Real history of Richard Jowell: film, biography, death


On January 9, 2020, the Drama "Case Richard Jowel" director Krinta Istuda was published in Russia. And let the paintings indicate that the authors relied on the facts and documents, not every viewer remembers that the fate of the real man is hidden on the screen, who almost went to the bars, because journalists wanted to increase sales of their publications.

About the biography of Richard Jowella, who saved hundreds of people in July 1996, will tell Article 24cm.


December 17, 1962 - the birthday of Richard Juell. The future of the film appeared in the town of Danville in the south-east of Georgia. Richard's native father left the family when the child was only 4 years old. The mother of the boy, Barbara (Bobobi), soon married John Juell, whose name was and received Richard after adoption.

Richard Jewell

When the boy was 6 years old, the family moved to the Atlanta, where the child went to school, after the end of which went to the technical college. Three days after the departure of a new student, the mother found a note from the spouse - the latter called himself a loser and stated that Boby and Richard decent. Leaving a self-religious message, John Jowell disappeared, forcing the ex-wife for a long time to wave representatives of the male half of humanity. The experienced betrayal settled in the soul of a woman's distrust, which she tolerated on the passions of the Son. However, it did not reach extremes.

Unclear weekdays

Upon learning of what happened, Richard returned to Atlanta to support his mother. He settled in the car repair workshop. Subsequently, he happened to change more than one place of work - Richard Juell worked by the shop manager, an employee of the Jurfirma, a prison supervision, the assistant Sheriff (Jewell's police officer released among the best), a security guard.

For moments to "Bad-boom"

Frequentlyaring in the state, at 33 years old, a man arrived again in Atlanta, where he set up a guard at the Pavilion of the Olympic Pavilion Pavilion of the AT & T telecommunications company.

Photo of Richard Jowella

On July 26, 1996, during his shift, Richard Juell noticed a suspicious bag and told the leadership on the need for evacuation. People managed to withdraw, but no victims did not cost - 100 people were injected with fragments, and 1 died due to a stroke.

Inside out

3 days of the press came the guard, the presentation of Richard Juell as a hero. But then the staff of the newspaper The Atlanta Journal-constitution it seemed that with the sensation of the sale of the publication jogging. And an article appeared on the world, in which the assumption was suggested that the continuous loser was involved in popular recognition and laid a bomb himself in order to sweep his own pride at the expense of hype.

Article Newspapers The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Holded the nose in the wind of the media felt that there was a profit in the air. During a couple of days, news channels and printed editions hit Richard, accusing the latter in terrorist activities.

Under close attention

Renting the media, on the guard, who saved hundreds of people from death, turned out the gaze of law enforcement agencies and the FBI. Although Richard Juell has not been presented with official accusations, it did not save his house from numerous searches. Intervention in privacy greatly impressed Barbaru Jowell: When in October, the woman came to pick up the things seized during the investigation, she did not answer the handhaft for the extended FBI agent as a reconciliation of his hand.

Still nothing finished

After removing the accusations, Richard Jaell did not want to put up with that mud, which "yellow" editions poured on him. A man with the support of the Watson Brian's lawyer, his defender on the process against the American Justice System, filed a lawsuit on the former prosecutors, wanting to destroy the image of a loser, which was represented by the media public for 88 days.

Richard Jaell on the process

According to the results of litigation, the NBC television channel paid Richardu Juell $ 0.5 million of the amounts received from other hoops before slanderous sensations were not disclosed. Only The Atlanta Journal-constitution, with which the massive hysterium began, did not recognize the guilt. However, in vain - in 2003, the true culprit of the incident was caught, Eric Rudolf, who admitted that he had committed a terrorist attack on political reasons.

At the post

Despite serious financial bonuses, Richard Juell continued to work - now as a deputy sheriff in the district of Merivaer. A year before the death of the former guard officially thanked for the salvation of people, Georgia State Guidelines. In 2007, the man died due to renal failure and diabetes - his mother believes that a considerable role in such early death was played by serious stress, experienced by the Son during persecution.

The film "Case Richard Juell" - Trailer:

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