James Gordon (Character) - Photo, Comics, Biography, DC Comics, Batman, Actor


Character History

James Gordon - a Character of Comics, created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. This is one of the first helpers and even Mentors Batman, who dedicated the lives to the fight against corruption and crazy criminals. Jim's role reflects an honest and fair policeman who was so lacked by the Criminal Code.

History of character creation

For the first time, the character made his debut in the monthly American journal DC Comics, together with Batman in 27 issuance in 1939. This series has become title in a comic environment, and subsequently served as a source for the name of Detective Comics.

James is an excellent detective that starts to serve in the corrupt town of Gotham after a successful operation in Chicago. There he becomes the partner Harvey Bullock under the beginning of Giliana Loaba.

One of the main qualities of the future commissioner is integrity. Because of this, the detective consists of difficult relationships with colleagues, especially when James has to lead the group on the capture of Batman. But the main characters of this and subsequent series are deciding to unite to clear the ranks of the policeman Gotham City. After they join the prosecutor Harvey Dent.

It is difficult to give Gordon relations and in the family. His first girl, and after the wife of Barbara Keen was in love with a man. But the passion for drugs and alcohol subsequently led to the fact that the couple broke up. Barbara even tried to kill a new girl detective - Leslie Thompson.

After the policeman received an increase and became a commissar, family life was herself, and Jim decided to enjoy the life of the capture of criminals and the liberation of Gotham from corruption. He is used to acting within the law, so he initially does not like the Mystery Defender of the city of Batman. Subsequently, these heroes can create an alliance, thanks to which criminal authorities cease to feel safe.

Brother James suddenly dies, and he has to adopt his daughter - Barbara Gordon, who later became a helper-hacker-hacker city defender.

Biography James Gordona

The incorruptible hero was the son of the prosecutor, corrupt and not strongly interested in the upbringing of the child. After the car accident, the boy remains orphan and decides to live differently. After the engagement with Barbara, he moved to Gotham to change the established foundations in the police office.

The first thing that trusts the new employee and his partner Harvey Bulloku is connected with the murder of Martha and Thomas Waynov. A couple had a son - Bruce Wayne, who Jim gave a promise to find a killer. In this investigation, the detective understands that it is absolutely all tied at the criminal authority Fish Muni, which first sends investigative activities on a false path, and after and at all is trying to kill the police.

Residentiality at Jim's justice subsequently influences the formation of Bruce Wayne - the future Dark Knight Gotama. Gordon has a strong character, but no less significant and moral principles, which it should be impossible.

Jim is sometimes difficult to understand and explain the motives of people. It seems to him that the world is divided into bad and good, so it places high demands for others. However, the character itself corresponds to the image of a just and honest person. He is a talented detective who does not have superpowers. It uses the deductive method of conclusion and has good physical training. And this is enough to fight against lawlessness.

The character's biography is a description of the history of a bold man who gave himself a progress to act according to the law, contrary to temptations and adversity. James Worthington, Master Shooting, strong and brave, strong and high (height 183 cm), suggests order in the city and cracks with criminal elements.

James Gordon in films

The character filmography includes several TV shows, full-length paintings and a huge number of cartoons. For the first time, Jim appears in the series "Batman" in 1966. Here the role of an honest policeman performed Neil Hamilton. The scripts were added to the plot of a red phone, with which the main character communicates with Bruce and Robin.

The history of the character was reflected in the American television series "Gotham" 2014. Young fighter for justice played actor Ben Mackenzie. The courage and the mind of the hero allow you to cope with the gangsters of the clans and the rampant of maniacs and robbers.

Actor Pat Hingle made a career on Jim's character. The first film "Batman" came out in 1989, in which the Commissioner first opposed the methods of a mysterious defender in a mask, and after publicly recognizes its utility. Communicative police officer with Wayne with the help of a BET signal, which appeared in comics. The second picture of 1992 - "Batman is returned." Friendship between the main characters is questioned, because the urban Savior is accused of murder. Two more films were published with Pat Hingle - "Batman Forever" (1995) and "Batman and Robin" (1997).

The trilogy of Christopher Nolana has become the starting point for the revival of the character's popularity of the character. James performed by Gary Oldman appears in the picture "Batman: the beginning" in 2005. In this series, show the acquaintance of a policeman with young Bruce Wayne. And after his mature and transformation in the secret defender, Gordon turns out to be the only man in the police that causes confidence.

In 2008, the "dark knight" comes to the screens. In the sequel appears the villain Joker. Hit Ledger played the main villain's main villain, giving a lot of quotes a lot of quotes. At the end of the film, James is forced to declare Batman out of law to fascinate the district prosecutor Harvey Dent. The main character gets the nickname "Dark Knight". In the final part of the trilogy - "Return of Legend" - Gordon asks for a friend to return to the city and reveal the truth about Harvey Dent.


Whatever dark and terrible seem for you now the world will come light. Do you come on your hatred to make another person from you.


  • 1966 - "Batman"
  • 1989 - "Batman"
  • 1992 - "Batman returns"
  • 1995 - "Batman Forever"
  • 1997 - "Batman and Robin"
  • 2005 - "Batman: the beginning"
  • 2008 - "Dark Knight"
  • 2012 - "Dark Knight: Legend Return"
  • 2014 - "Gotham"

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