Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian - Love Story


Mikhail Boyarsky partners in the frame were the first beauties of the Soviet Union. He was loved by directors, they admired women of a huge country. But the heart of D'Artagnan belonged only Larisa Luppian. About the difficult happiness of the famous family - in the material 24cm.

It's time to be sparing in your age

From the first acquaintance, the sparks between the young Mikhail and Modest Larisa did not run. While studying in the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, she studied two courses later. For some reason, Mikhail shaved naked and did not impress the girl.

After graduating from the Boyarsky Institute, he got into the Lensovet Theater's troupe, where a talented student was already playing. Head Igor Vladimirov decided that young people were able to cope with the main roles.

In the play "Troubadur and his friends" Boyarsky and Luppian played lovers. Unexpectedly, Michael felt the charming defenselessness of his partner, and Larisa penetrated the sympathy to a beautifully outlined tip of the Boyars's nose. The relations of the heroes began to penetrate the feelings of young people. So the love story began.

In the troupe of Lensovet, official novels were welcomed. The couple hidden the relationship for five years. After four years, Larisa's courtius insisted on marriage. Mikhail agreed, not wanting to lose his beloved.

A quiet wedding took place in 1977. The passage workers painted young on the day of appeal, learning in the bride and the bride of the actors. And after a year, Boyarsky performed the main role in the film "D'Artagnan and three Musketeers".

Fate more than once whisper: "Mercy side"

It seems that the couple existed contrary to the strikes of fate. Mom Larisa did not accept the son-in-law and often insisted in a conversation with her daughter on a divorce. Mishina Mom jealous son to a charming spouse.

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The creative biography of the actor began to fill in bright roles. Mikhail overtook a nationwide love, and Larisa remained in the shade of her husband. In the actress theater did not give roles, the career went into the sand. In 1980, the Son Sergey's son appeared at the pair.

The conflict in the family aggravated when Mikhail had alcohol problems. The patience of his wife burst, and Luppian was submitted for divorce. Fortunately, the dissolution of marriage did not happen: Mikhail was hospitalized with pancreatitis. Wife changed anger to mercy.

In December 1985, the pair had a daughter of Elizabeth. And they again divorced. This time fictitious to solve the apartment question.

But what is a knight without love

Despite the unpleasant rumors, Larisa was enough wisdom to keep home the hearth. The new round in the life of the family was filled with warm feelings. Career Boyarsky and Luppian began to develop. He starred in the cinema, she played in the theater. In 2009, the pair again brought the relationship of marriage.

Creative people live under one roof in a historic building on washing. Conducting excursions to St. Petersburg, the guides often point to windows where Mikhail Sergeevich lives with his wife.

Children couple - daughter Elizabeth and Son Sergey - presented two granddaughters and two grandchildren. Disputes between grandfather and grandmother arise exclusively on the basis of disagreements on the care and education of the younger generation.

Larisa stated in one interview that "he had tried to a good Misha." Boyarsky himself speaks of his wife with tenderness and love, as it should be devoted to D'Artagnan. Couple does not endure sorny from the hut and lives quietly and happily.

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