nothing was spent on advertising - the principle of "Sarafan Radio" worked. A year later, the company earned $ 4.9 million, and the British Balderton Capital Foundation and German Point Nine Capital were investors. Soon the number of services was also expanded, operations with KesbEK, support for cryptocurrency, insurance and other appeared.

Russian entrepreneurs turned out to be more careful in the estimates of the startup, rather than their Western colleagues. For example, in the Economic Forum "Finnopolis", held in 2018 in Sochi, Oleg Tinkov made a criticism of the Business Platform of Nicholas. Back in 2014, supporting investors' search for service, offered the Russian billionaire to invest in an idea.

At that time, the owner of Tinkoff Bank did not see the prospects in the draft presented. Later, businessmen managed to find a common language, and in "Instagram" Oleg laid out joint photos with the signature "Russian rules in Fintech". Nikolay himself, as the managing director of the "revolution", was mentioned that communication with Tinky gives a lot of experience.

Nikolai Sudshitsky now

In February 2020, at the age of 35, Party was among the dollar billionaires. At that time, Revolut, by attracting investments, gained an estimate of $ 6 billion. At the same time, the state of the service owner exceeded $ 1.6 billion. Now the "brainchild" Nikolai works in Europe, the entrepreneur also wants to launch a business in the USA, New Zealand and other corners The globe.

Interesting Facts

The economist in 2019 held the 199th place in the Forbes list, having $ 0.5 billion in a few months a man managed to increase the income of $ 1 billion.

Nicholas dual citizenship - Russian and British.

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