Dmitry Tuzov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dom-2 2021



Dmitry Tuzova's personality is shrouded in a halo of the mystery, and he is in no hurry to share the facts from the biography. Despite such secrecy, he managed to find a lot of fans among the audience Realistic Show "Dom-2".

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Dmitrievich Torzovich is carefully hidden, only calls the zodiac sign - scales. According to information from open sources, he was born in 1988 and conducted the early years of his life in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The childhood of the boy was heavy: being a teenager, he remained orply and was forced to take care of himself. Dima sought to grow a real man, he was engaged in sports and adhered to a healthy lifestyle. Soon he began his own business recovery.

Personal life

There is reluctant about the personal life of the ace, since it was in difficult relations to come to the show "Dom-2" and became a victim of betrayal. Favorite girl changed the guy with another. Dima did not bear offense and made a physical disassembly over the lover of chosen, but she did not touch her, because women do not be hurt. According to unconfirmed data, he has a daughter outside the project.

"House 2"

Dmitry arrival at the TV show "Dom-2" took place on February 3, 2020. Initially, it was not planned to become a member of the telestroy, but he wanted to try the forces on the casting and eventually passed. The guy did not refuse such a chance and soon appeared in front of the audience of the project.

The appearance of Dima on the frontal spot was bright: the participant said that there was not enough real men in the transfer, but he was ready to fix it. A man decided to try his happiness with Anna Levchenko, who attracted him with his appearance. Before building love, the aces wanted to make sure that the girl was sincere and not guided in relations to selfish motives. However, Ani's heart has already been occupied by Valery Bloomusman, and she could not answer the newcomer reciprocity.

Dmitry Tuzov and Anna Levchenko

The fans of the scandalous telestroy were perceived by the appearance on the Dmitry project with delight. The participant received a lot of positive feedback and recognition in sympathy from TV viewers. But they were also those who criticized the guy - his Maneru speech, behavior and style of clothing. Some hurt the words of Tuza, and he sharply responded with offenders in the live "Instagram".

When Dima realized that it would not be possible to create a couple with anne, decided to switch to other participants. His attention was attracted by Tatiana Strokov, who only broke up with Daniel Sakhnov. And then the audience noticed the interest of a man to Alain Savkin (Rapunzel), but it did not like her mother, who would not want for her daughter of such a husband.

Tuzov assured that the relationship between him and Alena is extremely friendly. He promised to defend a participant and even threatened her to the Uhager in the face of Denis Mokrousov, so that he did not offend Savkin. Such a behavior of Dmitry caused approval from fans and a grateful smile at the very Alena.

Then he had a conflict with Ksenia jumped. The participant intervened in his conversation with Igor Grigoriev, who did not leave attempts to start a relationship with Catherine Scalon. Ksyusha did not like the words of Dima that young people would not succeed, and she began a verbal overhang.

Dmitry Tuzov and Tatyana Strokova

Later, Dmitry accused Ksenia in the fact that because of the novel with the TV presenter Vlad Kadoni, she took a sacrificment and now puts himself higher than other participants. She did not agree with this, but apologized to the ace, and they were able to establish friendships.

Soon the new member of Julia Ryazantseva came to Dom-2. The girl stated that they were familiar with Dima to the project, and now she wants to build love with him. The man immediately received a mass of negative from the audience, who decided that he led his beloved on the show. The situation aggravated when the couple settled in a separate room.

However, the aces denied the speculation and assured fans that they did not meet with Yulya. He admitted that he regretted the hasty decision about coaching, as the girl could not register the fire in his heart.

Dmitry Tuzov now

Now a reality participant supports communication with fans on the Instagram page, where the news reports and publishes the photo. In direct ether, he remains a few, but gladly shares his beloved music and exchanges "brings."

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