Where to go and what to see in St. Petersburg from January 6 to 12: with the child, on weekends, tourist, exhibitions


On the deck of New Year's holidays, I want to change the fed one home comfort and, breaking away from festive snacks, get out of walk, be it departure to the forest, let this year and not much winter, or cultito on museums, theaters and exhibitions. The inhabitants of the Northern Capital and tourists at the last week of the weekend will have to think about where to go in St. Petersburg from January 6 to 12, 2020, there will be found in the city on the Neva, to which it is not so easy to look at this January.

The editorial office 24cmi will try to help the Petersburgers and guests of the city - about where it is worth going to the remaining time, this article will tell.

Dutch bazaars

In the last days of Christmas weekends, you can still have time to go to New Year's Eve and has become the traditional New Year Bazaar, open until January 8. Here it is possible not only to purchase all sorts of toys, unique decorations, confectionery, diverse sweets with delicacies and dishes, but also enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the outgoing holiday. For those who came with the child work "Workshops Santa Claus", where young visitors under the leadership of masters will learn to make Christmas decorations of the peoples of the world.

Free admission.

Pesi Loft.

On January 7-8, 2020, the festival of Corge will be held in the Loft Stage Design. Tourists and St. Petersburg residents who visited the event will be able not only to communicate with charming fluffy "shorthamps" live, but also see the exhibition of photographs dedicated to the cheerful and cheerful breed, and a selection of funny videos. At the same time they will be made at lectures on the peculiarities of the corgi, the character, preferences in nutrition and the history of the appearance of these dogs.

The price of a ticket - 150 rubles.

"The candles are burning"

The visit to the Tsarskoyele Museum-Reserve to be interested in the history of the native country, which opened the exhibition "With the light of wax candles", dedicated to the work of the painter Mikhail Kirsanov. Visitors to the exposition, located in the Rate Chamber of the Museum "Russia in the Great War", will see work, fully reflecting the noticeable features of restless years of the First World War. In the series of paintings represented by the curious eye of the paintings, many of which are extracted from the shop for the first time, it is not difficult to catch the indestructible atmosphere of bitterness and the proximity of an inevitable death against the background of the harsh birthdays and unparalleled courage of soldiers and officers.

Ticket price - 250 rubles.

Fountains on Fontanka

Those who prefer to spend time remaining and studying time with the child, it is worth looking into a large state Circus, where the unique festive show "Magic fountains - 13 months" continues to the second week of the coming year. Immerse yourself in an indescribable fabulous atmosphere and survive along with the main characters of presenting incredible adventures for trigger music, as well as to meet Santa Claus with granddaughter adults and children who came in these winter days in the circus on the fountain.

The cost of visiting is from 600 rubles.

Christmas in Kunstkamera

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This winter in the circular hall Kunstkamera passes the exhibition "Soon the star will light in the sky. Christmas in Germany, "where the attention of visitors are presented all sorts of Christmas decorations from rare German collections of the past and present, as well as diverse gifts, christmas verteps and utensils. A separate section of the exposure is assigned to such a curious attribute of foreign Christmas, like Nutcrackers.

The cost of visiting is 300 rubles.

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