Cristobal Balenciaga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Fashion Desig



Cristobal Balenciaga since childhood was interested in fashion and dreamed of creating his own clothes. The ideas of the Master conquered the whole world and gave the beginning of the Balenciaga brand.

Childhood and youth

Cristobal Balenciaga was born on January 21, 1895 in the small Spanish town of Getari. The boy has grown together with two brothers and sister. His father earned fish fishing, and mother sewed clothes to order. It was she who had an influence on the disclosure of the talent of the future couturier. After the death of the head of the Family, Cristobal helped the mother to serve customers, learned how to handle the pattern and scissors and could consider luxurious outfits for hours, the dream of creating something as amazing one day.

The creative giftedness of Balenciagi considered the Marquis de Casa-Torres, which spent the summer months in Getaria and was the client of the mother of the future fashion designer. She gave the young man her dress and cut the fabric, asking to reproduce the outfit. Cristobal brilliantly coped with the task, after which the woman became his patron and inspirer for many years.

Shortly after the meeting, Marquis paid balnexia learning from a professional tailor in San Sebastian. Then the young man went to Bordeaux to improve French and adopt the skill of outstanding couturiers. Returning to his homeland, he worked in the branch of the Paris Boutique Les Grands Magasins du Louvre. During this period, Cristobal began to think about creating his own brand.

Personal life

Being a gay, a man did not want to devote outsiders in details of his personal life. Kuturier did not marry and did not start the children, his main love is Vladvio Yavorovsky d'Athenville, whose premature concent so saddled the Cristobal that he wanted to stop the work back in the late 40s.


Thanks to the support of his patroness, in 1919, the fashion designer opened the first boutique in San Sebastian, which was called C. Balenciaga. Since the city of the Royal Family was located in the city, its members became frequent clients of the young couturier, and after them the aristocracy reached.

Balenciaga united with the sisters by Benita and Daniela Lisaso, which invested the funds in the development of his business, but after the conflict between them, cooperation stopped. The authority of the royal family began to fall, because of which the desire of the fashion designer decreased. The second trendy house, open in San Sebastian, quickly went bankrupt, and the guy could no longer use his name as a name. The following stores that appear in Madrid and Barcelona received the name of EISA from the Mother of the Mother of Celebrity.

When the Civil War began, Cristobal was forced to close boutiques and move to Paris. He opened the house Balenciaga and in 1937 released a collection of clothing, which was excited by critics with delight. The Daily Express newspaper wrote about him as a Spanish fashion designer who provoked a revolution in fashion.

Shortly after the completion of the war, a man returned to Spain. On the advice of Marquise de Casa Torres, he changed the location of the boutique in Madrid and appointed sister to the position of managing. His nephew led the branch in Barcelona. In addition to the Spanish aristocracy, celebrities appeared among customers Couturier. His clothes continued to be in demand even after creating a Dior.

It was Christian Dior inspired by Cristobal to return to creativity during the crisis of ideas and release the first sample of Le DIX spirits. Soon there was a line of perfumery Eau de Balenciaga, but still the main activity of the fashion designer was to create clothes. His style was becoming more mild and sophisticated, which attracted fashion connoisseurs. The outfits rapidly grew in price, and the ideas of celebrities received enthusiastic reviews of wealthy customers.

After in 1968, changes in the change of public ideals and views began in French society, Balenxiaga declared the completion of the career. He closed all boutiques that were inactive for almost 20 years, and only in 1986, after the death of the creator, began a new stage in the history of the Balenciaga brand. In the Internet era, he had an official website where you can find information about new arrivals.


The last years of life men were held in their homeland in Spain. His biography broke off on March 23, 1972, the cause of death was a heart attack. For his career, Cristobal managed to open a lot of talents, among whom were Oscar de La Rent and Yuber de Zhivani, who continued the case of the Master. In memory of the great fashion desire, black and white photos, clothing and fashionable trends, which remain relevant in the modern world.

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