Barney Stinson (Character) - Photo, "How I Met Your Mother", Actor, Neal Patrick Harris, Series


Character History

Barney Stinson is a character of the American comedy series "How I Met Your Mother." Neil Patrick Harris, who played this role, put forward twice for the AMMI. And the perverted frame from the series with him became a mement called "Trot Stori", which is often used at the end of the text to extract readers in the veracity of the message.

History of character creation

With a hero, the viewer meets when the pilot series of television series in the Sitkom genre in 2005 comes out. The idea of ​​the film is in the story of the main character - Ted Mosby - children about the times of youth, friends and adventures that have fallen out at that insane period.

For a friend's role, Ted, Barney Stinson, first invited Jim Parsons. Fans of the "Theory of the Big Explosion" remember this actor on Sheldon Kupeur. But, ultimately, it was decided that the Lovelass and the Cheerful "Crazy" will play Neil Patrick Harris.

According to Stinson's plot, a lot of hobbies, prestigious work and a very rich personal life. The hero himself admits that she achieved such "success" exclusively thanks to a clear consequence of his own credo. The unchanged element in the wardrobe of the businessman is a classic suit. Barney is a supporter of a neat appearance, so his favorite phrase -

Make it.

Some consider a strictly dressed gentleman by the representative of the subculture of Yappets. This is a generation of young people who believe that a suit is "showcase" of a person. If you do not go into details, Stinson looks outwardly on them, but it is only at first glance. Other "dogmas", like "not smoking" and "not to drink", the hero is not respected. As a result, it turns out that Barnabus, on the contrary, is an enemy of Yappen.

This is an ambiguous character of history, which for 9 seasons is trying to "drag to his side" of dusty friends. And in the last episodes commits an unthinkable - violates his own commandment.

Biography and Barney Stinson

Barnabus was born in New York and brought up in an incomplete family, not knowing his native father. His mother, Loretta Stinson, led a free lifestyle, actually imparting a fingerprint on the formation of a businessman's personality. In addition to him, Loretta has a son James, born from St. Sam Gibbs.

About the father in the biography of the character for a long time nothing was known. True Lovelace believed that his dad was TV presenter Bob Barker. In the season 6, it opens the truth that the biological parent - the one whom the boy considered Uncle Jerry. "Acquaintance" with dad in this episode did not bring positive emotions. The man decided that he would not want to continue communicating with a man who had a new family after a ragged youth and started a new family.

Relationship with brother African American is warm. Despite the racial differences, they are similar and often spend their free time together. James - Gay, and when to quarrel with his guy, Barney sincerely supports him. Stinson's friends behave as an artist, often tells the fictional stories, giving them for real, loves to start stupid controversy and becomes a soul of the company.

In his youth, Barney dreamed of playing the violin, and was also hippie. In 1998, the guy gets to work in a coffee shop and meets the girl Shannon, planning even marry her. But Pasia throws a guy that he would impede the hero in depression. James senses his mother's friend Ronda, a 45-year-old woman, sleep with his brother, in order to raise the self-esteem of a humiliated man. She agrees, and at the end of the "date" declares that Barney is the best lover in her life.

These words are firmly included in the subconscious of the future Lovelace, forever changing his attitude to the world. He acquires the first classic suit, is arranged for a good position in Altrucell Corporation and no longer admits thoughts about marriage.

In 2001, there is a meeting with Ted Mosby. Barney takes him "under the custody", pulling into various adventures and learning the art of "glue" girls. The main Credo Hero is to comply with the "Code of Brother". It often cites the quotes from his own-made "Bible" and requires compliance with his friends.

In 2006, the girl - TV presenter Robin Shcherbatski comes to the Brotanov team. Romantic relationships are tied between her and Ted. In 2008, Stinson violates his own Code of Rules, repaid with Robin. Despite the fact that they have been parted with Ted for a long time, this incident has become a reason for a quarrel of the best friends.

The reconciliation of heroes happened only after the main lifting of the series knocks off the bus. Mosby forgives a friend, and also gives a blessing to continue relations with Shcherbatsky. True, the painted Stinson does not have a pleasure from this.

Since 2011, Barney changes girlfriends, although he is experiencing sincere feelings for the TV host. And only in December 2012, the true help decides to turn herself. He marries Robin and even tries to change his attitude to the polygamy. The marriage existed for 5 years, and the reaches of the hero became the reason for the divorce. The man again plunges into dislocient ties, as a result he is born the daughter of Ellie.

The popularity of the character has significantly improved the rating of the series. The success of the role allowed Stinson to become a "writer." So, in 2008, on behalf of the hero, the book "Codex Bratan" was published, in the 2010 Pocket Code of Brother, in 2011 - The PlayBook. In these editions, Barney quotes were collected, his advice and the rules that he followed all his life.


It's so romantic! I want to fill the pillow by the brunt batteries and beat you with her. She is trusting, but I'm bored. We are perfectly approaching! I am now on the stage of life, when costumes are my family! I find it difficult to have friends, because I am so awesome!


  • 2005-2014 - "How I Met Your Mother"

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